Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Aug. 20

Daily : , . 20


Indiana joins lawsuit against Ticketmaster

Study: Fort Wayne could face talent shortage for high-wage jobs

ABC Debate Moderator Claims Trump Has ‘Connection’ to Michigan KKK

Tuesday Tithe with Pastor

Hour 2

Aw man, don’t tell me Harley-Davidson went woke too…

Harley-Davidson scraps woke policies after huge backlash. Check out the company’s statement.

STAGED! Customers say they were ALL kicked out of PA restaurant to make room for vans full of pro-Kamala actors

Local Cop, Not Secret Service, Shot Trump Rally Shooter First

Biden tears up as he bids adieu, mangles words in late-night DNC address pushed out of prime time

Hour 3

Pete is lying … https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/

: While Buttigieg is peddling is at 50-year-low’ lie, I remember when Pete told not to federal crime 2018


Pete Buttigieg dared Americans to look up crime data. I did and it’s not pretty for Democrats

Migrant Buses At South Bend Social Security Office Causes Uproar

Migrant Buses At Office Causes Uproar

On Monday, July 29, I was tagged in several social media posts about two buses dropping migrants off at the South Bend Social Security office. had expressed that they couldn’t utilize the office’s services because of the number of people there.

The people dropped off at the SSA building were all young men who appeared to be Mexican, Central, or South American. Most likely they were migrants. People asked that I look into it. I did.

. Jim Banks, who’s also running for Senate in Indiana also shared a about the buses in South Bend.

That particular post he responded to was removed, but others remain.

President was routinely labeled as Biden’s ‘border czar’ by the news media. The Democrats and many in the media are trying to erase that historical fact.

South Bend Mayor James Mueller issued this statement to the South Bend Tribune:

“This was a group of lawful, documented residents at the social security office,” Mueller, a Democrat, said in a written statement. “Rep. Jim Banks is a shameful opportunist, spreading racist political lies instead of advancing real solutions for South Bend or our nation’s broken immigration system.”

Before he issued the statement, Mayor Mueller’s spokeswoman told the paper:

the mayor’s office learned enough about the situation to know that the people were at the Social Security office lawfully conducting business.

Given that migrants who have no legal standing to stay in the U.S. often get released into the country pending their hearing, it’s certainly a concern that these might be immigrants, or asylum seekers who don’t qualify for asylum under the law. This is a common with the country’s border policies. Allowing migrants who crossed the border illegally to remain in the U.S. after being captured is a signature complaint about Biden’s border policy.

I contacted Mayor Mueller’s office since he didn’t answer people’s questions about the migrants at the SSA building to see if I could get more information.

Here’s what I sent him:

Screenshot Mail.federatedmedia.com 2024.07.30 18 31 07

After talking about the issue in my first segment on my radio show, Mayor Mueller’s office decided to send this response:

Screenshot 20240730 181004 Chrome

Rep. Jim Banks made no such assertions in his post. It was more hominem attacks from the Mayor’s office and the questions weren’t answered.

Finally, I was sent the response from the SSA about the migrant buses in South Bend from someone else who was working on this issue (I erased the of the recipient):


If the Mayor’s office hadn’t kept this all close to the vest and was just honest about what was happening, people might not have been as angry as they were. Instead, they chose to hurl false insults and attacks at people who were just trying to figure out what was going on.

Now you all know the truth.

Common Veterans – Episode 7: Got Any More of those Deployments, Man?!

Common – Episode : Got Any of Deployments, ?!

Welcome back to another episode of Common Veterans, where we delve into the diverse and often untold stories of those have served our country. In this seventh installment of Season 2, titled “ Got More of Those Deployments,” we explore a theme that resonates deeply within the veteran : the complexities of deployments.

For many veterans, the question “You got more of those deployments?” encapsulates both the camaraderie and the challenges of military service. Each deployment represents a chapter in the of these brave men and women, marked by duty, sacrifice, and a unique blend of emotions that only those who have served can truly understand.

Throughout this episode, we will firsthand accounts from veterans who have navigated multiple deployments. Their experiences vary widely, from the adrenaline rush of combat zones to the quieter moments of reflection during downtime. We'll explore the impact of prolonged separations from loved ones, the evolution of camaraderie among unit members, and the personal growth that comes from facing adversity in different corners of the world.

