Bye Twitter

As most of you know, I’d previously been banned from for posting about 3D printed guns.

My company came to me a while back and asked that I get back on and we went through the verification process to get my blue checkmark.

I don’t need to spend a lot of going over you already know about Twitter’s lies and double-standards.

The time has come to leave Twitter again … permanently.

They not only engage in hypocritical censoring of conservatives while allowing far egregious violations by , but they allow , anti-Semitism, and they allow to promote their of Uyghurs as a positive thing.

Twitter’s begins and ends with their political opposition, full stop.

They can have their echo chamber to feed their derangement.

I’ve been on Parler a long time. Far longer than many of you have even known about the website. Find me there instead of Twitter @caseythehost.

is my largest community and I have no plans to leave Facebook. However, my business will.

Daily Show Prep: Friday, Jan. 8


‘This Is A Red-Pilled America’: Greg Gutfeld Unloads On What He Calls Media’s Mob Double Standard

Dan Bongino Slams Media And Democrats For Double Standard After Capitol Hill Chaos (VIDEO)

Amazing Compilation Exposing News Media Embracing Political Violence Over Last 6 months

FLASHBACK: Leftists PRAISED Anti-Kavanaugh Protestors Who Took Over Capitol Hill Building In 2018

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

Political Director Of ABC News Talks About ‘Cleansing’ America Of Trump Supporters

Where have I heard about ‘cleansing’ a country of ideas before …?

Oh yeah …

May 10, 1933
Joseph Goebbels speaks at book burning Berlin
Forty thousand gather to hear German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels speak in Berlin’s Square. Goebbels condemns works written by Jews, liberals, , pacifists, foreigners, and others as “un-German.” Nazi students begin burning books. Libraries across Germany are purged of “censored” books. Goebbels proclaims “cleansing of the German spirit.”


Hour 2

Open Lines

Hour 3

Pin Posts

What Michelle Obama Just Called for Is What Trump Warned Us About Big Tech

Va. Senate Democrats call for Amanda Chase to resign; Facebook suspends her account


Even Scientists Forward To Destroy Shenanigans – , Jan. 3

Study on PCR Test Used to Detect CCP Virus Based on Flawed Design: Scientists

From Dec. 17: WHO: China Welcomes International Investigation Over COVID-19
Now this from yesterday: W.H.O. Coronavirus Investigation Team Denied Entry to China

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It’s Political The , Jan. 2

For years, I’ve been telling you it isn’t left vs right, it’s the political class vs the people.
I’m the only person willing to tell you how this all works in news, politics, and the media. I’ve been telling you for years. It’s time for people to start heading my warning.

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