Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Aug. 8

Daily : , . 8


Electric bus maker once touted by Biden files for bankruptcy

“Ford Is Losing $66,446 On Every EV It Sells”

Mazda kills off MX-30 EV in US, again, after selling just 66 cars

Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB-InBev) will be selling eight craft beer brands

Pence qualifies for first Republican debate: Here’s who else will be on stage.

Disgraced Former FBI Agent Involved in Trump Probe to Plead Guilty in Russian Oligarch Case

$1.3 Trillion Accounting Error

Hour 2


Indiana teacher with ‘kill list’ of students, staff sentenced to 2 1/2 years on probation

American Airlines passenger behind ‘not real’ viral tirade that delayed travelers for hours ID’d as marketing executive

Supreme Court Reinstates Biden ATF Ghost Gun Rules

Hour 3

People called the cops on a kid who was trying to make money by mowing yards to save up for a PlayStation 5. The police officers got together and bought the boy a brand new PS5. ❤️

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, March 29

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Scientists have created a meatball from “resurrected woolly mammoth flesh” but they’re too afraid to eat it because it might kill them

Hour 2

Manhattan Trump grand jury set to break for a month

Informants Everywhere

Video shows 3 police officers apparently join Jan. 6 protests, filing in Kansas case says

Londoners push back against invasive traffic CCTV designed to enforce “low emission zones”

Hour 3

Tucker Says Anti-TikTok Bill Would ‘Make America Much More Like China’


The RESTRICT act aims to tackle TikTok. But it’s overly-broad and has major privacy and free speech implications.

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, May 31

Daily : , 31


Michael Sussmann Acquitted; Trial Revealed Clinton Role in Russia ‘Collusion’ Hoax

Voter Fraud Leads to Reversed Result in California Local Government Election

Poll: Liz Cheney Sinks 30 Points Behind Trump-Endorsed Harriet Hageman in WY GOP Primary

Attorney for Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Wants to Set the Record Straight on DUI

World Economic Forum Says Go Vegan: Eat Seaweed, Algae, and Cacti to Save the Planet

We know from Davos gatherings and gatherings with same ‘‘ that they don’t dine on seaweed and algae. They have and rare proteins.

Over $50 for a burrito? World’s elite splash the cash on snacks at Davos

Hour 2

Robot Orders Surge 40% as Employers Seek Relief from Labor Shortages

This federal agent grabbed his barber’s shotgun when his wife texted “help” from the Uvalde school, then got his lady, their daughter, and dozens of students to safety

Border patrol agents who went in and took out the Uvalde shooter defied local police chief who told them to keep waiting outside the classroom

EXCLUSIVE: Many Border Patrol Agents, Cops Who Responded to Uvalde School Shooting Uninvited from Biden Event

Hour 3

‘You STUPID or somethin’? Dean Obeidallah declares there’s NO constitutional right to own a gun and LOL we’ve never seen so much BACKFIRE


The history of the assault rifle – Part 1: Before the Sturmgewehr

Rep. Kinzinger Says He Is ‘Open’ To An Assault Weapons Ban

In gaffe, Biden claims 9mm bullet ‘blows the lung out of the body’

Joe Biden on Memorial Day: ‘The Constitution, the Second Amendment Was Never Absolute’

Joe Biden Again Falsely Claims Trump Supporters Killed Police Officers on January 6

Liberal Media FUMES That They Choose To Missing White Women Than Others

This is one of the most laughable ‘outrages’ I’ve seen in a while. It’s not a new story. It comes up a few times a year but the answer to the problem is always the same.

First, let me, as a member of the media, highlight why some stories get covered and others don’t. Newsflash, it almost never has anything to do with skin color.


People who just vanish and there’s no additional information or evidence available, tend to not get covered all that much. It’s horrible for the families of the victims but it’s a reality in the news business. There needs to be a ‘hook’ to use to suck the audience into the story.

Those ‘hooks’ could be an unusual set of events, surveillance video showing something that might be relevant to the case, a photograph, text, or cryptic phone call. Sometimes there might even be witnesses. It could also be a small piece of evidence in the case. The media, often at the request of the authorities, puts this info out there to the public so the public can view the evidence and maybe help with the case. If there’s no evidence, the coverage rarely moves beyond the initial few stories for headline news. People like to feel like they can help a case and then become invested in it emotionally.

Crimes that happen in areas that aren’t crime-ridden do tend to get covered more because they are atypical. Is this fair to the victim’s family in those other cases, no. It is a reality though. Most local news outlets that I’ve seen in my career do a great job of highlighting tragic cases involving children even in high crime areas. They don’t often make national news because they aren’t of national interest.

Gabbi Petito’s case had all of the ‘hooks’ that make a compelling news story and then some. She was likely the victim of domestic battery, she was an aspiring social media influencer with fans who followed her travels, her public social media posts provided more evidence in the case, and she was traveling the country when the crime happened which means there’s more need for authorities to get the story on national media to gather evidence. Most stories don’t have most of these components. The fact that Gabby was young, white, and attractive are all secondary factors in the news coverage but people like Joy Reid want you to think those are the primary reasons her story was so widely covered. I’ve covered countless cases like this and the looks or race of the victim are rarely the central dynamics in coverage. The facts and evidence of the case are almost always the driving force. I’ve covered stories with all sorts of races and conventional standards of beauty throughout my career. The only demographic that I’ve ever seen get cast aside and not really given meaningful attention are boys and men who disappear. There are exceptions to that rule but, generally speaking, we cover the missing girl or woman much more readily than for boys or men.

This has never stopped the news media from screaming foul every time a case gets the attention that Gabby’s did when the victim is a white woman.

Eugene Scott is with the Washington Post. Eugene Scott didn’t know about those other missing people until Gabby went missing. He never bothered to look before so save us the sanctimony.

These hysterics are wonderfully ironic.

The news media is OVERWHELMINGLY liberal. Every survey of the media shows a vast majority are liberal. It’s been that way for decades. Some estimates have the media being around 85% Democrat/liberal. Analysis of the media’s political donations are well over 90% to Democrats. In some election cycles, the media donates to Democrats by as much as 96-97% over Republicans.

The media’s political ideology is only relevant because that same news media tells you constantly that the left is anti-racist and the right is racist.

So, the media says it’s racism that leads to missing white women getting more coverage than minority women but it’s the media who chooses what stories get covered and that media overwhelmingly identifies as being politically left?


If the news media thinks racism is what’s driving missing white women to get more coverage than non-white missing persons then the media should probably stop being so racist in their choice of what they cover, don’t you think?

It’s like the athlete gender pay gap nonsense. If women really cared about women athletes paid as much as , women would start watching women’s sports and those athletes, but they don’t.

All media has to do to change what stories get the most attention is to … change what stories get the most attention. They are the only ones to blame for this. No one else controls what stories get covered. Maybe stop constantly trying to demonize middle and for 5 minutes and focus on all of those non-white missing person cases didn’t know about before lamenting the coverage of Gabby Petito. she peace and her family get justice.