Moreover, we'll examine how each deployment shapes a veteran's identity and influences their transition back to civilian . The challenges of readjustment, finding a new sense of purpose, and coping with the invisible wounds of are themes that underscore the resilience and strength of our veterans.

As we embark on this journey together, it's important to recognize that while each veteran's story is unique, their collective experiences bind them in a shared tapestry of service to our . Common Veterans strives to honor these stories, offering a platform for voices that deserve to be and insights that deserve to be understood.

Join us as we explore the profound impact of multiple deployments in Episode 7 of Season 2, “You Got More of Those Deployments.” Through these stories, we hope to foster a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women and a greater understanding of the challenges they face long after their uniforms are laid to rest.

Doug Chaffee Responds To Real News Michiana Article About Him

Doug Chaffee Responds To Article Him

On June 26, 2024, Real News Michiana published an article Doug Chaffee. Doug Chaffee is the former Principal of Penn and is currently running for PHM school board. Doug Chaffee is also the father of current PHM school board member Matt Chaffee. RNM recently published an article about Matt Chaffee as well.

In the article about Doug Chaffee, RNM claimed that Doug Chaffee engaged in a “terrifying Matt Chaffee’s girlfriend at the time.

Doug Chaffee reached to me asking if I’d be willing to publish his response. He expressed that he felt I was the only media outlet that would be fair to him and publish his response without taking sides.

Here’s Doug Chaffee’s statement on the Real News Michiana article about him:

of RNM has taken our conversation from September of 2023 out of context. He has not provided the full between us, and he has completely twisted my words to him to create a “hit piece” on myself and my son. I am guessing Mr. French has not released the full audio recording he claims to have due to threats he made about killing his ex-wife and others on that same call. My son and I are no longer going to entertain these defamatory articles as our focus is serving the PHM community and its constituents. Thank you to everyone who supported and continues to support the Chaffee in our endeavors to better our community.

– Doug Chaffee

I can not verify the claims made by Doug Chaffee, but I’m his attorneys approved the to me. I’m also told there’s more to come in future releases.

New Footage Of Scottie Scheffler’s Arrest Doesn’t Look Good For The Arresting Officers

New Footage Of Scottie Scheffler’s Doesn’t Look Good For Arresting Officers

Scheffler’s arrest seemed fishy from the start, and now the officers involved are under investigation themselves. Some footage has been released which doesn’t help much to understand what . The other footage released, however, doesn’t look good for the arresting officers.

After the arrest, Scheffler posted this to his Instagram:

Screenshot Www.instagram.com 2024.05.23 18 25 13

Detective Bryan Gillis did not turn on his body during the incident as required.

The Louisville Metro Police detective who golf Scottie Scheffler last week violated the department’s policies by failing to turn on his body camera during the incident, officials said Thursday.

An internal investigation that Detective Bryan Gillis did not turn on his body-worn camera during the encounter, LMPD Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel said in a news conference.

CBS News

While Scheffler’s public statement on what happened was chalking it up to a simple misunderstanding, the arresting officer’s report … well … painted a different picture.

Gillis stopped Scheffler and attempted to give him instructions, but Scheffler “refused to comply and accelerated forward,” according to the report. Gillis was dragged “to the ground” and suffered “pain, swelling, and abrasions to his left wrist,” according to the report.

CBS News

Officer Gillis’ statement on the arrest:

“While directing traffic in of Gate 1 the PGA personnel stopped a bus from entering Gate 1. I observed a vehicle traveling in the opposing lanes at me. I stopped the driver and advised him he could not proceed because of the bus. He demanded to be let in, and proceeded forward against my directions. I was dragged/knocked down by the driver. I then proceeded to arrest the driver.”


That’s a very serious accusation.

Until now, because Detective Gillis didn’t turn on his body camera, we didn’t have any proof of his accusations against Scheffler. Now we have footage from a pole camera of the incident. Have a look:

I didn’t see anyone get dragged or knocked down by Scheffler during the incident. It appears Detective Bryan Gillis not have told the truth in his report. That would certainly explain why there’s an investigation into the officer’s actions that day.