Immanuel Christian, Covington, Smollett: 2019 Is Turning Out To Be The Year Of Hoaxes

Amari Allen’s story was a hoax. Over the past week or two, almost every reading American became familiar with Allen, the dread-locked schoolgirl who claimed that “three white boys” snatched her from a slide on the campus of the prestigious Immanuel Christian School in Smithfield, held her down, and cut off some of her hair while mockingly calling it “nappy.”

Because of the alleged incident’s shocking nature, and te fact that Second Lady was an art teacher there, Immanuel Christian became (yet another) ground zero for a national discussion about race and “privilege.” And then, that discussion collapsed: Allen confessed to literally making the whole thing up.

Allen’s hoax was not some unique, one-off incident. During this past year alone, a number of internationally prominent hate and hate incident hoaxes have occurred in the USA. In July, popular Georgia State Senator Erica Thomas claimed that she had been shamefully attacked, in a grocery store, by a white male who screamed at her and told her to “go back home.” In fact, the “white man” turned out to Cuban-American Democratic Party activist Eric Sparkes, who literally showed up at Thomas’ melodramatic press conference to rebut her story. (RELATED: Sixth-Grade Girl Admits To Fabricating Hate Attack That Media Linked To Mike Pence’s Wife, School Says)

More recently, on September 12, 2019, someone wrote racial insults, swastikas, and the word “MAGA” throughout two restaurants owned by former NFL player Edawn Coughman. The perp turned out to be Coughman himself, who was spotted leaving the scene by witnesses. Most famously, on January 29, 2019, actor Jussie Smollett – famously mocked as the mad Frenchman ‘Juicy Smolliet’ by comedy legend Dave Chappelle – claimed that he had been attacked at 2am, in the middle of a blizzard, by two burly white men wearing Trump campaign MAGA hats. Smollett’s bizarre story was exposed as an almost certain lie when two Nigerian brothers, buddies of his from the local gym, confessed to having been paid by Smollett to stage his beating.

This year was not unusual. It was, in fact, a bit less active than average on the hate hoax front. Putting together my 2019 book Hoax, I was able to fairly easily compile 409 confirmed hate hoaxes, concentrated in the five years before publication. I defined a “hate hoax” as (1) an undisputed report (police report and/or reputable national or regional media story), of (2) a serious incident (generally or misdemeanor offense), that was (3) attributed to dislike of or bias against an out-group, where (4) the narrative of “hate” completely collapsed (with this collapse also being reported). My master list is now up to 611 case studies of hate hoaxes, containing more than 800 unique incidents. To put these numbers in context, less than 7,000 hate crimes are reported to the FBI by police departments in a typical year, and only 8-10% receive the media coverage that would make them potential candidates for my data sets. (RELATED: Several Media Outlets Made Blunders In Reporting On The Haircut Hate Hoax In Virginia — The List)

Interestingly, hoaxes seem to be most common among the most high-profile, widely reported stories of “hate.” Of the 20-odd hate incident cases, mass shootings aside, that became truly international stories over the past decade and change, literally about half of them – Smollett, Allen, Covington Catholic, Yasmin Seweid and the ripped , Air Force Academy, the “burnt ” (Hopewell Baptist), the little Black girl in Grand Rapids who said boorish white men literally peed on her, the cover story about anti-woman rape gangs at U-, the Nikki Jolly house fire and the dead purebred dogs, the “nooses on campus” (Wisconsin-Parkside), Duke Lacrosse – turned out to be total fakes. Many hate hoaxers have a taste for the dramatic, which often betrays them in the end.

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Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Oct. 3

Hour 1

Fetal remains found in home of late South Bend abortion doctor now in St. Joseph County

South Bend Housing Authority fired director after FBI noted ‘serious’ allegations against her

Ex-Cop Amber Guyger Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Murdering Botham Jean

Report: 1.4 million more Americans have concealed carry permits than last year. That’s more than ever.


Hour 2

Class-action suit: CPS in Illinois took newborns at birth after parents legally opted out of Vitamin K shot

Parents to Protest Alleged Injustices of Child Protective Services

Reporter who broke viral dreadlocks hoax had supported family’s hair business, advocated for natural hair law

World Trade Organization gives President Trump the go-ahead to slap $7.5 billion in tariffs on EU over Airbus subsidies


Hour 3

Police Charity Event On Hold After Democrat Police Chief Withdraws Because Republicans Were Invited

Hmmm: Assistant US Attorney Found to Have Illegally Leaked Grand Jury Information, but DOJ Declines to Prosecute (Again);
Coincidentally, the Assistant US Attorney who Prosecuted Michael Flynn Resigns

Police Officer Suspended For Turning Illegal Alien Over To ICE

Americans Spent More on Taxes in 2018 Than on Food, Clothing and Health Care Combined


Australia Offered Barr Help With Investigating Origins of Mueller Inquiry Long Before NYT Article Claiming ‘Trump Pressed Australian Leader’

Details have emerged that contradict a loaded Sept. 30 New York Times report that claimed President Donald Trump “pressed” Australia’s leader and used “American diplomacy for potential personal gain.”

ran a report late Sept. 30 citing two anonymous U.S. officials who said President “pushed” and “pressed” Australian Scott Morrison in a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William Barr in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) probe into origins of the investigation. One of the sources said that Barr had asked Trump to speak to Morrison.

The Times in its intro also editorialized that the conversation between the two leaders was “another instance of the president using American diplomacy for potential personal gain.”

Following the report, a number of details emerged that conflict with the Times’ insinuation that Australia had been “pressed” by Trump to cooperate with Barr.

A letter shared by a reporter from Australian outlet Nine on Sept. 30 showed that Australia under the new leadership of Prime Minister had reached out and expressed its willingness to support the attorney general’s investigation into “the origins of the ‘s probe into Russia links to the 2016 U.S. election.”

The letter dated May 28 was addressed to Barr from , the Ambassador of Australia to the United States, in response to the president’s comments that he hoped Barr’s team would “look at” Australia, and also the UK and Ukraine, “because there was a that was perpetrated on our country.”

A report released by Mueller on April 18 after he took over the FBI’s investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, produced no evidence that Trump or his campaign had knowingly conspired or coordinated with the Russian government to sway the outcome of the election in his favor.

“The Australian government will use its best endeavours to support your efforts in this matter,” Hockey wrote. “While Australia’s former to the UK, Alexander Downer, is no longer employed by the Government, we stand ready to provide you with all relevant information to support your inquiries.”

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Monday, June 10 – Hour 2

Hour 2

Buttigieg’s big accomplishment that he never mentions on the campaign trail

Watch Mayor Pete drink liquor on the streets in front of kids at a playground from a brown paper bag.

Mexico Claims Some Migrant Caravan Funding Came from U.S., England




Daily Show Prep: Monday, June 10