Daily Show Prep: Friday, Jan. 13

Daily : , Jan. 13


Amid Aviation Crisis, Buttigieg’s Transportation Department Expands Vacation

Third Find of Biden Classified Documents Shows How Bad the Problem Is


: District Representative Teshka

Russia releases US Navy veteran Taylor Dudley

GOP bill says only the American flag can fly over US embassies: No more pride, BLM flags

Hour 2


CDC identifies possible ‘safety concern’ for certain people receiving COVID vaccines

Not Just Misinformation: In Emails to White House, Facebook Admits Suppressing ‘Often-True Content’ on COVID-19 Vaccines

Hour 3

Pfizer gives $1 million to Republican Party of Kentucky to expand its headquarters

FDA Expert Panel Reportedly ‘Disappointed’ That Moderna Neglected to Present Key Reinfection Data for New COVID Vaccine

Daily Show Prep: Tues, Dec. 13

Daily : Tues, Dec. 13


Hospitals are the fullest they’ve been over the course of the entire pandemic but weirdly I don’t see anyone freaking out and demanding we shut down our entire society

Report: Canadian euthanasia deaths are about to surpass Covid deaths as the government doubles down on eliminating its citizens

What did schools do with their emergency “pandemic” money?

Pennsylvania school board member to resign over statement rejecting ‘cis White male’ for president

Hour 2



School Board President Accused Of Inviting High School Choir To ‘Adult’ Party At His Home

Hour 3

Nuclear fusion breakthrough: Scientists generate more power than used to create reaction


Pete Buttigieg often flies on taxpayer-funded private jets, flight data show

Retired Navy SEAL made famous after coming out as trans announces detransition: ‘Destroyed my life’

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Sept. 19

Daily : , Sept. 19

Hour 1


FLASHBACK: The Same Woman Behind This TikTok Lie Was Behind Democrats Creating Fake Newspapers To Push DNC Talking Points During The 2020 Election


More Jan 6 people convicted of “parading”


Hour 2

: Chaffee has had publicly him get threatened. Even they lose their jobs at PHM if they publicly endorse his campaign.


With the pandemic officially over, now it’s time to end all vaccine mandates and any other stupid made up rules

Democrats are STILL out here firing people for not getting the jab. NYC is axing 850 more teachers and aides for not getting the Covid vaccine!

Scientists say most people can now treat COVID basically like the seasonal flu, just in case you haven’t been doing that already for 2.5 years

EXCLUSIVE: US Pandemic Committee Hasn’t Worked During COVID-19 Pandemic


Hour 3


Fibrous Clots, Foreign Matter in Blood After COVID Jabs: Is There a Way to Detox?

FLASHBACK: Moderna recalls thousands of COVID vaccine doses in Europe

NEJM study confirms that covid jabs destroy natural immunity

Unvaccinated Air Force Officers Grounded Despite Court Order: Former Space Force Lt. Colonel


Unvaccinated Navy Officer Restricted From Official Travel, Forced to Live Away from Husband for 1.5 Years

The U.S. Army says they will consider requests from soldiers who want to avoid serving in states where abortion is illegal

Daily : , June 30

[contentcards url=”http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2015/07/30/filthy-rio-may-cause-serious-health-issues-for-olympic-swimmers-rowers.html” target=”_blank”]

Elkhart County minorities to help organize bicentennial activities in wake of flap over pick of all-white relay team – Elkhart Truth

Officials helping plan activities in Elkhart County to mark Indiana’s bicentennial are forming an expanded organizational committee that will include minority representation.

Lyman man charged following shooting at nightclub | GoUpstate.com

Three people were shot. Another who was shot at returned fire with his own handgun and struck Thompson in the , he said.

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/watch-cnn-host-gets-pwned-with-facts-on-guns/” target=”_blank”]

No more cookie dough? FDA says it’s a raw deal – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

It is hard to resist eating even a piece of raw dough while making cookies, or letting the kids scrape the bowl, but the FDA says it could make you sick, even if you don’t use eggs. Many people understand the risk of eating raw dough due to the presence of raw eggs and its Salmonella risk. There is still a risk associated with raw dough without eggs, such as E. coli in flour.


Study: little to no association between butter and chronic disea – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

Tufts University researchers reviewed several studies representing than 600,000 people finding butter had either a very small or insignificant association with any risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes or sudden .


IRS Tea-Party Harassment May Have Broken the Law | National Review

Recently obtained documents raise new questions about Lois Lerner’s role in sending confidential returns to the Justice Department.

Real Life PC Principal: Police Interrogate Third Grader Accused of Racism for Brownie Comment at School Party

A third grader had made a comment about the brownies being served to the class. After another student exclaimed that the remark was “racist,” the school called the Collingswood Police Department, according to the mother of the boy who made the comment.

