Daily Show Prep: Tues, Dec. 13

Daily : Tues, Dec. 13


Hospitals are the fullest they’ve been over the course of the entire pandemic but weirdly I don’t see anyone freaking out and demanding we shut down our entire society

Report: Canadian euthanasia deaths are about to surpass Covid deaths as the government doubles down on eliminating its citizens

What did schools do with their emergency “pandemic” money?

Pennsylvania school board member to resign over statement rejecting ‘cis White male’ for president

Hour 2



School Board President Accused Of Inviting High School Choir To ‘Adult’ Party At His Home

Hour 3

Nuclear fusion breakthrough: Scientists generate more power than used to create reaction


Pete Buttigieg often flies on taxpayer-funded private jets, flight data show

Retired Navy SEAL made famous after coming out as trans announces detransition: ‘Destroyed my life’

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Oct. 10

Daily : , . 10



The United States’ oldest great civilization: Cahokia?

The Real Story of Christopher Columbus

Hour 2

: Rudy Yakym

Biden’s Anti-Drilling Policies Have Cut Oil Supplies as Much as the OPEC+ Decision, Study Reveals



Hour 3

is for withholding records

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Sept. 19

Daily : , Sept. 19



FLASHBACK: The Same Woman Behind This TikTok Lie Was Behind Democrats Creating Fake Newspapers To Push DNC Talking Points During The 2020 Election


More Jan 6 people convicted of “parading”


Hour 2

: PHM board Chaffee has had people publicly him get threatened. Even they could lose their jobs at PHM if they publicly his .


With the pandemic officially over, now it’s time to end all vaccine mandates and any other stupid made up rules

Democrats are STILL out here firing people for not getting the jab. NYC is axing 850 more teachers and aides for not getting the Covid vaccine!

Scientists say most people can now treat COVID basically like the seasonal flu, just in case you haven’t been doing that already for 2.5 years

EXCLUSIVE: US Pandemic Committee Hasn’t Worked During COVID-19 Pandemic


Hour 3


Fibrous Clots, Foreign Matter in Blood After COVID Jabs: Is There a Way to Detox?

FLASHBACK: Moderna recalls thousands of COVID vaccine doses in Europe

NEJM study confirms that covid jabs destroy natural immunity

Unvaccinated Air Force Officers Grounded Despite Court Order: Former Space Force Lt. Colonel


Unvaccinated Navy Officer Restricted From Official Travel, Forced to Live Away from Husband for 1.5 Years

The U.S. Army says they will consider requests from soldiers who want to avoid serving in states where abortion is illegal

Daily Show Prep: Friday, Sept. 9

Daily : , Sept. 9

Hour 1


Biden takes heat for spending 40 percent of his days in office ‘on vacation’

FBN, NPR Reporters to KJP: Where Has Biden Had to Sacrifice Like Real Americans?

Of ‘t cutting .

FLASHBACK: Trump’s Leaner White House 2020 Payroll Saved Taxpayers $23.5 Million Since 2017

Biden vastly increased annual House .


Hour 2

Prosecutor: Slain Las Vegas journalist had Democratic county administrator’s DNA under fingernails

Casey begins discussing .

Hour 3

Casey continues his discussion.

Gen Z want to make money, but as TikTok and Instagram influencers, not by climbing the corporate ladder as their parents did