Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Feb. 2

Daily : , Feb. 2


FLASHBACK: MSNBC, CNN, CBS told viewers Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation


Biden claims that Hunter laptop was ‘Russian disinformation’ debunked by his own son

Classified documents found in retired Air Force officer’s home

Ilhan Omar gets desperate in futile effort to stay on committee; House Dems beclown themselves, too

Hour 2

Feds hit former ABC News producer with child porn charges, disturbing details revealed in court docs

Missouri AG doubles down on firing school officials who took students to drag show: ‘It’s a huge problem’

‘Cities were burned’: Republicans want a commission for Antifa riots, submit bill to study domestic terrorist attacks

EXCLUSIVE: Antifa claims responsibility for attack on far-left Portland bar in retaliation for them ‘spreading Covid’ by staying open

Hour 3

Video: TV Journalists Flat-Out Lying About Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Scientists look to bring back dodo bird after hundreds of years

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Sept. 19

Daily : , Sept. 19



FLASHBACK: The Same Woman Behind This TikTok Lie Was Behind Democrats Creating Fake Newspapers To Push DNC Talking Points During The 2020 Election


More Jan 6 people convicted of “parading”


Hour 2

: board Chaffee has had who publicly him get threatened. Even they could lose their at PHM if they publicly endorse his campaign.


With the pandemic officially over, now it’s time to end all vaccine mandates and any other stupid made up rules

Democrats are STILL out here firing people for not getting the jab. NYC is axing 850 more teachers and aides for not getting the Covid vaccine!

Scientists say most people can now treat COVID basically like the seasonal flu, just in case you haven’t been doing that already for 2.5 years

EXCLUSIVE: US Pandemic Committee Hasn’t Worked During COVID-19 Pandemic


Hour 3


Fibrous Clots, Foreign Matter in Blood After COVID Jabs: Is There a Way to Detox?

FLASHBACK: Moderna recalls thousands of COVID vaccine doses in Europe

NEJM study confirms that covid jabs destroy natural immunity

Unvaccinated Air Force Officers Grounded Despite Court Order: Former Space Force Lt. Colonel


Unvaccinated Navy Officer Restricted From Official Travel, Forced to Live Away from Husband for 1.5 Years

The U.S. Army says they will consider requests from soldiers who want to avoid serving in states where abortion is illegal

Thursday, 6

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 6

Hour 1

Senator defends after Holcomb’s veto: Unelected officials shouldn’t be able to close businesses, churches

Report: Gretchen Used Private Jet Borrowed From Billionaires To Travel To Florida During Crisis

Hour 2

Disabled white farmer sues Biden admin over ‘racist’ COVID relief plan

South Carolina State To Add Firing Squad To Execution Methods

Hour 3

Johns Hopkins professor tells not to buy the ‘fearmongering’ that the and experts are selling as the COVID-19 threat wanes

‘Don’t Vaccinate the Young and Healthy’: Swedish Doctors Open Letter Against Blanket Inoculation

Is Your ‘ ‘ High Enough to Keep You From Being Denied Service by Major Corporations?


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Trump Is NOT Starting Third Party – , Jan. 25 – 3

Hour 3
Trump Ends Patriot Party Talk, Will Primary Never-Trumpers
‘Your Order Is A Direct Attack’: Native American Tribe Condemns Biden Administration’s Secretarial Order
Utah Tribe Calls Biden’s Order On New Oil Drilling A ‘Direct Attack’ On Its Economy
Panic Has Struck a Blue State Now That Biden’s Taking Aim at Fracking
Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduces bills to resist Biden’s executive orders on Paris agreement, WHO, and mask mandate
Biden Stops Trump Order To Slash Price Of Insulin, EpiPen
Biden Proposing to Extend U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arms Deal by Five Years.
Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Chinese Communist Involvement In US Power Grid
After Firing of Trump Doorman, Bidens Promptly Get Locked Out of White House

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TSA Fires For Not Groping , Hires Accused Of To Compensate – Podcast

Mass firings at the TSA for not screening enough.  Good thing a defrocked priest, who was accused of molestation, was hired to touch your little girl.


[powerpress url=”http://theburningtruth.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/mnc_2012-06-05T10_11_22-07_00.mp3″]