Daily Show Prep: Friday, May 31

Daily : , 31


reads hate mail from an idiot didn’t listen to yesterday and him.

Jordan demands prosecutors in hush money trial testify over ‘political prosecution’ of Trump

Prosecutors Got Trump — But They Contorted the Law

slams verdict: ‘This is all done by and his

‘Keep on fighting’: Trump gets words of support from Hungary’s Orban, other foreign leaders

Hour 2

Powerful: Black New Yorker Who ‘Doesn’t Even Like Trump’ Explains Why He HAS to Vote For Him Now (Watch)

Unredactions Reveal Early White House Involvement in Trump Documents Case

De Niro Cut From Service To America Awards After Trump Trial Spat

Hour 3

‘Do NOT Lose Faith’: Lifelong Defense Attorney’s Straight-FIRE Thread on Trump Verdict RATTLES the Left

Dan Bongino Comes Up With a Very Cool Way to Describe Voting for Donald Trump

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 30

Daily : , 30


*** Trump Trial Livewire *** Jury Deliberations Continue for Second Day as Jurors Seek Clarity on Testimony, Instructions

Jonathan Turley’s Latest Thread Provides MUCH-NEEDED Insight Into What Is Really Going on with Trump Jury

Q1 GDP Revised Lower To Just 1.3%, Lowest In Two Years As Consumption Slows

Big Pharma admits it lied over MMR vaccine

Hour 2

UF employee, students implicated in illegal plot to ship drugs, toxins to China

Blacklisted Chinese Companies Rebrand as American to Dodge Crackdown


Inconvenient Data: There’s No Relationship Between Gun Ownership and Murder Rates

Hour 3

BREAKING: Convicted Of All Counts NYC During Sham

New Footage Of Scottie Scheffler’s Arrest Doesn’t Look Good For The Arresting Officers

New Footage Of Scottie Scheffler’s Doesn’t Look Good For Arresting Officers

Scheffler’s seemed fishy from the start, and now the officers involved are under investigation themselves. Some body camera footage has been released which doesn’t help much to understand what . The footage released, however, doesn’t look good for the arresting officers.

After the arrest, Scheffler posted this to his :

Screenshot Www.instagram.com 2024.05.23 18 25 13

Detective Bryan Gillis did not turn on his body camera during the incident as required.

The Louisville Metro Police detective who arrested golf star Scottie Scheffler last week violated the department’s policies by failing to turn on his body camera during the incident, officials said .

An internal investigation found that Detective Bryan Gillis did not turn on his body-worn camera during the encounter, LMPD Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel said a .

CBS News

While Scheffler’s public statement on what happened was chalking it up to a simple misunderstanding, the arresting officer’s report … well … painted a different picture.

Gillis stopped Scheffler and attempted to give him instructions, but Scheffler “refused to comply and accelerated forward,” according to the report. Gillis was dragged “to the ground” and suffered “pain, swelling, and abrasions to his left wrist,” according to the report.

CBS News

Officer Gillis’ statement on the arrest:

“While directing traffic in front of Gate 1 the PGA personnel stopped a bus from entering Gate 1. I observed a vehicle traveling in the opposing lanes coming at me. I stopped the driver and advised him he not proceed because of the bus. He demanded to be let in, and proceeded forward my directions. I was dragged/knocked down by the driver. I then proceeded to arrest the driver.”


That’s a very serious accusation.

Until now, because Detective Gillis didn’t turn on his body camera, we didn’t have any proof of his accusations against Scheffler. Now we have footage from a pole camera of the incident. Have a look:

I didn’t see anyone get dragged or knocked down by Scheffler during the incident. It appears Detective Bryan Gillis may not have told the truth in his report. That would certainly explain why there’s an investigation into the officer’s actions that day.

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 30

Daily : , 22


Biden’s newest gaffe had some rhythm so I set it to music with a few of his greatest hits


The media lost it when Trump reposted a vid that included the words “Unified Reich” in the background of the stock template. It’s not even THAT reich.

Check out these charts showing how much fast-food prices have jumped since 2019 🤯

“No hyperbole: I genuinely think this is the most devastating chart I’ve ever seen amid a presidential election cycle.”

Hour 2

Fake News Called Out for Claiming Tucker Carlson Planned Russian TV Show

Men’s Feminist Identification and Reported Use of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Report: Michigan teacher salaries aren’t keeping pace with other states

are increasing every . Starting salaries are low. Average salaries are than average Michigander.



Watchdog Warns of Oreo-Maker’s Ties to Radical Globalist, Marxist Organizations

Hour 3

Julie Kelly, Mollie Hemingway and Others Don’t Buy FBI’s Spin on OK’ing Deadly Force for Trump Raid

Calif. Middle Schooler Censored from Giving Speech on ‘Patriotism’ Goes Viral

Alvin Bragg’s Team Is Pushing for Jurors to Use a Lower Standard of Proof in Order to Convict Trump No Matter What

Jack Smith’s Appointment Violated the Constitution, Some Legal Experts Argue

Uh-oh: Apple users are complaining that a new software update is resurfacing their deleted nudes

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 30

Exclusive: Board Member, Chaffee, Responds To Demands He Resign

Penn-Harris Madison member, Chaffee, has responded to last night’s special session vote demanding he step down from the school board with an exclusive press release to me.

In an exclusive press release to me, Matt responds to the vote and hints at what’s to come regarding the allegations against him.

Last month, Real News Michiana published a accusing Matt Chaffee of hypocrisy in demanding PHM board members resign in the wake of numerous violations by their members. The is that Matt was himself engaging in activity that warranted his resignation.

Most media outlets showed up to last night’s vote to call for Chaffee’s resignation. The media was disinterested in previous press releases they received highlighting several examples of the board president, Chris Riley, and his actions, and the subsequent calls by Matt Chaffee for Chris Riley to resign as a result.

These previous issues included, but are not limited to:

  • The board losing an illegal SAC complaint with the state.
  • A parent winning a Civil Rights complaint against the board.
  • The harassing of parents critical of the board. Including and employer harassment.
  • Board President Chris Riley committing several policy violations.
  • And refusal to punish PHM violating policies.

None of those well-documented issues have caught the attention of local media. This angle, however, did.

The same goes for the teacher’s union representatives circulated an email recruiting people to be at last night’s meeting. They were never interested in showing up to proven issues with the PHM school board previously.

I wanted to point out that the media has been completely disinterested in corruption and abuse on the PHM board, but the moment a conservative member faced criticism, they showed up.

Here’s Matt Chaffee’s response to what happened last night and the allegations against him:

Meet 2

We’ll continue to update you on any developments.