The Media Pushes While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

This has been covered on my show for years.

Prior to Trump’s political arrival, the media ignored hate crimes against (which are rising according to the FBI). The on political ‘violent rhetoric’ is undeniable.

Post-Trump, we’ve seen a surge in hoaxes.

We even caught the DNC and Hillary campaign funding the Creamer Group to manufacture fake hate and political violence to blame Trump supporters for.

The sheer amount of examples of Trump supporters being verbally accosted or physically assaulted for wearing their MAGA hats should have been enough to spur some media attention at least. Alas, they still ignore real hate to peddle blatantly obvious fake hate scandals.

The formula is simple:

  • Outlandish, unbelievable hatred claim is made. Media elites organize to make the story believable.
  • The MSM, , blue check mark brigade uncritically spread the story and make it viral.
  • A crowdfunding site is created to support the ‘victim.’
  • Cracks in the story start to appear but the MSM and social media apologists run interference for the fraudster.
  • MSM drops the story altogether. Rarely reporting that the story they peddled was a hoax.
  • Social media blue check mark brigaders excuse peddling the hoax because ‘it’s still an important discussion that raises awareness.’
  • Fraudster has to give money the defrauded back, but this gets no MSM attention at all, and is only covered in .
  • and repeat.

The standard for this formula to be deployed are that the alleged ‘victim’ must be from a protected class typically aligned with the Democratic Party or other leftist philosophy. If they are white or aligned with the political right, the story is ignored.

Case in point, the hoax. It was uncritically believed and spread my MSM news outlets and verified ‘journalists’ on Twitter. It was always suspect and unbelievable as a real story. The media elite didn’t care. It checked all of their boxes. Racist – check. Homophobic- check. Can be used to attack Trump and his supporters – check. With that, the hoax went viral.

Now, we have two stories of actual hate directed at Trump supporters. One was just a kid and the other involved potential murder. The media has all but ignored these stories. Some outlets haven’t covered them at all, others have buried the stories in their platforms and not given nearly the attention they give the typical hate hoax.

A 14-year-old boy was verbally accosted by a Van’s store employee for wearing a MAGA hat. A kid! After telling this kid “fuck you” the mother had this exchange with the employee:

“He did nothing to you,” the mother told the employee. “What did you say to my son, to my 14-year-old?”

“I’m sure he’s heard it before,” the employee responded.

Gee, might a story about adults accosting children for their political views be something we can have a ‘national discussion’ about?

Or how about the story where a guy pulled a gun on two Trump supporters who were wearing their MAGA hats. A GUN!

He threatened to kill them because they wore MAGA hats after flipping them off by saying: “It’s a good day for you to die.” He’s been arrested.

Again, might there be a ‘national discussion’ about threating to murder people because you don’t like their political views?

Both stories basically ignored by the MSM. Real examples of unhinged hatred for fellow Americans. Links to both stories here.

To steal a quote from CNN spreading the Jussie hoax … this is America in 2019. Or rather, this is your media in 2019.


Today, after writing this post, the story broke that a leftist harassed an elderly man for wearing a MAGA hat.

So much for the media’s ‘treat your elders with respect’ mantra.


This 7-year-old was allegedly called ‘little Hitler’ for selling hot cocoa to raise money for the wall. So classy adults.



Report: to Face over Hoax

This had all the hallmarks of the standard and commonplace hoax we’ve become accustomed to. So on today’s show, I’ll again do the obligatory ‘at some point the media and public have to start being skeptical of these cases, right?’ segment.

On Saturday, Chicago police revealed that the focus of the investigation had “shifted.”  crime and justice reporter Shimon Prokupecz reported that authorities now believe that actually paid two men to fake the attack, both of whom were now cooperating with law enforcement.

According to law enforcement officials who spoke with TMZ, a will hear the case next week to examine its credibility. The police sources also provided details on why Smollett’s claims seemingly lacked credibility.

“The sources say there were red flags from the get-go,”  reported. “Cops were extremely suspicious when Jussie took them out to the area where he said he was attacked and pointed to an obscure camera saying how happy he was that the attack was on video. Turns out the camera was pointing in the wrong direction. Cops thought it was weird he knew the location of that camera.”

Source: Report: Jussie Smollett to Face Grand Jury over Hate Crime Hoax


Jussie Smollet ‘‘ looking more and more like a hoax

Most of these end up being hoaxes and this story doesn’t add up.

The is not sparing any expense to find the alleged perpetrators. Chicago Police Department spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said, “We are starting to search stores to see if any of this kind of rope was purchased in the area.” The FBI is reportedly also involved. Video footage of the area is being viewed for evidence. Guglielmi said investigators would go “painstakingly” through footage to reconstruct what said happened. Two individuals have been found on video in the area about at the same time as Smollett’s alleged attack. The video is worthless for identification purposes. For some reason, authorities are interested in whether these people are “homeless or otherwise.” It has recently been reported that Smollett was on camera for all but about 60 seconds of his trip. This would make it almost impossible for the attack to take place.

Smollett said, “I am working with authorities and have been 100% factual and consistent on every level.” Smollett did not tell police in his first interview that his attackers yelled, “This is MAGA country.” Smollett’s manager, Brandon Z. Moore, said that he was on the phone with him when the incident happened and that he heard the attackers shouting, “This is MAGA country!” On Friday, the head of the police department, Superintendent Eddie Johnson, said Smollett had been “very cooperative and we have no reason at this point to think he’s not being genuine with us.” The Chicago Police Department issued a statement claiming, “The victim is fully cooperating with investigators.” Yet Smollett refused to surrender his phone in order to verify that he was talking to his manager during the attack.

A week after the attack the police superintendent was beginning to show signs of skepticism. He reported that Smollett was still being considered a victim, but if investigators found that he had made a false report, he would be held accountable.

Source: Jussie Smollet ‘hate crime’ looking more and more like a hoax

Let’s not forget that he’s admitted his rib was broken too. I’m still wondering if this was some domestic situation he spun into a fake … if it turns out to not be true.


Monday, July 30 – Hour 3

Flashback: Remember it was former CIA director John Brennan who targeted journalists for the Obama administration.

Ninth Circuit rules that open carrying a gun is protected by the Constitution.

says school districts can ban guns.

Another restaurant scam is uncovered.

Potential fake hate incident in has Governor Holcomb calling for a hate crimes bill.

Therapists say Trump Anxiety Disorder is a real thing. They mispronounced Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Racist Women Assault Trump Supporter

On March 16, two women viciously attacked another woman at a Washington, D.C. restaurant after the victim told them she was a supporter of President Trump. The victim, a 29-year-old woman named Maricela, said she suffered a fractured finger, a bruised right eye in which the blood vessels burst, a bruised knee and minor bruises all over her body.”

Daily Wire

Police also used the term ‘‘ but we don’t know if they will actually be charged with that.

For those of you who will say I have no evidence these women are (other than the police using the term ‘hate crime’), you are right. Just like they have no evidence their victim was a racist. So sit yourself down.