South Bend Tribune Owner Sued For Racist Employment Policies

South Tribune Owner For Policies

The is owned By Gannett Media. The same publisher of Today.

Gannett is currently being sued for racist employment policies.

America’s largest newspaper publisher is formerly on notice of a legal challenge over a so-called reverse policy.

In the lawsuit filed in , there are currently five named plaintiffs, four and one , whose careers were allegedly adversely affected by Gannett Co. Inc.’s corporate diversity protocols.

Headline USA

The employees were allegedly denied promotion opportunities and some were even fired because of Gannett’s goal of reaching “racial and gender parity” by 2025.

Executives are accused of tying manager and perks to hiring quotas based on the demographics of the .

The lawsuit also alleges that a high-ranking executive told managers that “no more straight White males should be hired going forward.”

Gannett’s legal counsel, Polly Grunfeld Sack, claimed Gannett “seeks to recruit and retain the most qualified individuals for all roles within the company.”

She then called the lawsuit “meritless.”

The plaintiffs are seeking a court order to stop Gannett’s affirmative action policy and a jury trial.

They are also asking for lost wages (past and future) as well as other damages.

In May, Poynter published a story about how Gannett was facing an exodus of top executives.

As of publishing this article, the South Bend Tribune has not published a story about its parent company, the largest newspaper publisher in the country, being sued.

Last April, the Tribune announced a partnership with WNDU-TV.

WNDU hasn’t published a story about this situation either. Their last mention of Gannett was about Tribune workers going on strike against Gannett in June.

Goshen Democrats‘ Dirty Little Strategy

Goshen ‘ Dirty Little Strategy

He asked me if I would follow him as mayor, I said, by the you’re done being mayor, Republicans will be so sick of in Goshen no Democrat could get elected.

Alan Kauffman – Former Mayor – Goshen, IN

Alan Kauffman served as Mayor of Goshen, IN for more than 18 years. Not bad for a guy who was convinced no Democrat could get elected in Goshen after Mayor Puro.

So how did Kauffman overcome the odds? How did he become mayor when he was convinced it wasn’t possible for a Democrat to get elected?

“One night I said, well if something happened that you left office, then I was caucused in and I could run as an incumbent, I’d think about it.”

Alan Kauffman – Former Mayor – Goshen, IN

Listen to the audio below.

In March of 1997, Puro resigned and Kauffman was, indeed, easily caucused in by the Democratic Party. From , he ran for mayor as the incumbent in 1999 and won. Incumbents hold a significant advantage to be reelected. The rest is history.

Kauffman is currently a Goshen School Board member and embroiled in an election scandal for mishandling election funds and possible campaign contributions.

Fast forward to 2015. After mentoring Jeremy Stutsman for over 8 years, Kauffman had his hand-picked successor. Stutsman would defeat Republican Mary Cripe to be Goshen’s next mayor. Kauffman said he would have run again if he felt the next mayor would be a ‘flake.’

Stutsman ran unopposed in 2019 after his opponent, Republican Terry Snyder, 77, died unexpectedly just weeks before the May 7 primary election. In of 2022, Mayor Stutsman announced he was running for his third term as mayor of Goshen.

Then, just a few months later, Mayor Stutsman announced he’s was not running for reelection after all.

Goshen Mayor Jeremy Stutsman is resigning later this year to become the new C-E-O of Lacasa, Inc.


At his public announcement that he would not seek reelection, Stutsman said:

“Over the next couple of weeks, between myself, the new mayor that … uh the person that I’m hoping will be the new mayor that’s announcing …”

Mayor Stutsman

Listen to the audio below.

More on who that person is shortly.

The mayor announcing they weren’t running for reelection right after announcing that they were caused confusion about the election.

Mayor Stutsman will remain on the May primary . The Democratic party will then caucus a candidate to take Stutsman’s place for the November general election.

It’s hard to say how the GOP would have adjusted their strategy and candidate selection had they known Stutsman would not be running, but it’s safe to assume they would have taken a different approach.

It’s also safe to assume that the timing of Stutsman’s announcement prevented any Democrat candidate from announcing a primary run. Especially since it was too late to replace Stutsman’s name on the May ballot.

Once again, Goshen Democrats strategized to take the choice out of the people’s hands and hand-pick their successor for Mayor.

Elkhart City Councilman Aaron Mishler thinks this is a brilliant strategy. Frankly, it is brilliant albeit very shady, and underhanded.