Why police were called to a South Jersey third-grade class party

Superintendent Scott Oswald estimated that on some occasions over the last month, officers may have been called to as many as five incidents per day in the district of 1,875 students.

Police bodycams ‘filmed officers using toilet’ claims lawsuit against “offensive and voyeuristic intrusion” – Mirror Online

U.S. sailors divulged sensitive information while held by Iran – Navy | Reuters

U.S. sailors who blundered into Iranian waters in January divulged sensitive information to their captors while held at gunpoint by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a U.S. Navy report said on Thursday.

Humanity Greening Earth, Plant Life Everywhere Thrives | The Daily Caller

A team of researchers by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory Climate Change Science Institute discovered a correlation between human activity and the greening of the Northern Hemisphere.

Law Enforcement Sources: Gun Used in Paris Terrorist Attacks Came from Phoenix – Judicial Watch

One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “gun-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.”

E.U. Survey Finds E-Cigarettes Helped 15 Million Smokers Quit or Cut Back – Hit & Run : Reason.com

A large survey of Europeans indicates that more than 6 million have quit smoking with the help of e-cigarettes, while more than 9 million have cut

Parents punish teen for theft with backyard tent banishment – TODAY.com

Clinton’s Private E-Mail Use Said to Frustrate Top Aide Huma Abedin

A top aide to Hillary Clinton said the former secretary of ‘s use of a e-mail server to conduct government business on at least one occasion got in the way of Clinton’s work and left the aide frustrated, according to a transcript of the aide’s deposition released Wednesday.

Fox targeted by FEC Dems in first-ever vote to punish debate sponsorship

Finally making good on long-harbored anger at conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission voted in secret to punish Fox News’ sponsorship of a Republican presidential debate, using an obscure law to charge the network with helping those on stage.

Daily : , June 23

News from The Associated Press

The Supreme Court deadlocked Thursday on President Barack Obama’s immigration plan that sought to shield millions living the U.S. illegally from deportation, effectively killing the plan for the rest of his presidency.

[contentcards url=”https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi4_MCFzL_NAhUD64MKHWozBIsQFggeMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fchicago.cbslocal.com%2F2016%2F06%2F20%2Fchicago-teachers-union-boots-chess-coach-for-not-joining-one-day-strike%2F&usg=AFQjCNF6aZrNzLULLSSTDP5gYVD_dqz3mA&sig2=KVzRK5ilYBTh1wsc5s4N8A” target=”_blank”]

Chicago Teachers Union Boots Chess Coach For Ignoring One-Day Strike « CBS Chicago

He crossed the line – the CPS teachers’ one- strike — out of his love for the classroom.

Third Baltimore police officer tried in Freddie Gray case acquitted of all charges | Fox News

The Baltimore police officer drove the transport van Freddie Gray rode in his arrest was found not guilty on Thursday of all charges stemming from Gray’s April 2015 death, making him the third officer in that case tried without a conviction.

News from The Associated Press

The mysterious “zombie bee” parasite that kills honeybees has reached the southern United States after scientists confirmed a case in Virginia about an hour outside Roanoke, researchers announced this week.

‘Don’t kill it!’: Runaway robot IR77 could be de-activated because of ‘love for freedom’ — RT News

A robot-maker from Perm, Russia, is considering de-activating – the world-famous machine that escaped its testing grounds in June and caused traffic chaos. The robot’s fans are in uproar, claiming the step would be akin to killing a living being.

Navy commodore to be relieved of command over Iran’s capture of his sailors | Fox News

“The story here is these guys had gotten used to Iranians doing stupid s—, having weapons pointed at them all the time, they didn’t know they were being captured until the Iranians boarded their boats,” one defense official said describing the of situational awareness by the Navy crew. “They messed up pretty bad.”

New York police deploy helicopters and K-9 units to find teen who skipped $2.75 subway fare

But even after police brought helicopters and scent dogs out to search for him, the 16-year- ended up turning himself in a few hours later, according to the Daily . He’s been charged with escape and theft of services.

Feminists Upset That Physical Standards For Marines Are Too Tough for Women | Truth Revolt

But instead of leveling the playing field, the standards have generated some shockingly disparate results: Of the recruits who took the test, 86% of the women failed compared to 3% of men.

Rep. John Lewis et al Protest for Nothing

The American Civil Liberties Union strongly urges you to vote “NO” on both the Cornyn Amendment No. 4749 and the Feinstein Amendment No. 4720 on firearms permits, which will be considered on the Senate floor this week as amendments to H.R. 2578, the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Our concerns about both amendments are informed by our policy on the regulation of firearms, as well as our knowledge of the overbreadth and misuse of watchlists, and are twofold: the use of vague and overbroad criteria and the lack of adequate due process safeguards.

Fact Check: Snopes Is Liberal As Hell | The Daily Caller

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”