How the Foiled a Attempt

A pair of agents assigned to protect President open up about the anxieties of their jobs and a pair of credible threats they stopped in .

Prior to ‘s arrival on , a PID agent informs Gibson that he’s come across a credible threat against POTUS—in the form of a tweet reading, “Gonna be in Manila the same time as Trump… I’ll take one for the team lads,” accompanied by a mugshot of Lee Harvey Oswald. And on his , they find a photo of the male suspect wielding a copy of the book How to Kill: The Definitive History of the Assassin. The PID agents then track his IP address and discover that the is indeed located in downtown Manila, kilometers away from the president’s hotel, and his social media posts reveal that he is traveling in the direction of the president’s hotel. They continue to monitor him.

Source: How the Secret Service Foiled a Trump Assassination Attempt

No, The Did Not Speak To Over Comment

As I’ve pointed out throughout this whole election cycle, painting the GOP nominee as ‘violent’ is an old standard political attack by liberals.

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This time around, establishment Republicans embraced the tactic to attempt to take down Donald Trump’s campaign. This latest faux outrage about his 2nd Amendment comment is just the latest example of this strategy. It, coincidentally, comes at a time that has 5 major negative stories about her surface … hmm.

Ex-CIA director Michael Hayden said:

“If someone else had said that outside the hall, he’d be in the back of a police wagon now, with the questioning him.”

That’s, of course, a lie and he knows it.

There was no specific direct threat made. As such, there is no legal argument that a credible threat surfaced. No one would be detained for making this comment, and if they were, they’d have a lawsuit. Hayden knows this, but he’s issuing hyperbolic statements in an attempt to character assassinate Donald Trump.

Then came the reports the Secret Service was talking to Trump about the comment.

I expressed skepticism this was true on my show, and I was right.

CNN’s ratings are WAY down btw.

Reuters confirmed the Secret Service hadn’t spoken with Trump over the comment, that clearly wasn’t a threat, and was less severe than most rhetoric liberal Democrats have used.

Maybe next time liars.

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Daily : Monday, May 16

DEMOCRATS-SOCIALISTS Clash at Nevada State Convention – MEDICS, POLICE CALLED IN (Video)

Hillary and Bernie supporters clashed at the Nevada Democrat Convention on Saturday–

Clinton nets 2 more delegates at raucous Nevada convention | TheHill

In a memo, the Nevada Democratic Party said 58 Sanders supporters were denied because they either were not registered by May 1 or their information — such as address, date of birth and name — could not be found or identified in time, and they did not respond to requests to provide that information.

FLASHBACK: Did Bernie Sanders Win Nevada? |

won Nevada Saturday after county conventions took the win from . The Clinton and Sanders campaigns clashed at Nevada county conventions, and Sanders walked away with three county wins, including Clark County where Clinton had originally won the vote. This means that although Clinton got more votes on caucus day, Sanders will likely end up with more .

Governor Pence: “Federal government has no business getting involved in transgender bathroom issue” – 95.3 MNC News | The Burning Truth

has taken a stance against President Barack Obama’s guidance that public schools should allow to use restrooms of their choice.

WATCH: College Students Can’t Explain The Difference Between Man And Woman

A new video shows Seattle University students struggling to say how men and women are different, if they’re even different at all.

St. Joseph County candidate nominated by two parties for one seat – South Bend Tribune: Politics

In an season when political outsiders and have inspired passionate followings, perhaps Gerard Arthus should be no surprise.

Biden and Boehner at Notre Dame | LifeZette

The medal has been given since 1883 to those “whose genius has ennobled the arts and sciences, illustrated the ideals of the Church, and enriched the heritage of humanity.”

Don’t Accept Free Hugs From Anyone | The Burning Truth

This should be a no-brainer, but society is gullible as hell right now. What could possible happen if I accept ‘?’

Donald Trump Wins Trump University Legal Battle | The Burning Truth

When will start hating winning this much?

Actor Wendell Pierce Publicly Beats Female Bernie Sanders Supporter | The Burning Truth

CNN, MSNBC, & NeverTrump are hard at work looking at how to blame Trump’s ‘violent rhetoric’ for this savagery. A narrative I’ve thoroughly debunked.

Students Make Their High School Great Again By Plastering 1,000 Photos Of Donald Trump On Walls

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report

Fox reported Friday that records show Mr. Clinton declined protection on at least five flights.

Justin Maust interview

Expert questions Silver Stars for SEALs in Jessica Lynch rescue

The Navy awarded medals in secret to two for their roles in the controversial rescue of Army Pvt. in Iraq in 2003, according to newly released documents.

Daily : Tuesday, March 1

BREAKING: DAVID DUKE Releases Video “I Never Endorsed Trump. Stop Lying” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

On Thursday the media told former Grand Wizard had endorsed him. Trump disavowed the .

Donald Trump: I don’t want David Duke’s endorsement – POLITICO

By BRIANNA EHLEY 08/26/15 06:55 PM EDT

Introducing The Secret Service Choke Meme

MEDIA LIES: Falsely Claims Trump Ordered Black Students Kicked Out of Valdosta, Georgia Rally – The Gateway Pundit

The rumor started with Des Moines Register reporter Jennifer Jacobs who reported–without verifying–on Twitter and then in a report for USA Today that a group of Black students were kicked out before the rally began on orders by Trump. Jacob’s false report was picked up by many outlets without verification.

Cruz To NY Times, Trump: Release Audio | The Daily Caller

60% of Americans have a negative view of . It’s why the are so thrilled for our country to nominate him.

UPDATE: Sheriff issues expanded statement; Clay Higgins leaves t – | Continuous News Coverage | Acadiana-Lafayette

Clay Higgins, the charismatic Sheriff’s captain who put St. Landry Parish Crime Stoppers on the international map with his viral videos, has resigned from the Sheriff’s Office.

New York judge rules in favor of Apple in earlier locked iPhone case – Yahoo Finance

In a 50-page ruling rejecting almost everything federal prosecutors had argued, James Orenstein ruled that Apple could not be compelled to help get information off a locked used by methamphetamine dealer Jun Feng under the 1789 All Writs Act, the same law at issue in the California terrorism case.

Jesse Ventura says Bernie Sanders politely but firmly declined his endorsement

Former Minnesota Gov. is no longer feeling the Bern, after the Democratic presidential candidate declined his offer for endorsement.

Bro Move: NFL Prospect Maurice Canady Honors Slain Officer On His Cleats During NFL Combine – BroBible

After Prince William County Officer Ashley Guindon was tragically shot to on her first day on the job days ago, the hopeful, Canady—whose cousin is an officer in the same department—paid tribute to Guindon on his cleats at the NFL Combine, showing he understands what’s really important in life.

TV Anchor Who Once Said ‘F*ck It, I Quit’ On-Air To Go Sell Weed, Just Got Arrested For Smuggling Weed – BroBible

Agents proceeded to search everything she had with her before allowing her into Vancouver, going through her computer, cell phone, luggage, and, yep, even searching her damn dog for any marijuana residue.

Introducing The Meme

‘Remember that time I choked the agent?’ .
Yes, the happened after the slam, but that happened after the bumping into the agent and yelling “f*ck you!” in his ear.

I just wanted a nice light-hearted meme to poke fun of the feral idiots still freaking out about this.  Hence, the Secret Service !

secret service meme


Here’s the video of the slam, and the choke:

Here’s the reporter bumping into the agent, disobeying the agent, then saying “f*ck you!” in the agent’s ear:

You’re welcome.