White Liberals Are Not Your Friends – June 2 Hour 1

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump SupportersThe Media Is Responsible For Violence In Dallas Last NightPolice Abuse Happens To Everyone, Not Just Blacks

‘If I Didn’t Have A Primary I Wouldn’t Care’: Democratic Rep. Eliot Engel Caught On Hot Mic At Press Conference


This man was VP of the United States for eight years and a Senator for three decades before that. Ferguson and Baltimore happened under his watch. The willingness of politicians to pretend that they are outside the system in order to game the system is incredible. https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1267821638705311746 


“‘I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.’ ‘s last words, but they didn’t die with him—they’re still being heard, echoing all across this nation.”

delivers remarks in on nationwide protests: https://abcn.ws/2XSmVBo 

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great job everyone. maybe someone semi-famous can post bail for the offenders. https://twitter.com/govkristinoem/status/1267560737016295428 



Replying to @govkristinoem

These cars are state vehicles that transport students who are deaf and hard of hearing.

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Niles gym reopening Wednesday despite governor’s order

Liberty University, once accused of being reckless for reopening during pandemic, finishes semester — with 0 coronavirus cases

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, February 25

Hour 1

‘This might be bad’: Top CDC official warns it’s ‘not a question of if but when’ coronavirus spreads in the US and tells parents to prepare kids for school closures and ‘significant disruption in our lives’


Olympic Official We’re ‘Looking At A Cancellation’ Of Tokyo Olympics If Coronavirus Isn’t Contained In Next Few Months


Hour 2

CNN Continues Bizarre Obsession Over Trump’s Eating Habits, This Time Over Food Choices In India

Police Interrogate 7-Year-Old After He Was Falsely Accused Of Bringing A Gun To School

Buttigieg Trolled By Black Lives Matter Activists: ‘Pete Can’t Be Our President’

Cenk Uygur Urged ‘Young Turks’ Staff NOT To Unionize. Ben Shapiro Responds.


Hour 3

2 Florida Democrats sue to keep Sanders off primary ballot

WATCH: Chris Matthews Apologizes For Comparing Bernie Sanders Nevada Victory To Nazi Invasion

Conservative UK official tweets photo of himself with container of tea. Of course, woke leftist mob freaks out with threats to boycott brand.

Revenge: Virginia Democrats block pay raise for law enforcement over gun control opposition

Wife Of ‘‘ Member Imprisoned For Self-Defense Pleads For Help For Their Three Children

Oregon Mother: I Was Targeted With a Fake Report to Due to my Pro-Life Beliefs

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mother Heather Hobbs believes she was targeted with a politically motivated report to Protective Services (CPS) due to her pro-life beliefs.

Hobbs, a pro-life advocate who spoke at a recent pro-Trump rally, was targeted with a CPS report that she says was politically motivated.

On Aug. 26, Hobbs went into OHSU Hospital in for thyroid surgery. She said that two days later she encountered a nurse who objected to her beliefs.

“My oldest child came up to me to give me a hug in the bed. She said, ‘Mommy I love you! I want to be a prolife speaker one day too.’ I expressed that I loved her as well and said, ‘I thought you wanted to be an OBGYN?. She said, ‘” I want to be both!’” I replied, ‘We could always use more prolife doctors.’ During this time my husband was watching a video on his phone while my other children watched a cartoon and the youngest was nursing (age 18 months),” Hobbs told The .

“Nurse C turned to me and said with an annoyed tone: ‘So you’re prolife?’ I smiled and gently said ‘I am now but wasn’t always. I was raised in a more liberal atheist prochoice home, but it wasn’t until my first child that I ever had to really contemplate my beliefs. She changed my heart, and every child after changed me a bit more. I believe abortion hurts women.’

For the rest of the day this nurse was cold, rude, and pushed the medications quickly through my IV, which was very painful, and prior to that incident, she did it slowly. I ultimately decided to pray for her that she will see the love and happiness we have as a conservative pro-life family and maybe, just maybe, it would plant a mustard seed,” Hobbs said.

Hobbs said that she also discussed President Trump with a different nurse at the hospital and gave her information about the pro-Trump # campaign. But on Aug. 30, in a phone conversation with an employee at the hotel where her family was staying, Hobbs was confronted with alarming , as she learned a complaint had been filed against her with CPS.

Read the rest at www.theepochtimes.com


WATCH: Dan Crenshaw Slams Democrats For Calling Everyone On The Right A ‘Nazi’

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) scolded Democrats on Wednesday for continuously and freely calling President and members of the Republican Party “Nazis.”

“I always tell people when they’re complaining about something Trump said and they’re like ‘look at the violence he’s inciting’ and I say ‘well, you call us all Nazis,'” Crenshaw told host while appearing on “The Joe Rogan Experience” . When you call someone a Nazi, you are calling somebody something that we all agreed as Americans to bomb, and kill, and destroy.”

“So, you’re labeling me with a label that we all agree should be destroyed,” he continued. “Like, how is that not inciting violence by your standards?”

Crenshaw’s remarks arose during a conversation with Rogan regarding ‘s of conservative voices. In June, the congressman questioned Google executives during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing after an internal memo surfaced that claimed conservative commentators and , as well as clinical psychologist are all Nazis. Two of the three individuals are Jewish.

“This continues to be said by basically everybody running for president, that Trump is a white supremacist,” Crenshaw said. “And white supremacist and Nazi are practically the same thing.”

“I think we have an understandably deep objection to anything white supremacist, as we should. It should be condemned totally,” he continued. “When you’re calling the president that – and they often call his supporters that, too – so you’re calling 60-something million people who voted for him the same thing. I just can’t imagine a worse way to engage in dialogue and a quicker way to escalate things to just the worst possible scenario.”


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