Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, May 29

Daily : , 29


Attorney Destroys Prosecution in Trump “Hush Money” Case on CNN

What in the absolute banana republic is happening in this court??

Trump denounces โ€˜kangaroo court’ as New York trial goes to the jury

REPORT: 8 Jurors โ€˜Definitely Hate Trump,’ & Hopes Hang on Just One.

Trump Slams Robert De Niro over Courthouse Tirade: โ€˜Looked So Pathetic and Sad’

1 found dead in Chase Bank that blew up on video. Here are the updates.

CHARGES AGAINST SCOTTIE DROPPED: Check out the newest footage of his arrest and see if you can guess why the cops want this to go away

Funding approved to replace Lawton Park bridge

Ohio lawmakers holding special session to ensure Biden’s on ballot

DNC Planning to Virtually Nominate Joe Biden Before Convention

Hour 2

sends 2 to .

Bragg’s Team โ€” With Judge’s Blessing โ€” Argues Unproven Claim Trump Violated Federal Law In Lengthy Closing Argument


Study says “trans men” are going postmenopausal in their 20s: “95 per cent developed pelvic floor dysfunction”

Episcopal Church removes Saint George’s Cross, adds “Pride” colors on shield logo

Cracker Barrel is tanking under the new girlboss CEO but one lad thinks he knows how to turn it around

Planned Parenthood asks judge to expand exception to IN abortion ban

Hour 3

Moratorium on future solar projects will be drafted in LaPorte County

โ€œIlhan Omar misunderstanding Memorial Day is incredibly on brandโ€

7 stories you shouldn’t have missed over the weekend but probably did

U.S. Halts Gaza Aid Deliveries After Biden’s $320M โ€˜Floating Pier’ Begins Sinking

Nolte: Bidenflation Turned Fast Food into โ€˜Luxury’ for 78% of Americans

Breaking: PHM Eliminates DEI Officer Position

Breaking: Eliminates Officer Position

-Harris-Madison has eliminated its controversial and ineffective DEI officer position.

It has been confirmed PHM ‘s first ever diversity, equity and inclusion officer, Derrick White, will be moved to Pennway Alternative Day School, Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation’s alternative .

Strengthen Our -PHM District, an active parental group, has had the elimination of the DEI position as a top priority since it was created in . Their efforts have proven successful.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a doctrine that promotes racial division and stokes animosity among racially diverse groups using false premises such as current society being institutionally structured to benefit Whites at the expense of non-Whites.


Eliminating the DEI position appears to be a combination of fulfilling a need at Pennway and not filling the DEI officer position it was vacated. Sorry if it looked like Strengthen Our Schools facilitated the end of the DEI position with a recent action. I was in the parking lot buying a chainsaw when I broke the news. Cut me some slack.

As of the evening of April 15, sources inside PHM confirm no plans to fill the DEI post.

about possibly merging it with another position are out there but my sources say that would be a deviation from the current plan with one jokingly positing if the rumors are true, it’s because I wrote about it.

  • Breaking: conservative radio host directly responsible for appointment of new PHM DEI officer โ€ฆ is a traitor to the cause. News at 11. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Update 2:

Some have taken issue with my using the word ‘eliminated’ since the PHM board hasn’t yet. That’s fair. Technically, the position hasn’t been ‘eliminated’ yet. PHM sources say there are no plans to replace Derrick White in that position, leaving it vacant, not eliminated. I regret the confusion.

Goshen Democrats‘ Dirty Little Strategy

Goshen ‘ Dirty Little Strategy

He asked me if I would follow him as mayor, I said, by the time you’re done mayor, Republicans will be so sick of Democrats in Goshen no Democrat could get elected.

Alan Kauffman – Former Mayor – Goshen, IN

Alan Kauffman served as Mayor of Goshen, IN for more than 18 years. Not bad for guy who was convinced no Democrat could get elected in Goshen after Mayor Puro.

So how did Kauffman overcome the odds? How did he become mayor when he was convinced it wasn’t possible for a Democrat to get elected?

“One night I said, well if something happened that you left office, then I was caucused in and I could run as an incumbent, I’d think about it.”

Alan Kauffman – Former Mayor – Goshen, IN

Listen to the audio below.

In March of 1997, Puro resigned and Kauffman was, indeed, easily caucused in by the Democratic Party. From there, he ran for mayor as the incumbent in 1999 and won. Incumbents hold a significant advantage to be reelected. The rest is history.

Kauffman is currently a Goshen School Board member and embroiled in an election scandal for mishandling election funds and possible illegal campaign contributions.

Fast forward to 2015. After mentoring Jeremy Stutsman for over 8 years, Kauffman had his hand-picked successor. Stutsman would defeat Mary Cripe to be Goshen’s next mayor. Kauffman said he would have run again if he felt the next mayor would be a ‘flake.’

