Daily Show Prep: Monday, Sept. 25

Daily : , Sept. 25


WATCH: The entire Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation to a literal Nazi SS soldier, calling him a “hero” who fought “against the Russians”

‘60 Minutes’ Segment: U.S. Taxpayers ‘Subsidizing’ Ukraine’s Economy, Paying All Of Their First Responders

Report Uncovers Our Taxpayer Dollars Are Going to Far More Than a War Effort in Ukraine


Hour 2

Investigator working for Fulton County DA Fani Willis accidentally shot herself at courthouse

FBI hit with lawsuit after allegedly losing valuable rare coins during raid

‘He’ll Do It Again’: Hillary Clinton Warns of 2024 Russian Election Interference


CDC Refuses to Release Updated Information on Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation

Airline Pays Over $1,400 to Couple Tortured by Farting Dog During Flight

Maine Dad Says High School Clinic Sent 17-Year-Old Daughter Home with Secret Baggy of Zoloft, Sicced Child Protective Services on Him For Complaining

Hour 3

Voting tech company suing Fox News implicated in bribery scheme: Report

Some Companies Pull Advertising From Rumble For Its Neutral Stance on Russell Brand


Biden Administration Knew Border Surge Was Coming, Internal Documents Show—And Did Nothing

Daily : Thursday, Oct. 3


Fetal remains found in home of late South Bend abortion doctor now in St. Joseph County

South Bend Housing Authority fired director after FBI noted ‘serious’ allegations against her

Ex-Cop Amber Guyger Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Murdering Botham Jean

Report: 1.4 million more Americans have concealed carry permits than last year. That’s more than ever.


Hour 2

Class-action suit: CPS in Illinois took newborns at birth after parents legally opted out of Vitamin K shot

Parents to Protest Alleged Injustices of Child Protective Services

Reporter who broke viral dreadlocks hoax had supported family’s hair business, advocated for natural hair law

World Trade Organization gives President Trump the go-ahead to slap $7.5 billion in tariffs on EU over Airbus subsidies


Hour 3

Police Charity Event On Hold After Democrat Police Chief Withdraws Because Republicans Were Invited

Hmmm: Assistant US Attorney Found to Have Illegally Leaked Grand Jury Information, but DOJ Declines to Prosecute (Again);
Coincidentally, the Assistant US Attorney who Prosecuted Michael Flynn Resigns

Police Officer Suspended For Turning Illegal Alien Over To ICE

Americans Spent More on Taxes in 2018 Than on Food, Clothing and Health Care Combined


Oregon Mother: I Was Targeted With Fake to Protective Services Due to my Beliefs

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Oregon mother Heather Hobbs believes she was targeted with a politically motivated report to (CPS) due to her pro-life beliefs.

Hobbs, a pro-life advocate spoke at a recent pro-Trump rally, was targeted with a CPS report that she says was politically motivated.

On . 26, Hobbs went into OHSU Hospital in for thyroid surgery. She said that two days later she encountered a nurse who objected to her beliefs.

“My oldest child came up to me to give me a hug in the bed. She said, ‘Mommy I love you! I want to be a prolife speaker one too.’ I expressed that I loved her as well and said, ‘I thought you wanted to be an OBGYN?. She said, ‘” I want to be both!’” I replied, ‘We could always use more prolife doctors.’ During this time my husband was watching a Ben Shapiro video on his phone while my other children watched a cartoon and the youngest was nursing (age 18 months),” Hobbs told The .

“Nurse C turned to me and said with an annoyed tone: ‘So you’re prolife?’ I smiled and gently said ‘I am now but wasn’t always. I was raised in a more liberal atheist prochoice home, but wasn’t until my first child that I ever had to really contemplate my beliefs. She changed my heart, and every child after changed me a bit more. I believe hurts women.’

For the rest of the day this nurse was cold, rude, and pushed the medications quickly through my IV, which was very painful, and prior to that incident, she did it slowly. I ultimately decided to pray for her that she will see the love and happiness we have as a conservative pro-life family and maybe, just maybe, it would plant a mustard seed,” Hobbs said.

Hobbs said that she also discussed President Trump with a different nurse at the hospital and gave her about the pro-Trump #WalkAway campaign. But on Aug. 30, in a phone conversation with an employee at the hotel where her family was staying, Hobbs was confronted with alarming , as she learned a complaint had been filed against her with CPS.

Read the rest at www.theepochtimes.com