Daily Show Prep: Wed, July 13

Daily : Wed, July 13



Bidenflation Much Worse Than Expected: Consumer Prices Rise 9.1%

Progressive group launching campaign to block Biden reelection

Hour 2

That 10-Year-Old Abortion Story the President Ranted About Gets a Major Update

Abortion Doctor at Heart of #Shes10 Viral Horror Story Was Accused of Failing to Report Underaged Abortions

Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Alleged Rape Of 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl

LeBron James Attempts To Clarify Unhinged Comments About Brittney Griner And America

Tough Times for Silicon Valley: Google Slows Hiring, Tells Staff to Work with ‘More Hunger’

Hour 3

Biden Dismisses Record-High Inflation News As ‘Out-Of-Date’


EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Daines Introduces Bill To Give Gun Owners Freedom To Carry Across State Lines

Behind Network Of Outside, Left-Wing Groups Pushing Racial Policies , Counties Across America

  • Many cities and counties are adopting radical policies that see every aspect of operations through the “lens” of race.
  • A network of -backed activist groups has worked to push these policies at the most local level of government, where there is little scrutiny.
  • The policies are justified by citing research attributed to the , which actually comes from an outfit connected to the activist groups and whose work economists say is junk science.

    cities and counties across America, local politicians have in recent months begun proposing comprehensive race-based policies such as redrawing school boundaries to dismantle schools with too many white or Asian students.

    They have pushed for radical changes that have roiled even liberal-leaning constituents. The justification on all of their lips is oddly similar: “Equity.” The same buzzwords appear again and again.

    “School board meetings suddenly became like Mad Libs. They started repeating certain phrases, jamming them into every sentence. It was very odd,” Margaret McCreary, a , , parent who eventually learned that the board members were using the “equity” language to push a proposal that could move her children out of their schools, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

    “It seemed like they were all in cahoots to do something, but at first we didn’t know what to make of it, because we didn’t know what they were talking about,” she said.

    Fairfax was one of multiple local governments to pass sweeping changes requiring every to be seen through the “lens” of race. The changes were justified by academic research from the University of Southern (USC) that was tough for any city or county, rich or poor, to pass up: If they enacted certain policies, they were told, the cities’ economies could gain billions of dollars.

    An investigation by the DCNF found that across the country, these changes are being pushed on local governments by a constellation of groups who share the same funders, including George Soros. One of those groups alone is active in 33 cities and counties covering 1 in 10 Americans.

    A group tied to USC called the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) functions to create research — at the behest of funders — that promises billions of dollars in growth. Another set of groups introduce the research to individual cities and counties, where it is used to justify a mandate to include “equity” in every government policy. The language is often vague and comprised of obscure .

    That’s the stage Montgomery County, Maryland, is at now, where an official sympathetic to the movement, Uma Ahluwalia, told The Washington Post: “It’s nice to throw that word, ‘equity,’ around, but what does it mean?”

Click here to view original web page at dailycaller.com

Prominent Donors Who’ve Been Of Sex Crimes, Ranked

Men with extreme power and wealth have long been linked with bad behavior. Bill Clinton. Anthony Weiner. Mark Foley. Mark Halperin. Blake Farenthold. Roy Moore. Charlie Rose. Matt Lauer.

With each passing year, a new, weirder sex scandal involving a politician or journalist or rich businessman emerges. Now more than ever, with the #MeToo fueling the exposure, male donors are being exposed for heinous offenses, the most recent being the arrest of West Hollywood Democratic donor Ed Buck on Tuesday. Let’s take a closer look at some of the others.

7. Bryan Singer: Perhaps best known for Golden Globe winning Bohemian Rhapsody, this 53-year-old Hollywood director has been accused of raping a variety of boys as young as 13 and 17. In June, he paid $150K for allegations of raping the 17-year-old stemming back to 2003. Singer has nonetheless denied the allegations. Singer is a longtime contributor to Democrats. By 2014, he had contributed more than $87 grand to Democratic candidates, , and the DNC. In January, The Atlantic ran a piece with the stories of more accusers.

6. Ed Buck: This Democratic mega-donor is the latest in bizarre sex scandals. Buck, 65, has been charged with operating a drug den out of his West Hollywood home. According to news reports, last week, he shot a man up with methamphetamine and nearly killed him. Two other men have died at his home in the past two years. DA Jackie Lacey has called him a “violent, dangerous .”

