Why Ben Shapiro And Steven Crowder Are So Mad At Me Right Now

Why Shapiro And Steven Are Mad At Me Now

I’ve been in talk radio a long time. I remember when Ben and Steven first came on the scene. I told my audience to watch out for these guys and promoted work on my shows. I respect them both.

It’s never a good position to be in when people you respect get mad at you.

I suppose I owe you all an explanation.

Why are Ben Shapiro and Steven so mad at me right now? What’s all this fuss ?

Well …

This …

I have a better shirt than they have.

That is saying a lot for because he makes some great shirts. Ben … well … Ben dresses like his wife dresses him and she cares about how he looks. His shirts are terrible.

In a better world, I wouldn’t have to have a disclaimer on a shirt but even with it, I’ve been targeted by Facebook for my #KPL shirt.

Not surprising. I’ve been the victim of censorship for over 14 . Long before most conservatives even believed it was happening.

Imagine being this butthurt that someone is advocating for the legal death penalty for rapists. What a world we live in now.

Lucky for Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, and you … you can get this great shirt and help a veteran-run t-shirt shop in Indiana grow its business while letting your leftist neighbors know exactly where you stand on pedophiles.

The KPL shirt is the PERFECT accessory for your next meeting. Get yours today!

KPL Shirt


These shirts are usually made to order. As such, Priority Shipping isn’t recommended. If you select Priority Shipping, it will ship from the printer Priority but will not be made faster. My supplier tends to do them in batches.

No, Joe Biden Didn’t Support Gay Marriage In High School

No, Didn’t High School

Former Vice President sat down with an interview for The Daily Show with Kal . During that interview, he claimed he saw two openly kiss each other when he was high school as his dad dropped him off somewhere. I’m not going to challenge the notion of two openly gay guys kissing each other in public in the 1950s because it isn’t really relevant.

Penn asked Biden about his evolution on marriage equality (which used to mean something completely different).

“I can remember exactly when my epiphany was.

“I hadn’t thought much about it, to tell the truth. And I was senior in high school. And my dad was dropping me off and I was about to get of the car and I looked to my right and two well-dressed men in suits kissed each other. I mean, they gave each other a kiss. And then one went, looked like he was headed to the Dupont building, one looked like he was going to the Hercules Corporation building.”

-Joe Biden 2023 – The Daily Show

Biden then offers up his dad’s take on the kiss:

“And I’ll never forget, I turned and looked at my dad, he said, Joe, it is simple. They love each other. It is simple. I’m not joking. It is simple. They love each other. And it has never been — it has never been — it is just that simple. It doesn’t matter whether it is same-sex or heterosexual . You should be able to be married.”

This isn’t the first time Biden has this story. It has always been received with skepticism in years past.

Joe Biden Townhall Story About Men Kissing Is Made Up – 2020

Biden openly opposed gay marriage his entire Senate career. He even quipped that gay people working in government were a security risk.

‘s him opposing it in 2006 on Meet The Press.

Joe Biden opposed gay marriage in 2006.

The first time we have Biden coming out and even tacitly supporting gay marriage was on Meet The Press in 2012. David Gregory even opened up the line of questioning by saying:

“He’s (Obama) opposed to it. You’re opposed to it. Have your views evolved?”

Joe Biden on Meet The Press, May 2012

The idea that Biden supported gay marriage his whole life and political career is a lie. If he had those views, he lied about them and betrayed gay people his entire Senate career. It’s far more likely that Biden is doing what Biden always does … lies for political pandering and expediency.

If Kal Penn had any integrity, he’d call him out on his lie. He didn’t.

Fake Hate: ‘White Power’ Graffiti In Idaho Is Another Hate Hoax

Fake Hate: ‘ Power’ Is Hate Hoax

Detectives no longer believe the incident to be motivated by hate but rather an act of intimidation between two rival criminal street .

Caldwell Police Department

officials believe that Hispanic gang spray-painted the phrase “ Power” on a high a scheme.

After Employee Meltdown, Moves ‘s Of Kid’s Books

Johnny The Walrus is about a boy who likes to pretend to be what he isn’t. One day, he’s forced to choose.

Here’s the legendary freakout:


See what I mean by ‘legendary freakout?’ The idea Matt’s book promotes killing transgender kids is insane.

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Matt Walsh went on Tucker Carlson to discuss the meltdown by Amazon employees.

Today, Amazon moved Johnny The Walrus out of the kid’s section and into politics.




Reporter Was Harassed By Fired For Covering Protests Accurately

Jonathan Choe, was reporter for News Seattle, .

He wrote an article on Medium that he was fired for how he covered a Proud Boys rally. The Proud Boys are a group that has been falsely labeled as a white supremacist hate group by alt-left extremist organizations in spite of The Proud Boys clearly rejecting racism in their charter and allowing all races to join their ranks while by a man is not white.

I interviewed a Black Proud Boys member a while back after the group was falsely blamed for violence in Kalamazoo, MI (in my listening ) by local authorities and politicians. Those same authorities were forced to admit The Proud Boys were the victims in Kalamazoo.

Yahoo News:

Choe was covering the rally in the Washington state capital of Olympia earlier this month. He tweeted a photo montage of the Proud Boys rally, including some controversial music in the clip. That drew outrage from the Twitterati, who allegedly accused him of being a “white supremacist.”

Choe is Asian. Then again, left-wing cultists now say Asians are White people.

Choe responded to the false allegation regarding the ‘controversial music:’

In a Tweet recapping the , I decided to create a photo montage with natural sound from the march(in TV news this is ‘s called a “NAT Pkg”). One of my videos picked up music blasting from a speaker strapped over the shoulder of one of the protesters. I could not make out the words and had never heard this song in my life. You could also hear car horns and the footsteps of marchers as I weaved in and out of the crowd. I laid some photos over this natural sound from the video and hit send.

I later learned the song is called “We’ll Have Our Home Again,” and is sometimes played at white nationalist rallies. This piece was never meant to air on KOMO News and it never did. I wanted it to be a conversation starter, and it sure did incite an unexpected response. In hindsight, I wish I added more context to this Tweet. But before I could clarify or respond to the criticism, my news director told me to take down all my social media related to the Proud Boys march. I was also told by my boss not to speak to any outside media. The following day, I was fired from KOMO.

I’d never heard the song before either. The version used during the rally appears to be Pine Tree Riots – We’ll Have Our Home Again.

The Pine Tree Riot was an act of resistance to British royal authority undertaken by American colonists in Weare, New Hampshire on April 14, 1772 – Wikipedia

Everything that has its roots in patriotism is labeled as ‘white nationalist’ by the alt-left blue anon conspiracy theorists.

There’s nothing in the lyrics to suggest the song is racist in any way without severe mental gymnastics. Whether or not it’s played at ‘white nationalist’ rallies is irrelevant. I’m still waiting for someone to define what a ‘white nationalist’ actually is. They keep freezing up when I ask that question.

Allowing any group to coopt anything to become their own is a sign of societal weakness. Just because a small group uses a symbol that is commonplace, doesn’t mean that symbol now exclusively represents that small group. To say otherwise is silly.

Choe was fired by KOMO because he didn’t lie about The Proud Boys and their rally. It was peaceful and he reported it as such. For that, he was fired.

You’ve heard me mention Jonathon Choe on my show before. He was harassed by antifa for covering the homeless crisis in Seattle.

Andy Ngo, another Asian journalist harassed and attacked by antifa, posted a montage of the vile attacks on Jonathan Choe by antifa:

The word has gone out … if you are an honest journalist and tell the truth without falling in line, you will be removed.