Daily Show Prep: Monday, April 13

Hour 1

George Stephanopoulos Tests Positive for Coronavirus

The Worst Governor in America

Lawmakers Skewer Michigan Governor for Latest Coronavirus Order


Online petition to recall Michigan governor receives more than 150,000 signatures

Fox News: IRS Announces First Wave of COVID-19 Stimulus Check Sent to Bank Accounts


Federal Tax Collections Were Up in March—Despite COVID-19 Shutdown; Total Taxes Set Record in First Half of FY2020

Surgeon General: We’re Working with Real Coronavirus Data Now, Not Models

Hour 2

Devin Nunes Expects More Criminal Referrals Stemming From Latest FISA Revelations



Not only is the NY Times telling you that inappropriately touching, hugging, kissing women at work is not sexual misconduct, they are lying about no other accusations. I’ve been telling you for a long time that there’s 8 accusers. 3 have been written about in the NY Times themselves.

All the Women Who Have Spoken Out Against Joe Biden

FBI: SEIU Duped as 39 Million Masks ‘Found’ by Union Was Elaborate Fraud Scheme

I told you weeks ago this didn’t pass the smell test.

Hour 3

China’s telecom ‘trustworthiness’ under question, FCC commissioner tells Shannon Bream

FCC Announces $200 Million Telehealth Program

Chinese spies are trying to snoop on Zoom conversations, US intel experts say

African ambassadors complain to China over ‘discrimination’ in Guangzhou

China stifles coronavirus research in apparent bid to control narrative, analysts say

China Caught in the Act While Covering Up COVID, Deleted Chilling Wuhan News Article on New Cases

Wuhan lab was performing coronavirus experiments on bats from the caves where the disease is believed to have originated – with a £3m grant from the US

Mental Gymnastics: Liberal Magazine Says ‘Right-Wing Stunt’ Blaming WHO Was Actually Correct

Dr. Fauci on CCP Virus: ‘Incorrect Information Was Propagated Right From the Beginning’

CDC data suggests coronavirus may have been in California as early as December

Governors on East and West coasts form pacts to decide when to reopen economies




Someone is hiding a library’s anti-Trump books so no one can read them — and apparently takes ‘great pleasure’ in staffers’ ‘liberal angst’

Guerilla as hell.


Left-leaning and anti-Trump titles had been disappearing, and then Library Director Bette Ammon got the following anonymous comment: “I noticed a large number of books attacking our president. I am going to continue hiding these books in the most obscure places I can find to keep this out of the hands of young minds. Your liberal angst gives me great pleasure.”

Those “obscure places,” the New York Times said, included misplaced in out-of-the-way sections, as well as behind rows of books and with spines facing inward so the missing books couldn’t be found.

The paper said about half the missing books deal with Trump, including “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump ” by Michael Wolff and “Under Fire: Reporting from the Front Lines of the Trump White House” by .

And when books are hidden and unable to be found, staffers order replacements — which is costly, KXLY said.

“If we’re replacing a $20 book, it may take time for three different staff people to order it, receive it, catalog it, [and] cover it,” Ammon added to the station, “and not to mention the time spent actually searching when the book went missing in the first place.”

To combat the problem, one staffer set up a , but the enormous amount of footage took too long to go through, the Times said, adding a flying a drone over the top of the stacks showed no missing titles.

Click here to view original web page at www.theblaze.com

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Nov. 11

Hour 1

Big Indiana teachers rally prompting many school closings on Nov. 19

Socialist-led #RedForEd Movement Aims to Reinvigorate Labor, Defeat Trump


Teacher pay: Find the average salary in every Indiana school district

Joe Biden: No One Needs a ‘Magazine with 100 Clips in It’

Michigan Supreme Court takes case of foreclosure windf


Question for ABC and CBS: Will Ashley Bianco Get Her Job Back?


Hour 2

U.S. Military Has Chinese Surveillance Tools Installed Thanks To New York Company Accused Of Lying About Who Made The Products

Amy Klobuchar Suggests Buttigieg’s Rise Is Due To Sexism, Not Better Qualifications

Schiff Rejects GOP Request For Whistleblower To Testify In Impeachment Proceedings

Kevin McCarthy: This is a calculated coup orchestrated by

Horowitz Report Will Be Damning. Criminal Referrals Likely

Liberals, media claim Vindman fired from NSC, immediately bash Trump. Turns out it was completely false

Excerpts From Alexander Vindman’s Testimony To Congress Raises Questions About Credibility