Buck allegedly lured younger men to his home to participate in his “sexual fetishes.” Buck has donated to a host of Dems, including, House Government Affairs Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

5. Jeffrey Epstein: Epstein was a major donor to Democrats, including Bill Clinton. Before his suicide in his jail cell in August, the 66-year-old — who was already a convicted sex offender stemming from abusing a 14-year-old girl — had been charged with sex trafficking. The feds nabbed him for abusing 36 girls. Epstein had ties to so many politicians, including Bill Clinton and President Trump, who can be seen in an embarrassing video whispering to Epstein at a party where he danced badly with several shapely women.

Since he’s dead, a concluded the charges against him in August. However, a female accuser who says Epstein abused her “countless times” is going after his estate in a new lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.

4. George Alan Rekers: This guy is a piece of work. He’s an anti-gay activist who helped create the conservative . In 2011, he allegedly hired a male escort on Rentboy.com (yeah, there’s truly a website for everything). He was caught with the escort returning from a European rendezvous in which Rekers paid the 20-year-old hire for daily nude body rubs. originally broke the story about Rekers. The Christian right leader has advised a plethora of politicians in Congress, the and the Department of Health and Human Services.

Finish the list at dailycaller.com

Newspaper Claims Posts Can Be Used Against ‘People Positions of Power’ but Not Journalists

The New York Times is arguing that old posts on Twitter and other websites shouldn’t be used against journalists after a top editor at the paper was spoken to regarding a string of tweets that some found antisemitic.

Reporters for the paper also cited the CNN photographic editor who resigned after old tweets showing him calling “pigs” and Israel “the main enemy for the people of Egypt.”

The Times claimed that allies of Donald Trump have compiled a of past statements and social media posts of journalists.

Arthur Schwartz, the ally, indicated as much on after the Times didn’t take action against its editor for the controversial missives that the paper admitted were “a clear violation of our standards.” “If the @nytimes thinks this settles the matter we can expose a few of their other bigots,” he wrote. “Lots more where this came from.”

The and Trump campaign said wasn’t involved in the operation, but suggested that exposing journalists who said things they would report others for is fair game.


“Two can play at this game,” added Sam Nunberg, a former Trump aide. “The media has long targeted Republicans with deep dives into their social media, looking to caricature all conservatives and Trump voters as racists.”

That’s when the reporters wrote that people “using journalistic techniques to target journalists and news organizations as retribution for—or as a warning not to pursue—coverage critical of the president is fundamentally different from the well-established role of the news media in scrutinizing people in positions of power.” It later noted that has been targeting conservatives for years using the same methods.

A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher of the paper, sent a statement to the reporters complaining the techniques.

Media critics exploded after the article was published, noting media outlets have been using the techniques not only to scrutinize people in power, but dox Trump supporters and ambush old women at their houses.

Outlets have also targeted athletes, activists, and celebrities for social media posts they’ve made when they were teenagers.

“Still can’t get over the absurdity of major outlets clutching their pearls about the consequences of disclosing public figures’ old tweets, as if their stories about ‘unearthed tweets’ were only limited to grave matters of public interest,” wrote James Hasson, an attorney who frequently criticizes the media on Twitter.

Click here to view original web page at www.theepochtimes.com

Trump WRONGLY Suggests Regulating Games Wake Of Mass Shootings

Donald Trump implied his support Monday for increased regulation of video games and monitoring of the Internet, which he suggested were catalysts for mass shootings.

Trump did not address potential control legislation in his 10-minute speech, though he said earlier on Twitter that he is looking at strengthening background checks for gun purchases.

“We must stop the glorification of in our ,” Trump said in his prepared remarks at the .

“This includes the gruesome and grizzly video games that are now commonplace. is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with culture that celebrates violence. We must stop or substantially reduce this, and it has to begin immediately.” (RELATED: Federal Prosecutors Are Treating El Paso Shooting As Domestic Terrorism, Possible Hate Crime)

Despite Trump’s calls for regulation of video games, on a potential link to violence is mixed. A 2015 study in the found insufficient evidence that video games lead to violence. noted over the weekend that numerous other studies have failed to prove a causal link between video games and shootings.

Click here to view original web page at dailycaller.com


Well, the research actually isn’t mixed. It’s pretty clear that violent video games don’t lead to violence.

Read THIS POST for links to tons of research proving violent video games don’t cause violence.

This study actually shows they are good for you.