What’s Causing The Epidemic Of Liver Infections In Children?

What’s Causing Of ?

The and are warning everyone about a among . They say cause is ‘unknown.’ Only … ‘t unknown. We’ve known about it for at least a year now.

FYI, October 2021 is when the FDA approved expanding the vaccines to children aged 5-11. What a coincidence that that’s when the surge in liver infections started.

Fake : No, Overdoses Aren’t Overwhelming Hospitals

The lies are just like the Hydroxychloroquine and ‘inject bleach’ lies.

First of all, ivermectin is safe for humans and has been used to humans since the 1980s.

Second, ‘s been shown to have good anti-viral properties multiple studies of RNA viruses since 2012.

Third, it’s won a Nobel Prize for treating humans in 2015.

Fourth, it’s been proven to be safe and effective against COVID in repeated peer-reviewed studies.

Fifth, stories ivermectin causing massive amounts of to go to the are all lies. Just like the fish tank cleaner nonsense.

I broke this all down in a previous post here.

The fact that people aren’t overdosing on ivermectin and the media is smearing the drug without confirming these stories is … well … par for the course in the media these days.

Rolling Stone wrote a 100% false story on hospitals being overrun with ivermectin overdoses and even though it went viral social media has not made them take it down

It’s almost like media has a double standard or something.

AP corrects article claiming 70 percent of calls to Mississippi Poison Control were about ivermectin ingestion

Yes, Daily Mail, You are Discredited by Fake IVM Story

Once again, dangerous Orwellian allows the lie to spread.

Maddow Doesn’t Delete Tweet Promoting Dubious Story of Ivermectin Patients Overloading Hospitals

It’s almost like they want people to die.

Ohio judge orders hospital to treat COVID-19 patient with Ivermectin at wife’s request

Fox Business segment slams Joe Rogan for taking ivermectin after Tucker Carlson pushed the horse dewormer

Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day