President Trump continues to disappoint the left by defying their accusations: now he supports ???

Trump … Derangement … Syndrome.

It has been a tough week for narratives concerning conservatives, and those on the right, which are pumped by leftists and the media. A group of conservatives went into a black community to help with cleanup efforts, the honored shooting victims by flying the flag at half-mast, and Republicans are even considering some gun-control legislation.

Of course, these facts have not changed perceptions. That cleanup crew only did so because they are racist. The President was said to have lowered the flag to honor Adolph Hitler, and the GOP lawmakers considering Red Flag legislation opened the door to be called potential Red Flag violators.

In the latest accusation-busting move President Trump came out with comments about , and they do not exactly line up with the years of accusations of him supposedly treating the NFL in a racist fashion.

Well now, how could this be?! Trump was blatantly racist when he criticized Kaepernick, right? Or, just maybe, he was actually criticizing the act of kneeling by the former quarterback during the anthem, and it was not specific to his race in any way???

NAH! He’s just a RACIST!!!

Trump only wants Kaepernick back in the NFL because he Trump knows Colin will continue to protest by taking a knee and he wants to use that as election tactic, not because he really thinks Kaepernick should play.

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Trump WRONGLY Suggests Regulating Video Games In Wake Of Mass Shootings

President implied his support Monday for increased regulation of video games and monitoring of the , which he suggested were catalysts for mass shootings.

Trump did not address potential legislation in his 10-minute speech, though he said earlier on Twitter that he is looking at strengthening background checks for gun purchases.

“We must stop the glorification of in our ,” Trump said in his prepared remarks at the .

“This includes the gruesome and grizzly video games that are now commonplace. It is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with a culture that celebrates violence. We must stop or substantially reduce this, and it has to begin immediately.” (RELATED: Federal Prosecutors Are Treating El Paso Shooting As Domestic Terrorism, Possible Hate Crime)

Despite Trump’s calls for regulation of video games, research on a potential link to violence is mixed. A 2015 study in the found insufficient evidence that video games lead to violence. noted over the weekend that numerous other studies have failed to prove a causal link between video games and shootings.

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Well, the research actually isn’t mixed. It’s pretty clear that violent video games don’t lead to violence.

Read THIS POST for links to tons of research proving violent video games don’t cause violence.

This study actually shows they are good for you.


Steven Crowder Ejects Aggressive Protester From ‘Change My Mind’ Table

Conservative comedian and YouTuber set up one of his “Change My Mind” panels outside of the Monday and asked people to change his mind that President is not a racist.

Chaos ensued when an aggressive anti-Trump protester sat down at his table to discuss the topic. The protester refused to leave at Crowder’s request and prompted security to step in and physically remove him. (RELATED: Is It Racist If Bernie Said It?: Baltimore Edition)

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CURL: New York Times Proves Once And For All That It Takes Marching Orders From The Liberal Elite

wrote a headline.

The moaned and groaned and whined and whinnied.

The New York Times changed its headline.

If you were looking for proof — real, solid proof — that the once-great New York Times takes its marching orders from the liberal elite in the Democratic Party, look no further.

After two mass shootings within hours left 32 dead and 52 wounded, President Trump delivered a somber statement from the on Monday. He laid out several avenues as potential solutions, called for unity and , soothed Americans as the comforter-in-chief and loudly denounced and .

“Together, we lock arms to shoulder the grief, we ask God in Heaven to ease the anguish of those who suffer, and we vow to act with urgent resolve,” he said.

“In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America,” he said.

“Now is the time to set destructive partisanship aside — so destructive — and find the to answer hatred with unity, devotion, and love,” he said.

The New York Times captured the essence of the president’s speech with a headline for its first print edition that read: “TRUMP URGES UNITY VS. RACISM.” The headline carried no bias for either Left or Right, simply summing up the expansive message Trump had delivered.

But the Left went nuts — absolutely nuts. How dare The Times not bash Trump as a racist?!

So (are you sitting down?) the New York Times CHANGED ITS HEADLINE.

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