Australia Offered Barr Help With Investigating Origins of Mueller Inquiry Long Before NYT Article Claiming ‘Trump Pressed Australian Leader’

Details have emerged that contradict a loaded Sept. 30 New York Times report that claimed President Donald Trump “pressed” Australia’s leader and used “American diplomacy for potential personal gain.”

ran a report late Sept. 30 citing two anonymous U.S. officials who said President Donald Trump “pushed” and “pressed” Australian Scott Morrison in a recent telephone call to help William Barr in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) probe into origins of the investigation. One of the sources said that Barr had asked Trump to speak to Morrison.

The Times in its intro also editorialized that the conversation between the two leaders was “another instance of the president using American diplomacy for potential personal gain.”

Following the report, a number of details emerged that conflict with the Times’ insinuation that Australia had been “pressed” by Trump to cooperate with Barr.

A letter shared by a reporter from Australian news outlet Nine on Sept. 30 showed that Australia under the new leadership of Prime Minister had reached out and expressed its willingness to support the attorney general’s investigation into “the origins of the ‘s probe into Russia links to the 2016 U.S. election.”

The letter dated May 28 was addressed to Barr from , the Ambassador of Australia to the United States, in response to the president’s comments that he hoped Barr’s team would “look at” Australia, and also the UK and Ukraine, “because there was a hoax that was perpetrated on our country.”

A report released by Mueller on April 18 after he took over the FBI’s investigation into alleged between the Trump campaign and Russia, produced no evidence that Trump or his campaign had knowingly conspired or coordinated with the Russian government to sway the outcome of the election in his favor.

“The Australian government will use its best endeavours to support your efforts in this matter,” Hockey wrote. “While Australia’s former to the UK, , is no longer employed by the Government, we stand ready to provide you with all relevant information to support your inquiries.”

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DOJ Starts Antitrust Review Of Major Tech Companies Including , , Apple

After much criticism of the biggest firms, such as , , Apple and Amazon for alleged prevention of competition in their fields, the Justice Department has commenced a huge antitrust review.

William Barr is spearheading the effort, which is expected to penetrate more deeply into the companies’ practices than the intentions of the . Justice Department antitrust chief Makan Delrahim stated, “Without the discipline of meaningful market-based competition, digital platforms may act in ways that are not responsive to demands. The department’s antitrust review will explore these important issues.”

In late June, President Trump accused companies like Google and Twitter of attempting to “rig the election” and suggested they should be sued, saying, “I tell you what, they should be sued, because what’s happening with the bias— and now you see it, with that executive yesterday from Google, the hatred for the Republicans. It’s not even like, ‘Gee, let’s lean Democrat.’ The hatred! And actually, you know, I heard that all during my election. It’s hard that I won. They were swamping us with negative stuff.”

Fox host stated, “These companies have an enormous amount of power if they can even stop the president of the free world from getting his message out.”

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Daily Show Prep: Friday, May 24

Hour 1

France: President Macron Confirms Lyon Explosion is ‘Attack’, Eight Injured


FLASHBACK: FISA court says James Comey’s FBI was constantly breaking the law – Podcast

FLASHBACK: James Comey Sued By Former Intelligence Contractor For Hiding Illegal Surveillance


Hour 2

Democrats Refuse to Block Gun Offenders from Amnesty Status

FLASHBACK: Democratic Lawmakers Don’t Want to Know When Illegal Aliens Buy Guns

2018-19 TV Season Ratings: 90 Percent of Veteran Broadcast Shows Fall

Nolte: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Did Not Save a Box Office Still 10% Behind Last Year


Hour 3


William Barr: DOJ to probe possibility of Clinton- – Washington Times

The media keeps lying about this whole nonsense. They even lied about Mueller’s reaction to how Barr rolled out the summary of his findings. What we do know is that did engage in the behavior she accused Trump of engaging in and it needs to be investigated for any possible illegal activity.

said Wednesday that he will probe whether the Clinton campaign’s payments to a company using a former British spy who collected information from Russian sources amounted to collusion.

Testifying to senators, Mr. Barr expanded on the scope of the “review” he says he’s conducting into “the activities over the summer of ,” which included vehemently anti-Trump FBI employees making key decisions on Hillary Clinton and President Trump.

But under questioning from Sen. Charles E. Grassley, the Senate’s senior Republican, Mr. Barr also said he’ll look at the Clinton campaign’s payments to facilitate the so-called Steele dossier, the salacious, mostly unverified and in some cases disproved set of documents that helped spur the Trump- collusion narrative.

“That’s something that I am reviewing,” Mr. Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The Clinton campaign and the made payments — hidden in documents behind a law firm — to Fusion GPS, a Democratic research firm that paid former British spy to probe Mr. Trump.

Source: William Barr: DOJ to probe possibility of Clinton-Russia collusion – Washington Times



The Media Misled Americans On Mueller’s Reaction To AG Barr’s Summary Of His Report

This is obligatory really. Everyone already knows the media misled the public about Mueller’s reaction to Barr’s summary.


On the eve of William Barr’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee today, the liberal media decided to toss a grenade—insinuating the Special Counsel  “complained” about Barr’s letter that summarized his report.

Buried down in ‘s story is the tidbit that Mueller did not think Barr’s letter to Congress was inaccurate.

Daily Caller:

The Washington Post and New York Times seized on the March letter, in which Barr criticizes the way he chose to present Mueller’s findings regarding Russian interference in the Trump campaign, as evidence of a conflict between Barr and Mueller over the way the AG handled the report’s release.

Both outlets created the impression Mueller is severely upset with Barr for mischaracterizing the report in his four-page summary of Mueller’s report and that the tone of his criticism shocked the Department of Justice.

That response from Mueller would give a lot of ammunition to the leading narrative that Barr mishandled the delivery of the report and intentionally misled the public as to its contents if it were accurate. But the letter, read in full context, suggests a much more banal reality, which and Washington Post buried in their reporting.

Mueller did disagree with the way Barr delivered his findings; he wanted Barr to release executive summaries of the report, but he did not take issue with the accuracy of Barr’s memo to Congress.

Bottom line is that Mueller wanted Barr to introduce the public to his report in a different way. Barr did not say anything inaccurate about Mueller’s report. Still not , still no obstruction, still no crime, giant lie that wasted a lot of energy and a lot of taxpayer money.