Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Aug. 6

Hour 1

U.S. launches domestic terrorism investigation in Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting

Trump: ‘I’m just wondering did George Bush ever condemn President Obama after Sandy Hook?’

Amazon Still Sells Book That Helped Inspire El Paso Terrorist, ‘The Lorax’

Texas grandmother foils mass shooting plot


EXCLUSIVE: Man who drove with Dayton mass shooter and sister before massacre was his best friend – who Connor Betts then shot and is now cops’ best hope of finding motive for murders

Police arrest Gilroy man after online post threatens ‘goal is to kill 500, not three’

Report: McDonald’s Paper Straws Can’t Be Recycled — Unlike The Plastic Ones

Trump Supporters Help Clean Up Trash in West Baltimore


Hour 2

Peter Strzok Sues DOJ And FBI Over Firing, Claims His Anti-Trump Texts Were Protected Free Speech

REVEALED: Secret Texts Between FBI’s McCabe And British Intelligence During 2016 Campaign

Neighbors tell Mishawaka council they’ll be back to speak out about Menards move

10-year-old boy charged with assault for hitting classmate in the head while playing dodgeball


Hour 3

FBI Warns of ‘Copycat’ Mass Shootings

Study: Media Fascination With Mass Shooters is Creating More Mass Shooters

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Op-Ed: We have studied every mass shooting since 1966. Here’s what we’ve learned about the shooters

President Trump Accurately Blames Shooting Violence on ‘‘ Media

“The Media has a big responsibility to life and safety in our Country,” Trump wrote on Monday. “ has contributed greatly to the anger and rage that has built up over many years.”

The president spoke after a right-wing extremist was revealed as the alleged perpetrator behind the shooting in that killed 20 and a left-wing extremist killed 10 in .

Trump responded to the featuring dozens of 2020 Democrats blaming the shootings on the president, accusing him of stoking , hatred, and violence in the country.

Source: Donald Trump Blames Shooting Violence on ‘Fake News’ Media

The President isn’t wrong. I’ve written about this for years.

The Media Is Responsible For Violence In Dallas Last Night

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

Also, what intellectual dishonesty to blame him for these shootings while not applying the same standard to President Obama with all the shootings that happened during his presidency. It’s nothing but standing on the graves of the dead to score cheap political points. It isn’t about honesty or accountability, and it certainly isn’t about the victims. How pathetic.

Daily Show Prep: July 11

Hour 1

Trump to announce executive action on census citizenship question

Trump is reportedly giving up the census citizenship question fight

Power outages, damage in wake of Wednesday night’s microbursts

Trump Lawyer: Video Shows Ex-Campaign Staffer Lied About Forcible Kiss


Hour 2

Blue Bell Ice Cream Licker: It’s Not Fair That I Was Put in Jail With Murderers

WTH? Woman Arrested For Urinating Into Ice Cream Bucket, Spitting on Ice Cream

Can You Hear It? Sonic Devices Play High-Pitched Noises To Repel Teens

Female Journalist Calls GOP Candidate Sexist For Honoring Agreement With His Wife

JUST IN: Records Show Bill Clinton Dined With Jeffrey Epstein in 1995 – Contradicting Claims in Clinton’s Public Statement


Hour 3

BREAKING: Illegal Immigrant Families Separated Under Obama Administration Staging Sit-In at Biden Campaign Headquarters

Report: Trump Administration Preparing To Arrest Illegal Immigrants In Nationwide Raids


Today’s fake outrage: Misogynists are angry a woman stars in the next ‘Terminator’ movie

Trump announces end of fight to add citizenship question to census


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, June 27

Immigration, health care and surprise Spanish: Candidates go head-to-head in first Democratic debate

Gabbard Triumphs – Initial Online Polls Say She Wins The Day

Twitter Users Of All Political Stripes Unite In Ruthless Mockery Of MSNBC’s Mic Issues During Democratic Debate

Julian Castro Claims That Men Can Have Babies During Democratic Debate

Arby’s has flipped the vegan ‘meat’ trend on its head with the ‘megetable,’ a carrot made out of turkey that looks and tastes almost exactly like the vegetable


Hour 2

Tiffany Salamah from ABC 57 joins us to discuss debates

Historic George Washington mural that ‘traumatizes students’ to be painted over; school board member calls decision ‘reparations’

Here’s how many Wayfair employees actually walked out of work over migrant bed protest

BREAKING: Nicaragua Arrests Four ISIS Terror Suspects Headed To U.S. Border, Reports Say


Hour 3

The Supreme Court Handed Down A Big Decision On Partisan Gerrymandering

Obama’s former ICE director says that Obama, not Trump, is responsible for kids in ‘cages’ at the border

Ford Asks Dealership To Take Down Viral Free Shotgun Ad

‘Woke finance’: Bank of America gets backlash after decision about who they’ll no longer do business with

House approves bipartisan border funding bill, after Pelosi reverses course under GOP pressure


Report: Obama Administration’s Actions Against Press Worse Than Previously Known

The lapdog MSM has continued to give Obama a pass on most of his assault on the press. If they’d shown anywhere near the outrage they show now towards President Trump’s words for Obama’s actions, maybe they could be taken seriously.

On Thursday, the reported on the results of a Freedom of Information Act request for documents related to the Obama Justice Department’s attempts to crack down on leaks to reporters which reveal that the Obama administration’s actions against the press “were broader than previously known.”

CJR’s report, authored by Ramya Krishnan and Trevor Timm, is based on a highly redacted 59-page report ​by the Justice Department’s completed Dec. 9, 2014 and obtained via FOIA request by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and the Foundation (where Krishnan and Timm work, respectively).

“In 2013, the Justice Department launched a brazen attack on press freedom, issuing sweeping subpoenas for the phone records of the and several of its reporters and editors as part of a leak investigation,” the authors report. While those subpoenas have long been understood as “a massive intrusion into newsgathering operations,” they note, the recently unearthed 2014 report reveals that the subpoenas targeting AP “told only part of the story.”

The Office of Professional Responsibility’s report on the Obama Justice Department’s subpoenas of AP phone records reveals that “the DOJ’s actions against the AP were broader than previously known, and that the DOJ considered subpoenaing the phone records of other organizations, including , and ,” the authors explain. The report also reveals “how narrowly the DOJ interprets the Media Guidelines, the agency’s internal rules for obtaining reporters’ data.”

Source: Report: Obama Administration’s Actions Against Press Worse Than Previously Known