Daily Show Prep: Friday, March 22

Daily : , 22


BREAKING: Unknown number killed in terror attack on Moscow concert hall

1 of the Few Remaining Survivors of the Attack on Pearl Harbor Has Died at 102

Kate Middleton reveals she has cancer, undergoing preventative chemotherapy

NBC News Hires Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel

Candace Owens Is Out at Daily Wire, CEO Says

Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher will resign early, leaving House majority hanging by a thread

BREAKING: New York AG moves to seize Trump’s Westchester golf course

FDA agrees to remove social media posts and webpages which urged people not to take Ivermectin to treat Covid

The responses to this are amazing 😂

Hour 2

Chinese Humanoid Robot Defeats Speed Record, See The Machine In Action

Massive robotic arm 3D prints 27-ft-high two-story house in a first


Chicago Sues Glock Over 3D-Printable Machine Gun Converter

Google’s Gmail censorship cost GOP candidates $2B since 2019, Republicans say, citing new study

Why did Wikipedia delete this part of the 1966 strategy to tank a nation that’s getting lots of chatter online? 🤔

Hour 3

House GOP Probing ‘Loose-Knit Network’ Conspiring to Stop Trump

Secretaries Of State Won’t Explain ‘Coordinated’ Effort To Fight ‘Common Adversary’ In 2024

Susan Rice Sounds The Alarm On How Donald Trump’s Debts Could Risk U.S. Security

House Dems could have Johnson’s back on ouster threat — if Ukraine aid gets a vote

Schumer rejects Netanyahu’s request to address Senate days after blistering speech about Israeli leader

Detroit ‘teacher of the month’ claims she was fired over parent’s complaint about rapping side hustle — then films music video with students

EXCLUSIVEI was threatened by the January 6 committee into staying silent, Trump’s acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller claims

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Dec. 18

Daily : , Dec. 18



Erasing History: Arlington National Cemetery Removing Civil War Reconciliation Monument

Graphic Video: Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape in Senate Hearing Room

‘Adults in Charge’: Top Nine Degenerate Democrat Scandals Under Joe Biden

FLAHBACK: Senator Whose Staffer Filmed Senate Sex Tape Said The Capitol Building Is ‘Sacred’

Hour 2

INDIANA child services took their kid away when they refused to affirm his “gender identity.” Now they are petitioning the Supreme Court.

All Indiana schools are required to adopt a new way of teaching students to read

Homelessness In America Hits Modern Record High

FBI secretly taped James Biden as it probed attorney who paid $100K to his consulting firm: report

Scientists are out here putting VR goggles on mice to simulate being attacked by birds

Lab-grown fake meat CEO says industry should “invite” customers to eat the product rather than “insult” them

Hour 3

NBC News: Elon Musk’s Cybertruck Would Be Lethal to Pedestrians, Experts Say

Stop Planting Trees, Says Guy Who Inspired World to Plant a Trillion Trees

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Aug. 1

Daily : , . 1



High school senior boys nearly twice as likely to be conservative as liberal: Survey

Vegan raw food diet influencer Zhanna D’Art dies of starvation: report

Hour 2

: Irish Rover’s W Joseph DeReuil


Huge Report About Dead Obama Chef – This Is Who Was with Him When He Died

‘Green Companies’ With High ESG Scores Pollute Just As Much As Other Companies

Hour 3

NBC News says race is fixed from birth and can’t be changed but also it’s made up … but you can’t change it because it isn’t real 🥴

Ilhan Oman blasted as a racist for ‘disgusting’ remarks about white men: ‘She should be removed from Congress’

Daily Show Prep: Friday, Jan. 27

Daily : , Jan. 27


Paul Pelosi 911 call

Where’s NBC News’ apology to Miguel Almaguer for suspending him over report on Paul Pelosi attack?


Ronna McDaniel wins re-election to an unprecedented fourth term chairing the Republican National Committee

Hour 2 & 3

Liberal FUMES That They Choose To Cover Missing Women More Than Others

This is one of the most laughable ‘outrages’ I’ve seen in a while. It’s not a new story. It comes up a few times a year but the answer to the problem is always the same.

First, let me, as a member of the media, highlight why some stories get covered and others don’t. Newsflash, it almost never has anything to do with skin color.


People who just vanish and there’s no additional information or evidence available, tend to not get covered all that much. It’s horrible for the families of the victims but it’s a reality in the news business. There needs to be a ‘hook’ to use to suck the audience into the story.

Those ‘hooks’ could be an unusual set of events, surveillance video showing something that might be relevant to the case, a photograph, text, or cryptic phone call. Sometimes there might even be witnesses. It could also be a small piece of evidence in the case. The media, often at the request of the authorities, puts this info out there to the public so the public can view the evidence and maybe help with the case. If there’s no evidence, the coverage rarely moves beyond the initial few stories for headline news. People like to feel like they can help a case and then become invested in it emotionally.

Crimes that happen in areas that aren’t crime-ridden do tend to get covered more because they are atypical. Is this fair to the victim’s family in those other cases, no. It is a reality though. Most local news outlets that I’ve seen in my career do a great job of highlighting tragic cases involving children even in high crime areas. They don’t often make national news because they aren’t of national interest.

Gabbi Petito’s case had all of the ‘hooks’ that make a compelling news story and then some. She was likely the victim of domestic battery, she was an aspiring social media influencer with fans who followed her travels, her public social media posts provided more evidence in the case, and she was traveling the country when the crime happened which means there’s more need for authorities to get the story on national media to gather evidence. Most stories don’t have most of these components. The fact that Gabby was young, white, and attractive are all secondary factors in the news coverage but people like Joy Reid want you to think those are the primary reasons her story was so widely covered. I’ve covered countless cases like this and the looks or race of the victim are rarely the central dynamics in coverage. The facts and evidence of the case are almost always the driving force. I’ve covered stories with all sorts of races and conventional standards of beauty throughout my career. The only demographic that I’ve ever seen get cast aside and not really given meaningful attention are boys and men who disappear. There are exceptions to that rule but, generally speaking, we cover the missing girl or woman much more readily than for boys or men.

This has never stopped the news media from screaming foul every time a case gets the attention that Gabby’s did when the victim is a white woman.

Eugene Scott is with the Washington Post. Eugene Scott didn’t know about those other missing people until Gabby went missing. He never bothered to look before so save us the sanctimony.

These hysterics are wonderfully ironic.

The news media is OVERWHELMINGLY liberal. Every survey of the media shows a vast majority are liberal. It’s been that way for decades. Some estimates have the media being around 85% Democrat/liberal. Analysis of the media’s political donations are well over 90% to Democrats. In some election cycles, the media donates to Democrats by as much as 96-97% over Republicans.

The media’s political ideology is only relevant because that same news media tells you constantly that the left is anti-racist and the right is racist.

So, the media says it’s racism that leads to missing white women getting more coverage than minority women but it’s the media who chooses what stories get covered and that media overwhelmingly identifies as being politically left?


If the news media thinks racism is what’s driving missing white women to get more coverage than non-white missing persons then the media should probably stop being so racist in their choice of what they cover, don’t you think?

It’s like the athlete gender pay gap nonsense. If women really cared women athletes paid as much as , women would start watching women’s sports and support those athletes, but they don’t.

All has to do to what stories get the most attention is to … change what stories get the most attention. They are the only ones to blame for this. No one else controls what stories get covered. Maybe stop constantly trying to demonize middle and Trump for 5 minutes and focus on all of those non- missing person cases you didn’t know about before lamenting the coverage of Gabby Petito. she in peace and her family get justice.