No, Joe Biden Didn’t Support Gay Marriage In High School

No, Didn’t High School

Former down with an interview for The with Kal Penn. During that interview, he claimed he saw two men openly kiss each other when he was in high school as his dad dropped him off somewhere. I’m not going to challenge the notion of two openly guys kissing each other in public in the 1950s because it isn’t really relevant.

Penn asked about his evolution on marriage equality (which used to mean something completely different).

“I can remember exactly when my epiphany was.

“I hadn’t thought much about it, to tell you the truth. And I was a senior in high school. And my dad was dropping me off and I was about to get of the car and I looked to my right and two well-dressed men in suits kissed each other. I mean, they gave each other a kiss. And then one went, looked like he was headed to the Dupont building, one looked like he was going to the Hercules Corporation building.”

2023 – The Daily Show

Biden then offers up his dad’s take on the kiss:

“And I’ll never forget, I turned and looked at my dad, he said, Joe, it is simple. They love each other. It is simple. I’m not joking. It is simple. They love each other. And it has never been — it has never been — it is just that simple. It doesn’t matter whether it is same- or heterosexual . You should be able to be married.”

This isn’t the first time Biden has told this story. It has always been received with skepticism in years past.

Joe Biden Townhall Story About Men Kissing Is Made Up – 2020

Biden openly opposed gay marriage his entire Senate career. He even quipped that gay people working in government were a security risk.

Here’s him opposing it in 2006 on Meet The Press.

Joe Biden opposed gay marriage in 2006.

The first time we have Biden and even tacitly supporting gay marriage was on Meet The Press in 2012. David Gregory even opened up the line of questioning by saying:

“He’s (Obama) opposed to it. You’re opposed to it. Have your views evolved?”

Joe Biden on Meet The Press, May 2012

The idea that Biden supported gay marriage his whole life and political career is a lie. If he had those views, he lied about them and betrayed gay people his entire Senate career. It’s far more likely that Biden is doing what Biden always does … lies for political pandering and expediency.

If Kal Penn had any integrity, he’d call him out on his lie. He didn’t.

Anti- Activism Caused Shooting

From Oct. 26 .

‘s anti- activism is why woman was killed.

Also, I take issue with some have addressed the shooting.

Daily : Thursday, March 4

Hour 1

Dems introduced HR1 nationalizing elections, a bill to destroy the USA

H.R. 1: For the People Act of 2021

Making Every Election Like 2020
H.R.1 mandates harvesting and limits voter verification.

Pin Posts

Hour 2

Microsoft and Friends Want to Destroy Online Privacy


Pin Posts

Elkhart schools to ask voters for property tax hike to bring in $15 million per year

Hour 3

Pin Posts

Below The Radar – HR 880 Amend the Consumer Product Safety Act

H.R.880 – Firearm Safety Act of 2021

Biden’s ‘commonsense’ gun law reforms make no sense

Death rates from coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States as of March 4, 2021, by state


Fake : 27 Recent Fake Stories I Wasn’t Able To Post About


I’ve been way behind on posting the past week, and didn’t get a chance to post several . It’s been a busy 10 days or so for fake news too. Here’s a list of fake news from the past week:

Spicer, Trump, & SCOTUS Lies, Oh My!

FALSE: Sean Spicer: “Trump Has The Legal Right To Cancel SCOTUS Because They Serve At His Pleasure”

The doesn’t, and Spicer never said he did.

Admitted satire outlet Newslo spread a rumor that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said “Trump has the legal right to cancel SCOTUS (The US Supreme Court) because they serve at his pleasure.” First , no United States president has the legal authority to dissolve the Supreme Court. Secondly, Sean Spicer never made this statement to reporters. By its very nature, the U.S. Constitution prevents the president from disbanding the nation’s highest court.

Did A Cubs Player Flip Off President Trump?

FALSE: Albert Almora Showed His Middle Finger To President Trump

The Chicago Cubs outfielder and his teammates visited the Oval Office during a visit to the White House last month. One picture shows Almora with his hand in his pocket and what at first glance could appear to be his middle finger sticking out. Several websites claimed Almora was making an offensive gesture toward the president. However, closer examination of the photo revealed Almora had two fingers displayed. Almora denied making a gesture and called the episode “unfortunate.”

False: 17 Intelligence Agencies Say Russia Behind Hacking

I’ve been telling you for months that there was never any evidence 17 agencies concluded Russia was behind the DNC hacking. The story was officially retracted at the end of June. That’s nearly two weeks ago. A California Democrat introduced legislation to require students to learn about this fake news as if it were real. Yet Democrats and members of the media continue to make this false claim this last week.

Former DNI Clapper Says He Has No Idea How Myth Of 17 Agencies Got Out There

Perhaps he should have not taken months to publicly denounce the 17 agency lie. As for the story’s origin … Hillary Clinton started the rumor, and no one bothered to vet it.

Maxine Waters Peddles 17 Agency Lie After Story is retracted

Jim Acosta of CNN and Katy Tur of NBC Repeat 17 Agency Lie After Story Was Retracted

Acosta asked: “Trump said it was only 3 or 4. Where did he get this number?”

