Monday, July 22 – Hour 3

Hour 3

BNL @BreakingNLive

BREAKING: Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Campaign have reportedly sent threats to various people and companies who have ‘clear evidence’ of her being married to her brother and engaging in serious and tax fraud

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Scotty’s Brewhouse abruptly closes in Mishawaka

Police looking for drivers ignoring “Move Over” law

Parents Told They Could Lose Kids Over Unpaid School Lunches

South Bend police to get body camera upgrades after shooting

Kyrsten Sinema Leads Bipartisan Push To Streamline Removal Of Migrant Families With Invalid Asylum Claims

Daily Show Prep: Monday, July 22

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, June 27

Immigration, health care and surprise Spanish: Candidates go head-to-head in first Democratic debate

Gabbard Triumphs – Initial Online Polls Say She Wins The Day

Twitter Users Of All Political Stripes Unite In Ruthless Mockery Of MSNBC’s Mic Issues During Democratic Debate

Julian Castro Claims That Men Can Have Babies During Democratic Debate

Arby’s has flipped the vegan ‘meat’ trend on its head with the ‘megetable,’ a carrot made out of turkey that looks and tastes almost exactly like the vegetable


Hour 2

Tiffany Salamah from ABC 57 joins us to discuss debates

Historic George Washington mural that ‘traumatizes students’ to be painted over; school board member calls decision ‘reparations’

Here’s how many Wayfair employees actually walked out of work over migrant bed protest

BREAKING: Nicaragua Arrests Four ISIS Terror Suspects Headed To U.S. Border, Reports Say


Hour 3

The Supreme Court Handed Down A Big Decision On Partisan Gerrymandering

Obama’s former ICE director says that Obama, not Trump, is responsible for kids in ‘cages’ at the border

Ford Asks Dealership To Take Down Viral Free Shotgun Ad

‘Woke finance’: Bank of America gets backlash after decision about who they’ll no longer do business with

House approves bipartisan border funding bill, after Pelosi reverses course under GOP pressure


Migrant group demands Trump either let them in or pay them each $50G

My theory has always been that they were paid to get to the border, but are not being paid to get home. Hence the demands and failure of so many to depart Tijuana.

Two groups of Central American migrants marched to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana on Tuesday with a list of demands, with one group delivering an ultimatum to the Trump administration: either let them in the U.S. or pay them $50,000 each to go home, a report said.

Among other demands were that deportations be halted and that asylum seekers be processed faster and in greater numbers, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

The first group of caravan members, which included about 100 migrants, arrived at the consulate around 11 a.m. Alfonso Guerreo Ulloa, an organizer from Honduras, said the $50,000 figure was chosen as a group.

“It may seem like a lot of money to you,” Ulloa told the paper. “But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras.”

Source: Migrant group demands Trump either let them in or pay them each $50G to turn around: report

Ooooh! So now it’s about how much the US has ‘stolen from Honduras?’

The US gives Honduras more than $127 million in aid every year. They are the fourth largest aid recipient from the US. Now, who’s stealing from who?

They also derided US ‘interference’ in Central America and demanded the US remove Honduran President Orlando Hernandez from office. So, which is it? Do you want the US to not get involved in Central American affairs or do you want us to remove a president from office?

The $50k they demanded would allow them to return home and ‘start a business.’ You only need a few hundred dollars, maybe a couple of thousand, to start a business in the US. In Honduras, $50k is over 1.2 million lempira. They’d be well-off.


Democrat Politician Caught Pretending To Be An Immigrant, Was Born In Miami

A Democrat politician who claimed to be a Jewish immigrant was actually born in , FL and has been a until just a few years ago. She also lied about her father’s faith.

Her brother is the one who outed her as a fraud. I’d love to be a fly in the room on after this.

Maybe she just ‘identifies’ as a Jewish immigrant and we should let her play this fantasy out.