Hour 3

Report: FCC Has Collected Just $6,790 Since It Began Fining Robocallers

U.S. Boasts Most Affordable Grocery Basket

Latest ICE Arrest of Irish Terrorist Shows Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Indiscriminate

Maryland County’s Ban On Displaying Pro-Police Flag At Police Station Prompts Outrage From State Republicans

Harvard ‘Recruited to Reject’ Thousands of Black Kids, Study Shows

Bombshell: Nikki Haley claims senior officials tried enlisting her to sabotage President Trump


Behind The Network Of Outside, Left-Wing Groups Pushing Racial Policies In , Counties Across America

  • Many cities and counties are adopting radical policies that see every aspect of operations through the “lens” of race.
  • A network of -backed activist groups has worked to push these policies at the most local level of government, where there is little scrutiny.
  • The policies are justified by citing attributed to the University of Southern California, which actually comes from an outfit connected to the activist groups and whose work economists say is .

    In cities and counties across America, local politicians have in recent months begun proposing comprehensive race-based policies such as redrawing school boundaries to dismantle schools with too many white or Asian students.

    They have pushed for radical changes that have roiled even liberal-leaning constituents. The justification on all of their lips is oddly similar: “Equity.” The same buzzwords appear again and again.

    “School board meetings suddenly became like Mad Libs. They started repeating certain phrases, jamming them into every sentence. It was very odd,” Margaret McCreary, a , , parent who eventually learned that the board members were using the “equity” language to push a proposal that could move her children out of their schools, told the Daily Caller Foundation.

    “It seemed like they were all in cahoots to do something, but at first we didn’t know what to make of it, because we didn’t know what they were talking about,” she said.

    Fairfax was one of multiple local governments to pass sweeping changes requiring every to be seen through the “lens” of race. The changes were justified by academic research from the University of Southern California (USC) that was tough for any city or county, rich or poor, to pass up: If they enacted certain policies, they were told, the cities’ economies could gain billions of dollars.

    An investigation by the DCNF found that across the country, these changes are being pushed on local governments by a constellation of groups who share the same funders, including George Soros. One of those groups alone is active in 33 cities and counties covering 1 in 10 Americans.

    A group tied to USC called the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) functions to create research — at the behest of funders — that promises billions of dollars in . Another set of groups introduce the research to individual cities and counties, where it is used to justify a mandate to include “equity” in every government policy. The language is often vague and comprised of obscure .

    That’s the stage Montgomery County, Maryland, is at now, where an official sympathetic to the movement, Uma Ahluwalia, told The Washington Post: “It’s nice to throw that word, ‘equity,’ around, but what does it mean?”

Click here to view original web page at dailycaller.com

Oregon Mother: I Was Targeted With a Fake Report to Due to my Pro-Life Beliefs

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mother Heather Hobbs believes she was targeted with a politically motivated report to (CPS) due to her pro-life beliefs.

Hobbs, a pro-life advocate who spoke at a recent pro-Trump rally, was targeted with a CPS report that she says was politically motivated.

On Aug. 26, Hobbs went into OHSU Hospital in for thyroid surgery. She said that two days later she encountered a nurse who objected to her beliefs.

“My oldest came up to me to give me a hug in the bed. She said, ‘Mommy I love you! I want to be a prolife speaker one day too.’ I expressed that I loved her as well and said, ‘I thought you wanted to be an OBGYN?. She said, ‘” I want to be both!’” I replied, ‘We could always use more prolife doctors.’ During this time my husband was watching a video on his phone while my other children watched a cartoon and the youngest was nursing (age 18 months),” Hobbs told The .

“Nurse C turned to me and said with an annoyed tone: ‘So you’re prolife?’ I smiled and gently said ‘I am now but wasn’t always. I was raised in a more liberal atheist prochoice home, but it wasn’t until my first child that I ever had to really contemplate my beliefs. She changed my heart, and every child after changed me a bit more. I believe abortion hurts women.’

For the rest of the day this nurse was cold, rude, and pushed the medications quickly through my IV, which was very painful, and prior to that incident, she did it slowly. I ultimately decided to pray for her that she will see the love and happiness we have as a conservative pro-life family and maybe, just maybe, it would plant a mustard seed,” Hobbs said.

Hobbs said that she also discussed President Trump with a different nurse at the hospital and gave her information about the pro-Trump # campaign. But on Aug. 30, in a phone conversation with an employee at the hotel where her family was staying, Hobbs was confronted with alarming , as she learned a complaint had been filed against her with CPS.

Read the rest at www.theepochtimes.com