He got it from the under Obama, James Clapper. Click the link above to Clapper saying he made this clear to Trump in early January.

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Pushes 17 Agency Lie After Story Is Retracted

Anti-Israel BBC Reporting

BBC Slammed By Former Chairman For Misleading Coverage Of Palestinian Terrorist Attack

Polish First Lady Didn’t Stub President Trump

CNN’s Chris Cillizza got the ball rolling on the supposed snub by Polish First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda. The story then went viral with multiple major media outlets and personalities repeating the false claim. Newsweek, Time, Huffington Post, and the Washington Post (video title) all got in on the lie. It got so bad the President of Poland felt he had to address it publicly.

Cillizaa would later admit he new the original edited video was misleading. This appears to be an attempt to soften the backlash he was getting, but all it did was serve as proof he intentionally misled people with a fake story.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to the President Addressed The Controversy

Pentagon Denies President Trump/ISIS Story

Exclusive: ‘None Of This Happened’: White House, Pentagon Call Trump ISIS Story Into Question

Members of the press widely circulated The Daily Beast’s claim on social media as evidence the Trump administration cannot come up with a better strategy than former President Barack Obama’s to defeat the terrorist group.

CNN Lies About States Cooperating With Trump’s Voter Fraud Panel

CNN claimed 44 States Refused Trump’s Voter Info Request

In reality, most states have not refused the data request. Kansas Secretary of State Kobach declared Wednesday that 14 states had refused and called news reporting by outlets like CNN “patently false, more ‘fake news.’”

Fake Hate From Trump Supporter

Man Told Police Anti-Trump Graffiti At School Was Out Of ‘Anger Toward Liberals’

Marks told police on June 19 he vandalized the property “out of ‘anger towards liberals and they are breaking major laws everyday and being disrespectful towards our government,'” according to the warrant for his arrest. He told police it was his hope that the vandalism would appear to have been done by the “Left.”

Global Warming Temperature Tampering Confirmed, Once Again

EXCLUSIVE: Study Finds Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Climate Data

In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.

“Nearly all of the warming they are now showing are in the adjustments,” Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo, a study co-author, told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an . “Each dataset pushed down the 1940s warming and pushed up the current warming.”

“You would think that when you make adjustments you’d sometimes get warming and sometimes get cooling. That’s almost never happened,” said D’Aleo, who co-authored the study with statistician James Wallace and Cato Institute climate scientist Craig Idso.

Attacks On President Trump’s Election Integrity Commission Without Merit

Attacks Against Ken Blackwell and Trump’s Voting Commission Debunked by the Facts

In fact, the only connection between Blackwell and the 80-lb. paper is that when asked if he would accept registrations on other types of paper, he initially responded that the state should continue to apply one uniform standard. The heavier paper had served well for several election cycles, and Blackwell saw no need to abandon that standard.

But the state then received large numbers of registrations collected by activists and hand-delivered to election officials. Blackwell concluded that the heavier paper was intended to protect ballots in the mail, but that given the large numbers of registrations being hand-delivered on lighter paper, he issued a new administrative policy that election officials should accept all such registrations so long as the forms were properly filled out.

Another New York Times Correction

New York Times Issues Correction After Claiming Sen. Rob Portman Was Laying Low on Fourth of July (He Wasn’t)

The New York Times was forced to issue a correction Wednesday to a story it published that initially claimed Sen. (R-OH) was one of a number of Republicans lying low during the Fourth of July — except that Portman was anything but.

New York Times Falls For Parody Tweet

New York Times Falls for Parody North Korea Twitter Account

The Times story on a joint military exercise between the United States and South Korea noted that “the North Korean government belittled the joint exercise as ‘demonstrating near total ignorance of ballistic science.'”

But that statement came from the parody @DPRK_News account, in what was evidently a satirical tweet.

ABC News’ Pink Slime Myth Settled

Nets Protect their Own: Ignore ABC Defamation Settlement With Beef Company

ABC News and Beef Products Inc (BPI) reached a confidential settlement which concluded a 5-year-old lawsuit as of June 27. BPI filed a $1.9 billion lawsuit against ABC News in 2012 for reports that the company’s lean finely textured beef (LFTB) as dangerous “pink slime.” ABC may have been liable for up to $5.7 billion if it lost the case because of South Dakota’s Agricultural Food products Disparagement Act.

Trump NATO Lies By CNN Debunked By CNN’s Own Reporting

More Very Fake News from CNN: Network Analyst Claims Trump Never Made Article 5 Commitment to NATO

On the morning of the Fourth of July, CNN political analyst Julian Zelizer, also a historian at Princeton University, inaccurately claimed that President Trump never made an Article 5 commitment to America’s NATO allies.

This one is unbelievably easy to debunk. All one has to do is go look at CNN’s own reporting, from a June 9 report on its website from CNN politics reporter Jeremy Herb, to see that CNN analyst Zelizer is lying on national television.

