Seth Mandel shreds the NYT in must-read thread over their meltdown on old embarrassing tweets from journos

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Not only has the liberal MSM behaved this way on old unsavory posts, but they acted exactly the same during the #MeToo meltdown. Eventually, they were forced to finally take down some of their own. Of course, now they are trying to walk back how bad some of their own’s actions really were (i.e. ).


‘s Seth Mandel has a must-read thread on that New York Times article we told you about earlier where they have a meltdown over Trump allies archiving embarrassing tweets from journos.


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Watch Forcefully Grabs Young During Iowa State Fair

Two. There are two.

This is considered assault in the #MeToo era, right?

Remember when the media (both left and right) lost their damn minds when Corey Lewandowski grabbed Michelle Fields’ arm in the exact same fashion. Ben Shapiro and countless others called him a criminal and a beater. None of that for ‘old Uncle Joe though.

The video then shows Biden grabbing by the arm, turning her around and stating, “By the way, first one to come out for marriage was me,” presumably referring to gay marriage.

“He grabs my arm and pulls me back to make eye contact with him again,” said Katie, adding that the incident made her “very very mad that someone would actually treat me like that.”

Biden’s physical conduct towards the young woman is clearly inappropriate for someone with his reputation and quite shocking for a presidential frontrunner surrounded by cameras.

Source: Video: Joe Biden Forcefully Grabs Young Woman During Iowa State Fair


A Complains That Her Husband Replaced Her…With a – Brass Pills

It is absolutely astounding how frequently I see stories like this. Usually, it’s from the ‘s perspective. Not this one.

As technology continues to advance in the industry to, finally, start accommodating men, more and more of them are choosing this option. It was always accepted and normalized for to use these devices while men were stigmatized. Not so much anymore.

Many experts have predicted that men will utilize these ‘toys’ with more frequency to stay faithful. Futurists predict many will use the robotic versions to simply replace women. Ironically, feminists have boasted of replacing men since they now have artificial sperm. Yet, those same feminists are bothered by men replacing them. In , an increasing number of young people are isolating themselves from society () and turning away from sex and relationships with real people. For them, the sex dolls and robots are their primary form intimacy.

I’ve been married to my husband for 7 years now. I’m a 29F and he’s a 32M. For a few months to a year now, I’ve been saying no to sex a lot. I’ve just not been but his has been at the same sky high levels that they’ve been since we were college kids.
Some days when I’m in bed tired he starts touching me, trying to get me primed for sex. Most times I’m not in the mood, but some times I cave in to his begging. I felt as his it was my duty. But I never enjoyed any of those sex sessions.
So I made my feelings known to him. At first he seemed really down but he said he respected my decision. He stopped asking me for sex after that. Even when he asked, after I said no he would just roll over and go to bed.
After a month or two, he suddenly came in with a . It was a really expensive one, with huge tits and a round ass with very human like skin. When I confronted him about it he said he had sexual needs and since I couldn’t satisfy them he had to find a way to satisfy himself without cheating.
When he said that I felt like I couldn’t say anything. It made me feel really insecure, and I suddenly feel really awful. I can’t tell him to get rid of it because it’ll make me look really selfish. I also can’t complain about how expensive t was because we’re pretty well off.
I noticed one night that I was in the mood but he told me he was tired. He had had a few rounds with the sex doll before I got home and was pooped out. I don’t know what to do at this point, but I knew I feel awful.

Source: A Wife Complains That Her Husband Replaced Her…With a Sex Doll – Brass Pills

I’m not sure what she expected. She, at least, seems aware she caused the problem. Frankly, he should be applauded for finding a solution that keeps him from stepping outside of his marriage. He did this, even though she has broken the marriage covenant (1 Corinthians 7:1-5). If there aren’t children involved, they should seek a .

You’d be surprised how often I run across posts from women who admit frequently denying intimacy with their husbands suddenly get really offended when the husband returns the favor. The modern feminist attitude seems to be that women are entitled to sex on demand, men are not.

So long as we continue to see a society where men are constantly attacked, usually for things they didn’t do, we will continue to see more men retreat from intimacy with real women. They will take the path of least resistance. No amount of hypocritical and ludicrous feminist harping about how sex dolls/robots are actually victimizing women more will change that. It will only help advance the problem.

LISTEN: Trans Activist Forcing To Wax Male Genitals Hangs Up Mid-Interview When Pressed By Host

As previously covered by The Daily Wire, activist Jessica has filed a total of 16 complaints with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal against female estheticians who do not wish to wash Yaniv’s male genitalia. Yaniv claimed the were discriminating based on “” and is seeking financial restitution. Earlier this week, one of the targeted women said she was forced to close her small business due to the complaint from Yaniv.

While conservatives, liberals, and even some feminists have called foul over Yaniv’s attempt to essentially force women into providing a service on his male genitalia, a service the salons do not provide (male and female are not the same), the trans activist has been making the media rounds boasting about his activism.

