Flashback: 2018 I Did Flash About And Getting Awards For Hoax

While media tries to erase that they’ve been lying to you about the for years, I wanted to remind you that was crystal clear the wasn’t true LONG ago.

The Washington Post Has Had To Correct Over A Dozen Articles Related To The Junk “Steele Dossier” That Helped Launch The Trump-Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory

Great news … Fake News Flash will be making its triumphant return in 2022.

Feel free to search this site for far more content, with my opinion, on the collusion hoax.


Fake Hate: White KKK Member Harassing Neighbors Turns Out To Be Black Woman

for you today.

30-year-old Douglasville woman named Terresha Lucas has been charged with making terroristic threats Brookmont subdivision of Douglasville.

According to the Douglasville Police Department, residents on Manning Drive began receiving notes last December from a person who claimed to be a white male member of the Ku Klux Klan. The notes threatened to burn down homes and kill .

The police department’s investigation into the notes them to Lucas, who is a Black woman


Fake Hate: Black Student Admits Writing Racist Graffiti

Here we go again.

White Supremacist’ Who Scrawled Racist Graffiti on Walls
The graffiti was found in the boys’ bathroom at Parkway Central Wednesday, and the same things were scrawled on bathroom wall at Parkway North: “HOPE ALL BLACK DIE” and “N****R.” The next morning at Parkway Central, according to . Louis’ KMOV, “over a thousand students and staff walked out of Parkway Central High Schools in solidarity… Parkway Central students, staff and teachers walked out during class to stand in solidarity and asking the administration for change.”

At the protest, the horror was palpable. One student remarked: “I’m sitting in that building, shaking in fear because I don’t know ‘s going to happen to me because of my skin tone. We need change in this building and we don’t need then, we need it now.” student claimed that it was just another day at the racist cauldron known as Parkway Central: “I was shocked, but at the same honestly I wasn’t.

At the protest, according to the Daily , “students were captured cursing at school administrators, shedding tears and chanting into bullhorns at the protest.” One student said: “I am sick and tired of people getting racially profiled,” although it wasn’t clear what kind of racial profiling had been going on at the school. She added: “I just want to say to the school, do better.”


Well, as the vast majority of these cases end up … it was a hoax.

Tuesday, a black student admitted to having scrawled the graffiti at both schools. Marty wrote to parents again, telling them this and saying that he was nevertheless “proud” of the students who protested, for “proactively [leading] walkouts.” He declared: “We remain hurt by the actions of the student, as it does not represent the values of our community.”

I’m still astounded people fall for these stories as much as they do.

Daily Prep: Tuesday, Nov. 17

Hour 1

St. Joseph County commissioners approve fining businesses for mask violations

Wreaths Across America Shocked by Arlington’s Decision to Cancel Wreath Placing This December

Gateway Pundit Asks DOJ to Investigate Michigan Attorney General’s Suppression of Voter Fraud News

Wisconsin Elections Commission Refuses to Do Recount Unless Trump Pays $7.9 Million Upfront

Hour 2

China ‘used secret microwave pulse weapon to cook Indian soldiers alive’ and force them into retreat in Himalayan border battle

HATE HOAX: New York man allegedly staged racist and homophobic hate crime against himself


Smartmatic Director Admitted in 2017 that Their System Was Able to Create “At Least One Million” Phantom Votes in that Year’s Venezuela Election


SIDNEY POWELL Drops a BOMB on Mark Levin Show: We Have Witness Who Was at Creation of Smartmatic System – Used to Change Election Results (VIDEO)

FEC Chairman: If Sidney Powell Says There Was Rampant Voter Fraud, ‘I Believe Her’

Cyber Expert Who Reviewed Voting Machines Used in America Identified Their Many Weaknesses Against Fraud Before the 2020 Election (VIDEO)

Hour 3

Second Memory Card With 2,755 Votes Found During Georgia Election Audit, Decreasing Biden Lead

. Joseph votes for mask fines

Health care workers face largest threat of COVID-19 infection, study finds

Even a Military-Enforced Quarantine Can’t Stop the Virus, Study Reveals

Michigan House Republicans Plan Gretchen Whitmer Impeachment