Stutsman ran unopposed in 2019 after his opponent, Republican Terry Snyder, 77, died unexpectedly just weeks before the May 7 primary election. In December of , Mayor Stutsman announced he was running for his third term as mayor of Goshen.

Then, just a few months later, Mayor Stutsman announced he’s was not running for reelection after all.

Goshen Mayor Jeremy Stutsman is resigning later this year to become the new C-E-O of Lacasa, Inc.

95.3 MNC

At his public announcement that he would not seek reelection, Stutsman said:

“Over the next couple of weeks, between myself, the new mayor that … uh the person that I’m hoping will be the new mayor that’s announcing …”

Mayor Stutsman

Listen to the audio below.

More on who that person is shortly.

The mayor announcing they weren’t running for reelection right after announcing that they were caused confusion about the election.

Mayor Stutsman will remain on the May primary ballot. The Democratic party will then caucus a to take Stutsman’s place for the November general election.

It’s hard to say how the GOP would have adjusted their strategy and candidate selection had they known Stutsman would not be running, but it’s safe to assume they would have taken a different approach.

It’s also safe to assume that the timing of Stutsman’s announcement prevented any Democrat candidate from announcing a primary run. Especially since it was too late to replace Stutsman’s name on the May ballot.

Once again, Goshen Democrats strategized to take the choice out of the people’s hands and hand-pick their successor for Mayor.

Elkhart City Councilman Aaron Mishler thinks this is a brilliant strategy. Frankly, it is brilliant albeit very shady, and underhanded.

Goshen election officials said Democrats would caucus to choose Stutsman’s replacement after the May primary. It’s only April and we already have the heir apparent.

Mayor Jeremy Stutsman has endorsed Gina Leichty as the candidate of choice to fulfill his term and run for office in the fall municipal election in 2023.

95.3 MNC

Democrats are expected to caucus for a candidate in May. Stutsman has estimated he will be done as mayor in June. The election is in the Fall.

The strategy is simple:

  • Announce you ‘t running for reelection late in the cycle to prevent in your own party from running against your hand-picked successor.
  • Negatively affect the other political party’s strategy going into election season.
  • Give your hand-picked successor an almost certain win.
  • Rinse and repeat anytime there’s a changing of the guard.

To be clear, I’m not accusing anyone of breaking the law. The strategy is effective. Goshen residents need to decide for themselves if they feel cheated by this scheme.

Are Democrats ok with not being able to effectively run for mayor in the primary with a level playing field?

Are Republicans ok with effectively being shut out of a truly competitive electoral process by not knowing who they were running against?

Are Goshen ok with the electoral process being manipulated by Democrats so that all eligible candidates don’t get a fair shot in the primary?

Only Goshen can answer that .

No, Joe Biden Didn’t Support Gay Marriage In High School

No, Joe Didn’t High School

Former Vice down with an interview for The Daily Show with Kal Penn. During that interview, he claimed he saw men openly kiss each other when he was in high school as his dad him off somewhere. I’m not going to challenge the notion of two openly gay guys kissing each other in public in the 1950s because it isn’t really relevant.

Penn asked Biden about his evolution on marriage equality (which used to mean something completely different).

โ€œI can remember exactly when my epiphany was.

โ€œI hadn’t thought much about it, to tell you the truth. And I was a senior in high school. And my dad was dropping me off and I was about to get out of the car and I looked to my right and two well-dressed men in suits kissed each other. I mean, they gave each other a kiss. And then one went, looked like he was headed to the Dupont building, one looked like he was going to the Hercules Corporation building.โ€

-Joe Biden 2023 – The Daily Show

Biden then offers up his dad’s take on the kiss:

โ€œAnd I’ll never forget, I turned and looked at my dad, he said, Joe, it is simple. They love each other. It is simple. I’m not joking. It is simple. They love each other. And it has never been โ€” it has never been โ€” it is just that simple. It doesn’t whether it is same-sex or heterosexual couple. You should be able to be married.โ€

This isn’t the first time Biden has told this story. It has always been received with skepticism in years past.

Joe Biden Townhall Story About Men Kissing Is Made Up – 2020

Biden openly opposed his entire Senate career. He even quipped that gay people working in government were a security risk.

Here’s him opposing it in 2006 on Meet The Press.

Joe Biden opposed gay marriage in 2006.

The first time we have Biden and even tacitly supporting gay marriage was on Meet The Press in 2012. David Gregory even opened up the of questioning by saying:

“He’s (Obama) opposed to it. You’re opposed to it. Have your views evolved?”

Joe Biden on Meet The Press, May 2012

The idea that Biden supported gay marriage his whole life and political career is a lie. If he had those views, he about them and betrayed gay people his entire Senate career. It’s far likely that Biden is doing what Biden always does … lies for political pandering and expediency.

If Kal Penn had any integrity, he’d call him out on his lie. He didn’t.