The headline of Herb’s early June report speaks for itself: “Trump commits to NATO’s Article 5.”

“I am committing the United States to Article 5,” the CNN report quotes Trump as saying at a news conference with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis in the Rose Garden at the White House.

In fact, in the live broadcast on CNN, CNN contributor and Politico White House correspondent Tara Palmeri correctly noted that the president and administration do not feel the need to continue reaffirming Article 5 commitments to NATO allies because “they feel like they’ve already done that in the Rose Garden speech and prior talks.”

Media And Politicians Lie About Dana Loesch’s NRA Ad

At no point did Dana say any such thing in the video, but that didn’t stop Boing Boing and others from peddling this fake news.

‘You people are dangerous’! BoingBoing just straight-up LIED about Dana Loesch’s NRA ad

CNN’s Selective Edits ala Katie Couric

James O’Keefe pointed out one of the most overlooked aspects of his new ‘American Pravda’ series on CNN is how they selectively edited a Trump supporter’s comments.

Are Fake Followers Of News Agencies Fake News?

Ok, I’m not sure this technically belongs. If a news organization has a ton of fake followers, is that considered fake news? Did they pay for the followers? Are they just fake accounts? Is the audit even accurate? Nevertheless, I will include CNN’s large number of fake followers.

FAKE NEWS, FAKE FOLLOWERS: TwitterAudit Reports CNN Has 17 Million Fake Twitter Followers

According to, nearly fifty percent of the followers on CNN’s verified Twitter account are fake.

Of CNN’s millions of followers on their verified Twitter account, over 17 million or 48 percent are fake, according to TwitterAudit.

It should be noted is not considered the most accurate tool in the world.

I attempted to verify Breitbart’s claim, but keep in mind this is roughly two weeks after they did theirs. Here’s what I found:

MSNBC got a 67% when I did the audit. Fox got 58%, and Breitbart got 95%.

Does it mean anything? Probably not.

Not One, But Two Retractions

Vice Media Retracts Two Reports On Donald Trump, Disney

The two stories were taken down after the site realized they were full of “factual errors” and faulty sources, reports Variety.

“After a thorough investigation into the sourcing of two stories, ‘Here’s the Secret Backstage Trump Drama at Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents’ and ‘Behind the Scenes of Disney’s Donald Trump ‘Hall of Presidents’ Installation,’ and the identification of several factual errors, we have decided to retract both pieces,” Vice Media’s Motherboard editorial board said in a note.

Media Lies And Planned Parenthood

MSNBC Can’t Stop Lying About Planned Parenthood

“Data: Only 3% Of Planned Parenthood Services Go To Abortion Services,” the chyron incorrectly stated.

The true statistic, some estimate, is that abortion services provided are somewhere between 15 percent and 37 percent of Planned Parenthood’s overall services.

Can Moderate Muslims Catch A Break From Liberals?

Anti-Jihad Muslim Group Labeled As A ‘Hate Group’ By SPLC

Maajid Nawaz runs Quilliam, a London-based organization that aims to counter jihadism and extremism around the world. Nawaz, who considers himself a former radical (and still identifies as Muslim), is now fighting back against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has labeled his organization a “hate group” for its strong stance against radicalism. For the record, the SPLC also put Ayaan Hirsi Ali on their list. Nawaz has filed a lawsuit against SPLC and many are left wondering how Quilliam could have received such a label in the first place. He has admitted he feels like there already is a target on his head from certain people in the Muslim community.

Will The Fake Russia Stories Ever Stop?

Obviously, this was the biggest fake news story recently, but I hadn’t had the time to publish it on the site yet in its own post. Though it is discussed several times in the Daily Show Prep.

CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

On Thursday evening, CNN investigative reporter Thomas Frank published a potentially explosive report involving an investigation of a Russian investment fund with potential ties to several associates of President Donald Trump.

Trump’s tweets about Putin not going over well with Republicans
But by Friday night, the story was removed from CNN’s website and all links were scrubbed from the network’s social media accounts.

“That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted,” CNN said in an editors note posted in place of the story. “Links to the story have been disabled.”

Journalism Historian: CNN’s Malpractice Is ‘a Gift From Heaven for’ Trump

What was really astonishing is that the story was quickly retracted and the three journalists who have had a fair amount of success and prestige in their past were let go, were forced to quit, apparently. It was astonishing in that regard. Plus, the story was so poorly vetted internally before it was released, is another reason why it was, as I keep saying, jaw-dropping. It’s not the first time a major news organization has screwed up, but this is a recent example and it really does have the effect of feeding Donald Trump’s campaign about fake news. It’s a gift from heaven for him.

New York Times Sued

Sarah Palin rightfully sued the New York Times for after publishing a debunked and retracted fake news editorial linking her to Gabby Giffords being shot.

That’s just 27 recent stories (past two weeks) that are fake news. I could have added more, and some breaking this week are already being vetted. Anyone who thinks fake news isn’t an issue, and that major media isn’t responsible is utterly clueless.