Daily Show Prep: Wed, Sept. 20

Daily : Wed, Sept. 20


Louisiana trucker wins right to display flag saying, ‘F* Biden and f* you for voting for him,’ after town tries to stop him

UAW Union Rejects 21% Pay Hike, Demands 4 Day Work Week

UAW Strike Expands to 4th Plant, in Alabama

Forget Subway’s Tunagate … It’s time for Starbuck’s Fruitgate! New lawsuit says chain’s fruit drinks lack fruit.

Joe Biden uses executive powers to bypass the House and Constitution, launches the AMERICAN CLIMATE CORPS

Zelensky Lectures The World About Climate Change, Tries New Tactic For Increased Aid

New Mexico State Republicans Are Moving Forward With Their Plan to Impeach Governor

Hour 2

Actor James Woods Scuffles With JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon on X in His Usual Amusing Way

The CDC is trying to convince healthcare workers that surgical masks are just as good as N95s and they are having none of it

‘Body Positivity’ Is Literally Killing People, Science Finds

Asteroid hit by NASA’s DART spacecraft is behaving unexpectedly, high school class discovers

NASA predicts large asteroid could smash into Earth in 159 years

Battery Scientists Claim Breakthrough, 10-Minute Fast Charging For 1,500 Cycles

Hour 3


Mollie Hemingway translates AG Garland’s claim that he’s ‘not the president’s lawyer’

Feds thwarted probe into possible ‘criminal violations’ involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say

Cracking Coalition? Polish President Duda Snubs Zelensky at U.N., Calls Ukraine a ‘Drowning Man’

Black Lives Matter Protests Led To 11.5% Increase In Murders, Thousands Of Additional Deaths, Study Shows

Daily Show Prep: Wed, Sept. 20

Daily : Tues, . 29


Viral video shows Colorado Springs school kicking kid out of class for “Don’t Tread On Me” flag that they said has “origins with slavery” 🥴

EXCLUSIVE: Washington state 4H competition threatens students for wearing ‘My pronouns are nor/mal’ t-shirt

Hour 2


Trump Vows to Appeal Politically-Loaded J6 Trial Date Set By Obama-Appointed Judge

National Archives admitted it possesses well over 5,000 emails involving the aliases Biden used while VP. It now faces a lawsuit and a Thursday deadline to turn them over to Congress.

House panel wants records on Jack Smith deputy’s White House visits before Trump charges

Biden staffers met with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s aides before Trump indictment

Biden Admin Announces ‘Chestfeeding Awareness Month’ Amid Several Crises

‘Social Emotional Learning’ Guru Covered Up Sex Abuse, Pushed ‘Young Teens’ to Enjoy Sex

Hour 3

Police: Man arrested for driving Power Wheels Jeep while impaired

Mystery land buyers around California Air Force base revealed

Extinct Animals Overrunning Hudson Bay

Why Ben Shapiro And Steven Crowder Are So Mad At Me Right Now

Why And Are Mad At Me Now

I’ve been in talk radio a long time. I remember when and Steven first came on the scene. I told my audience to watch out for these guys and promoted their work on my shows. I respect them both.

‘s never a good position to be in when people you respect get so mad at you.

I suppose I owe you all an explanation.

Why are Ben Shapiro and Steven so mad at me right now? What’s all this fuss about?

Well …

This …

I have a better shirt than they have.

That is saying a lot for Steven Crowder because he makes some great shirts. Ben … well … Ben dresses like his wife dresses him and she cares about how he looks. His shirts are terrible.

In a better , I wouldn’t have to have a disclaimer on a shirt but even with it, I’ve been targeted by Facebook for my # shirt.

Not surprising. I’ve been the victim of online censorship for over 14 . Long before most mainstream conservatives even believed it was happening.

Imagine being this butthurt that someone is advocating for the legal for child rapists. What a world we live in now.

Lucky for Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, and you … you can get this great shirt and help a veteran-run t-shirt shop in Indiana grow its while letting your leftist neighbors know exactly where you stand on pedophiles.

The KPL shirt is the PERFECT accessory for your next meeting. Get yours !

KPL Shirt


These shirts are usually made to order. As such, Priority Shipping isn’t recommended. If you select Priority Shipping, it will ship from the printer Priority but will not be made faster. My supplier tends to do them in batches.

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Aug. 7

Daily : , . 7


Here’s how much time the network Sunday shows devoted to the Devon Archer transcript

Biden has officially passed 365 days of vacation since taking office 2.5 years ago. People have thoughts.

Democrats are seeing a massive drop-off in funding as reality kicks in and enthusiasm wanes over Grandpa Joe

Police investigating 7-Eleven workers who thrashed alleged repeat robber

74-year-old Wisconsin teacher faces over 600 years in prison after being convicted of 25 counts sexual abuse on 14-year-old boy

Hour 2

Rep. Jim Jordan drops a Facebook Files thread showing ‘FBI lied about meeting with Big Tech’

Sharyl Attkisson serves Mike Pence a nice refreshing glass of STFU juice for playing up his VICTIM status

Hour 3

Nearly 70 Republicans press Biden admin over crackdown on school hunting, archery programs

Biden Mulls Exec Order End Run of 2A as House Dems Push 1,000% Excise Tax on ‘Assault Weapons,’ High-Capacity Mags

Heart Scarring Observed in Children Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

White House Under Fire over ‘Disturbing’ Plot to Muzzle Journalists

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, July 20

Daily : , July 20


Mich. Lawfare Attack on Alternate Electors Exposes Left’s Hypocrisy

The Left’s 2020 ‘Fake Electors’ Narrative Is Fake News

Defense Attorneys Allege Massive Misconduct In Georgia’s Crumbling Get-Trump Crusade

The Left’s 2020 ‘Fake Electors’ Narrative Is Fake News

BEHOLD: Unearthed 2020 electoral theft plot by John Podesta & Co. to hand election over to Biden (in Michigan of all places)…

The FBI Told Twitter The Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was Real The Day The Story Broke, New Testimony Shows

Hour 2

Huge asteroid the size of the Leaning Tower of Pisa flew closer to Earth than the MOON this month – and scientists didn’t notice until two days later

WILD: This Alabama woman made national news for being “kidnapped,” but it looks like it was a crazy hoax to cover stealing from her employer 👀

CNN pushes study that links “structural racism” to all the black people being shot in inner-city America 🤡

Hour 3

Democrats call vote to censor RFK Jr. for remainder of hearing on censorship

Hunter Biden investigation: Joe Ziegler said path to look into president was blocked — ‘We can’t ask those questions’

Must see: IRS whistleblower testifies about corruption in Hunter Biden case to Congress, tells CBS that investigators weren’t allowed to ask questions

Nobody wants Ford’s hyper-expensive electric F-150 so they just keep slashing the price downward as Tesla’s Cybertruck starts production