Daily Show Prep: Tues, Oct. 25

Daily : Tues, . 25


I love watching progressives rediscover marriage

Hour 2

Democrat Hypocrisy Over Violence Against Republicans Is Part of the Reason Why They’ll Lose

ABC’s Miami Affiliate Doxxes Rubio Canvasser Who Was Brutally Attacked, Labels Him White Supremacist

Democrats sure can pick ’em’: J6 officer and Democrat HERO Michael Fanone has some ‘splainin’ to do about his racist past

Perfect! This focus group absolutely dismantled MSNBC and the radical Left’s J6 narrative

Hour 3

Hillary Clinton DRAGGED for going straight-up ELECTION DENIER in bats**t video claiming right-wing extremists plan to STEAL ’24 election (watch)

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace asks if it’s time to invite foreign interference into US elections (for ‘monitoring’ purposes only of course)

BRUTAL: If these clips of Gov. DeSantis owning Charlie Crist at the Florida debate don’t end the Dem’s chances nothing will

Charlie Crist tried to debate Ronny D last night. Here’s some clips showing how that went. 🤣

White House to issue election security warning just two weeks from anticipated Republican blowout

White House to issue election security warning just two weeks from anticipated Republican blowout

New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay

Daily Show Prep: Thurs, Sept. 1

Daily : Thurs, Sept. 1


Joe Biden’s Ghost Gun ‘Ban’ Lasted Less Than A Minute

Report — FBI Agents Have ‘Lost Confidence’ in Director Wray: ‘He’s Got to Leave’

Can’t make it up: California asks residents to stop charging electric cars on strained grid the week after passing a law to ban gas-powered cars

Police Scotland bought electric vehicles, but not chargers for them



Hour 2

: Rob Roeder for District 3 .



Bed Bath & Beyond Goes Broke: Retailer to Shutter Stores, Cut Staff After Cancelling MyPillow Last Year

BREAKING: Bombshell Documents Show Biden Admin. Colluding With Social Media Companies To Censor Free Speech

Hour 3

Amazon Faces Suit Over $10k Offer Made Exclusively to ‘Black, Latinx, and Native American Entrepreneurs’


‘Think Like a White Man’ author deletes tweets defaming Laurence Fox as racist, issues apology

Daily : Wed. . 7


Trump: I’m Authorizing Total Declassification Of All Docs Related To Hillary’s Alleged Plan To Smear Me

Intel Chief Declassifies CIA Documents Regarding Alleged Clinton Plan To Link Trump To Russia’s Hacking

Caught Red Handed: Brennan’s Handwritten Notes Prove Obama Was Briefed on Scheme to Set Up Trump

Hillary Clinton behind plan to tie Trump to Russia, CIA warned Comey, Strzok

Memo: Chuck Schumer PAC Spending Millions to Save Gary Peters in Michigan

GOP voter registrations outpace Dems in swing states: report

Poll: Trump Takes the Lead in Maine’s Second District

Hour 2

McCloskeys Indicted By Grand Jury On Felony Weapons, Evidence Tampering Charges

Charges Filed Against Trans Elections Judge ‘Erika’ Bickford in Allentown, Pennsylvania — Including Tampering with Ballots

Restaurant-Goers In California Told To Wear Mask ‘In Between Bites’ By Governor’s Office

NBA will stop pushing BLM message on the court after ratings plummet

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Apologizes To Ilhan Omar For Pushing Voter Fraud Report After Witness Said He Was Bribed

Biden Flees Podium Before Reporters Can Ask Questions After Dark and Divisive Speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (VIDEO)

Biden says there shouldn’t be second debate if Trump still has COVID-19

Massive Hollywood-Style Trump Sign Placed on the 405 in Los Angeles.

Trump poses stand alone bill for $1,200 stimulus checks, after ending talks with House Democrats

Hour 3

BUSTED! USPS Employee Arrested After Election Ballots Found In Dumpster in New Jersey

BREAKING: Republicans in the House Join Senate Republicans- Ask FBI to Investigate Joe Biden, His Son Hunter and His Brother for Criminal Financial Activities

‘Creepy’ Joe Biden, 77, tells group of ‘beautiful young ladies’ he wants to ‘see them dancing when they’re four years older’ during campaign stop in Miami

California Bureaucrats Knocked Down Giant Trump Sign On Private Property, Claimed It Was A Safety Hazard



Democrat Politician Caught Pretending To Be An Immigrant, Was Born Miami

politician claimed to be a Jewish immigrant was actually born Miami, and has been a until just a few years ago. She also lied her father’s faith.

Her brother is one who outed her as a fraud. I’d love to be a fly in the room on after this.

Maybe she just ‘identifies’ as a Jewish immigrant and we should let her play this fantasy .


Monday, August 27 – 2

President Trump announces trade deal with .

Illegal alien murders veteran.

seek to make illegal border crossings not illegal. Thereby, admitting is illegal.

: Immigrants aren’t doing the jobs Americans won’t do.

Democrat politician pretended to be an immigrant but was born .

driver loses sponsor because of something his dad allegedly said before he was born.

admits 3 songs on posthumous album are frauds.