On Tuesday, for example, Yaniv joined Irish broadcaster Niall Boylan on “The Niall Boylan Show” to discuss the filed complaints. But after the host pressed the activist as to why the female estheticians’ rights are trumped by his, Yaniv abruptly ended the interview.

Showcasing the from Yaniv, Boylan laid out an example about his disbelief in .

“Now, you believe in God; I respect the that you believe in God. And I respect your point of view and I respect your belief and your in God. That doesn’t mean I have to believe in God. Do you understand the point?” he asked.

“I do,” answered Yaniv.

“Some people may respect you, and may respect that you want to be called Jessica, but they just don’t believe it,” the host said. “I’ll call him Jessica, I’ll respect that, but I don’t believe it and I don’t buy into it.”

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Students allegedly told to remove gear, one  suspended


The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

Here we go again. Another story where students wearing pro-Trump gear are clashing with administrators.

Heidi Jones told AZ Central that her daughter, Logan Jones, was suspended after school let out that Friday. The students were taking pictures in their gear after school, when they noticed a police resource officer was taking photos of them.

The resource officer asked Logan for her name, but she refused to answer any questions until her mom was with her. She was taken to the administrators’ office.

Tori Farris, a who was also there at the time, told AZ Family that the police officer approached them while they were taking pictures and said: “We would like you to take off the merchandise and get off the campus.” When they asked “why” and started leaving the campus, he started taking photos and asked them to come the office.

Heidi Jones said that when she arrived, she was told that her daughter Logan had been suspended for 10 days.

To be fair, this is after school was over. So they let them wear the gear throughout the day. Or did they…?

Heidi Jones, one of the moms, said that everything was fine until lunchtime, when administrators asked anyone wearing MAGA gear to remove it. She said the students all did what they were asked.

Jennifer Farris, another mother of a student involved, confirmed with AZ Centraal that assistant principals were asking students to remove pro-Trump gear. Farris wrote on Facebook:

Wow. Today was USA Day at Perry High School. A bunch of kids wore things that said hats, shirts and brought banners. ALL those kids were asked to leave school property!!! When the kids said no and defended themselves saying they were allowed to wear things to support their PRESIDENT the kids were SUSPENDED for 10 DAYS!!! Channel 3 and 5 are on their way to do a story it but please help support these kids and spread this information .. we can’t let our kids be censured this way!!!

That isn’t good.

It looks like 8 students were sent to the office according to AZ Family.

Here’s the interaction between mom Jennifer Farris and the school’s principle:

“You’re going to ask my daughter to leave school because she was wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ sweatshirt?” Farris asked Serrano in the video.

“Nope. That’s not what happened,” he responded.

Farris then questioned why a flag would not be allowed on campus, referencing the ‘Trump’ flag the students had carried.

“She’s not the one that had the Trump flag,” Farris said, referring to her daughter. “And even if she did, why can’t she have a flag on America day for school that says Make America Great Again?”

Serrano responded in the video.

“To carry a flag around is not a good use of the flag, it’s disrespectful,” Serrano responded.

We’ve heard the ‘flags are disruptions argument before.’ Usually referring to rebel flags.

Remember, the students allege the school resource officer approached them after school and told them to “take off the merchandise and get off the campus.” That contradicts the principal alleging that this was only about the flag. If it was only about the flag … why were 8 students sent to the office over it? And let’s not forget they are alleging faculty ordered students to remove MAGA items?

Sidebar: You should give your name to officers. However, the student alleges the officer called her “darlin.” That’s a serious #MeToo offense. I’d expect the feminist groups to defend her (hahaha) after the patriarchy spoke to her in such a belittling way.

The school’s principal, Dan Serrano, issued this statement:

“I am writing to clear up misinformation circulating on social media and media, specifically that students have been disciplined for expressing their political viewpoints or wearing political attire. This is false.”

He then said the issue was that the political signage (Trump flag) was causing a disruption and was creating a “safety concern.” He then says the school resource officer asked the kids to leave campus but they refused. This statement contradicts the students who say they were complying.

The claimed the issue with the MAGA flag:

“was related to the interactions it was causing, not that carrying a flag in itself was disrespectful.”

There is no express ban on political signage in the handbook but the school has the discretion to deal with such issues.

In all of the articles and videos I’ve seen of the incident, none allege there was a violent encounter between students or anything of the sort. On the surface, it looks like faculty tried to get the students to remove MAGA gear during lunch then were ready for them to get off of campus as soon as possible after school let out. No real reason has been given by either side to justify it. So, naturally, it looks like faculty didn’t approve of the clothing since they didn’t highlight any potential threat arising from MAGA gear being worn by students.

Source: Parents say students at Perry High School told to remove MAGA gear, student suspended