Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Aug. 22

Daily : , . 22


Kamala Harris to Accept Nomination Without Giving a Press Conference or Providing Many Policy Details

Mystery item falls out of Nancy Pelosi’s pants during her DNC speech…and the internet has a wild theory

Would-Be Trump Assassin Had Encrypted Messaging Accounts On Platforms In 3 Foreign Countries, GOP Rep Says

Secret Service Agents Placed on Leave After Trump Assassination Attempt

Hour 2

Ford scraps plans for electric SUV

FLASHBACK: White House ‘Equity’ Requirements Holding Back EV Charging Station Construction, Internal Docs Show

Transportation Secy Pete Buttigieg Skewered by Center for Transportation Policy Ahead of His DNC Speech

Group That Pushes Finance to Blacklist Conservatives Calls Debanking a ‘Conspiracy Theory’

Hour 3

All workers walk out of South Whitley business, complain of unsafe conditions

The Truth About Retail Sales

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Says She Doesn’t Believe Official Government Jobs Numbers

Penn-Harris Madison Schools Resume Without DEI Officer

Penn-Harris Madison Resume Without Officer

As PHM returns to school today, you’ll notice some changes exclusively covered by over the past few months.

On April 15, 2024, we covered that PHM Schools were dropping the position.

Breaking: PHM Eliminates DEI Officer Position

Despite having multiple sources within the school district confirming this, we were called liars.

Protestations we were wrong aside … a few days later hammer dropped at PHM.

PHM Student Handbook Changes Are Interesting

PHM stripped from their handbooks.

All that was left was for the school board to make official, there would be no DEI officer at PHM for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

On May 20, 2024 … they did just that.

PHM Confirms My Exclusive Story Was Correct

As we’ve been telling you the whole , DEI will be hidden, renamed, and will rear its ugly head again. However, this was a victory against a horrible discriminatory policy.

Unfortunately, some just couldn’t accept this and continue, to this , to deny the DEI officer position is perpetually vacant. It wasn’t ‘eliminated’ they say. It was just left vacant indefinitely and funding for it ceased with no plans to ever revive the position or its funding.

Totally not the same thing folks.

Today is -to-school for PHM, and they do not have a DEI officer for the district.

PHM’s staff directory before …

PHM’s staff directory now …

You can verify this on their website.

Migrant Buses At South Bend Social Security Office Causes Uproar

Migrant Buses At Office Causes Uproar

On Monday, July 29, I was tagged in several social posts about two school buses dropping migrants off at the South Bend Social Security office. People had expressed that they couldn’t utilize the office’s services because of the number of people .

The people dropped off at the SSA building were all young men who appeared to be Mexican, Central, or South American. Most likely they were migrants. People asked that I look into it. I did.

Rep. Jim Banks, who’s also running for Senate in Indiana also shared a post about the buses in South Bend.

That particular post he responded to was removed, but others remain.

Vice President Kamala Harris was routinely labeled as Biden’s ‘ czar’ by the news media. The Democrats and many in the media are trying to erase that historical fact.

South Bend Mayor James Mueller issued this statement to the South Bend Tribune:

“This was a group of lawful, documented residents at the social security office,” Mueller, a , said in a written statement. “Rep. Jim Banks is a shameful opportunist, spreading racist political lies instead of advancing real solutions for South Bend or our ‘s broken immigration system.”

Before he issued the statement, Mayor Mueller’s spokeswoman told the :

the mayor’s office learned enough about the situation to know that the people were at the Social Security office lawfully conducting business.

Given that migrants who have no legal standing to stay in the U.S. often get released into the country pending their hearing, it’s certainly a concern that these might be , or asylum seekers who don’t qualify for asylum under the law. This is a common issue with the country’s border policies. Allowing migrants who crossed the border illegally to remain in the U.S. after captured is a signature complaint about Biden’s border policy.

I contacted Mayor Mueller’s office since he didn’t answer people’s questions about the migrants at the SSA building to see if I could get more information.

‘s what I sent him:

Screenshot Mail.federatedmedia.com 2024.07.30 18 31 07

After talking about the issue in my first segment on my radio show, Mayor Mueller’s office decided to send this response:

Screenshot 20240730 181004 Chrome

Rep. Jim Banks made no such assertions in his post. It was more ad hominem attacks from the Mayor’s office and the questions weren’t answered.

Finally, I was sent the response from the SSA about the buses in South Bend from someone else who was working on this issue (I erased the name of the recipient):


If the Mayor’s office hadn’t kept this all close to the vest and was just honest about what was happening, people might not have been as angry as they were. Instead, they chose to hurl false insults and attacks at people who were just trying to figure out what was going on.

Now you all know the truth.

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, June 27

Daily : , 27


CNN Threatens YouTube Channels that Want to Provide Trump-Biden Debate Commentary


Rep. Luna Gives Garland Until Friday to Comply w/ Subpoena

Hour 2

House votes to defund Mayorkas’ salary in DHS funding bill

Biden Admin to Close Largest ICE Detention Center, Move Deportation-Eligible Illegals Inward

ISIS-affiliated network smuggled over 400 migrants into US: Report

Tone-deaf Mayorkas claims ‘only the criminal’ to blame for slaughter of 12-year-old Texas girl, not Biden border policy

Now experts are asking whether milk is racist as part of a tax-payer funded research project into connections between milk and colonialism


Hour 3

: . Jim

Nearly half of American EV owners want to switch back to gas-powered vehicle, McKinsey data shows

FBI Allowed to Keep Epstein Documents Secret, Judge Rules

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, June 27

Exclusive: Board Member, Chaffee, Responds To Demands He Resign

Penn-Harris Madison school board member, Matt Chaffee, has responded to last night’s special session vote demanding he step down from school board with an exclusive press release to me.

In an exclusive press release to me, Matt responds to the vote and hints at ‘s to come regarding the allegations against him.

Last month, Real News Michiana published a story accusing Matt Chaffee of hypocrisy in demanding PHM board members resign in the wake of numerous violations by their members. The claim is that Matt was himself engaging in activity that warranted his resignation.

Most local media outlets showed up to last night’s vote to call for Chaffee’s resignation. The media was disinterested in previous press releases they received highlighting several examples of the board , Chris Riley, and his actions, and the subsequent calls by Matt Chaffee for Chris Riley to resign as a result.

These previous included, but are not limited to:

  • The board losing an illegal SAC complaint with the state.
  • A parent winning a Civil complaint against the board.
  • The harassing of critical of the board. Including police and employer harassment.
  • Board President Chris Riley committing several policy violations.
  • And refusal to punish PHM faculty caught violating policies.

None of those well-documented issues have caught the attention of local media. This angle, however, did.

The same goes for the teacher’s union representatives circulated an recruiting people to be at last night’s meeting. They were never interested in showing up to address proven issues with the PHM school board previously.

I wanted to point that the media has been completely disinterested in corruption and on the PHM board, but the moment a conservative member faced criticism, they showed up.

Here’s Matt Chaffee’s response to what happened last night and the allegations against him:

Meet 2

We’ll continue to update you on any developments.