Goshen election officials said Democrats would caucus to choose Stutsman’s replacement after the May primary. It’s only April and we already have the heir apparent.

Mayor Jeremy Stutsman has endorsed Gina Leichty as the candidate of choice to fulfill his term and run for office in the municipal election in 2023.

95.3 MNC

Democrats are expected to caucus for a candidate in May. Stutsman has estimated he will be done as mayor in June. The election is in the Fall.

The strategy is simple:

  • Announce you aren’t running for reelection late in the cycle to prevent candidates in your own party from running against your hand-picked successor.
  • Negatively affect the other political party’s strategy going into election season.
  • Give your hand-picked successor an almost certain win.
  • Rinse and anytime there’s a changing of the guard.

To be clear, I’m not accusing anyone of breaking the law. The strategy is effective. Goshen residents need to decide for themselves if they feel cheated by this scheme.

Are Democrats ok with not being able to effectively run for mayor in the primary with a level playing field?

Are Republicans ok with effectively being shut out of a truly competitive electoral process by not knowing who they were running against?

Are Goshen voters ok with the electoral process being manipulated by Democrats so that all eligible candidates don’t get a fair shot in the primary?

Only Goshen can answer that question.

Daily Show Prep: Wed, Aug. 31

Daily : Wed, . 31


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Iowa Caucus App That Caused Turmoil Run By Same Group Planning To Publish FAKE Newspapers To Elect Democrats

Iowa Caucus That Caused Turmoil Run By Same Group To Publish To Elect Democrats

The fiasco in the Democratic Iowa caucuses have been directly tied to the app that allegedly crashed. That app is run by a group called Shadow Inc.

This is Shadow’s mission statement:

Our mission is to political power for the progressive movement
 by developing affordable and easy-to-use tools for teams and budgets of any size.

Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden have been accused of using Shadow to try and steal the Iowa caucuses from . I don’t know if that’s true but they have a legitimate beef. Get ready to go down the rabbit hole.

In 2019, a liberal group called ACRONYM acquired Shadow Inc. ACRONYM is a Democrat machine that was founded by Tara McGowan. She has a long resume as a Democrat operative. Her husband advises Pete Buttigieg’s campaign and she is a big fan of Pete.

Buttigieg has been given the moniker of Mayor Cheat by Bernie supporters for claiming victory in Iowa in spite of the results not being released yet. Also, his internal results have him losing to Bernie.

Pete’s campaign gave Shadow Inc. money. Not unusual but given how things are playing out in Iowa, this is giving Bernie supporters fits. It certainly doesn’t look good.

ABC 57:

The results of the caucuses are not expected to be released until Tuesday afternoon due to inconsistencies in reporting.

Shadow Inc. describes its mission on its website as: “Our mission is to build political power for the progressive movement
 by developing affordable and easy-to-use tools for teams and budgets of any size.”

A check of the Federal Election Commission website shows Buttigieg isn’t the only candidate to use their services.

  • Nevada State Democratic Party    $58,000
  • Pete for America     $42,500
  • Gillibrand 2020    $37,400
  • For Our Future    $10,643.25
  • Democratic Party of Wisconsin    $3,750
  • Biden for President    $1,225
  • Texas Democratic Party    $250

Buttigieg’s campaign told CNN they paid Shadow Inc for text messaging.

So an app by former Hillary campaign alums got money from Biden and Buttigieg, and Bernie’s Iowa win is being caught up in a disaster of results reporting. I wonder why Bernie supporters might be a bit conspiratorial here?

It gets better. Tara McGowan and ACRONYM are the people behind the plan to create fake newspapers in swing states to trick voters into voting for Democrats. Literally, they are creating fake news to get Democrats elected. This tactic was also used in the UK.

  • A new Democrat dark money operation acquires a that makes tools for campaigns.
  • The founder of said operation loves Pete and her husband advises him.
  • Dems have been working to assist Biden.
  • Des Moines Register poll showed Biden Iowa big.
  • Poll magically doesn’t get published.
  • App to tally results crashes.
  • Biden and Buttigieg money to the app creators.
  • Pete declares victory without any results published. He also loses to Bernie with his internal data.
  • Internal data shows last unpublished poll was most accurate on Biden’s results.
  • All of this is tied to well-known Democrat dark money machine strategizing to fabricate fake , masquerade it as , and get Democrats elected.

Hard to blame Bernie supporters for thinking something is amiss.


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