Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, June 19

Daily : , 19



Ignore The Polls. Republicans Have A Major Voter Turnout Problem


Hour 2

Trump Campaign Bashed After Honoring Juneteenth

Don’t Let the Left Ruin Juneteenth’s True Meaning

Georgia Democrat says he’ll ‘fight like hell’ in race against GOP’s Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

‘Scientific’ Mag. Declares War on Homeschooling, Calls for Fed. Regulations


Huh? Buffalo Bills Launch Segregated League for LGBTQ+ Only

Hour 3

CNN Finalizes Upcoming Trump, Biden Debate Rules

Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: CNN’s ‘Tools’ For A ‘Civilized’ Debate

Sagging Retail Sales: Another Sign Americans May Be Tapped Out

Number of Americans Struggling Because of Higher Prices Grows

FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

Chemical Pollution From East Palestine Train Wreck Blanketed Third Of The Country, Study Reveals

Indiana General Election Voter Patterns

Indiana Voter Patterns

I wanted to give you just some basic data for Indiana leading into the 2024 General Election. I focused on general in presidential years only. I compiled data for 2012, 2016, and 2020.

First, let’s take a look at total registered voters vs actual voter turnout over the past three cycles.

In Voter Turnout

This is, actually, the most interesting set of data, in my opinion.

In 2012, the population of the Hoosier state was around 6,538,989 people. In 2020, the population was around 6,789,098 people. That’s a population increase of 3.82%. Yet, the number of registered voters increased by 4.31% between 2012 and 2020 with a decrease of 1.61% between 2016 and 2020. There has been a prolonged battle to cure Indiana’s voter rolls by purging registered voters who are no longer legal voters for various reasons.

There have been various attempts to smear Indiana’s attempts to ensure registered voters are, actually, legal voters. The media reported that between 2012 and 2014, Indiana removed 22.4% of its voting population. Yet, the number of registered voters from 2012 to 2016 increased over 6%. For the years in question, where Indiana allegedly removed over 22% of voters, the number of registered voters actually increased 0.83%. Indiana’s attempts to ensure voting integrity have been fought every step of the way by activists.

In 2020, the Center For Public Integrity alleged that “Indiana has made it harder for people to vote.” Well, if that’s the case, why are more people voting? Turnout has continually increased for the main elections. No, looking at primaries and municipal elections where there’s general apathy doesn’t count.

Now onto how voters vote …


As you can see in the chart, since 2012, total voter turnout for presidential year general elections have increased. Hard to do in a state where the liberal activists say Indiana is making it “harder for people to vote.”

Another statistic we see is the ever-decreasing number of people who vote in person and the increasing number who vote absentee. We had in 2020 but the numbers were moving away from voting in person to absentee long before COVID.

The numbers are somewhat staggering.

Absentee voting from 2012 to 2020 increased by over 216%. While in-person voting decreased by over 42%.

In 2014, Pew Research showed Republicans with a 5-point advantage over in Indiana.

In 2017, Gallop gave Republicans just a 2-point advantage.

Since 2012, Republican presidential candidates have received higher percentages of votes than Democrats. Part of that could be the factor as the Vice Presidential candidate.

Indiana doesn’t register voters by party affiliation so getting unbiased numbers is difficult. So trends in that regard are hard to see.

More people are moving to Indiana than away from it. Many are from blue states. Republicans would like you to believe they are mostly Republicans fleeing Democrat policies, but Indiana doesn’t have a reputation as a for conservatives. Texas and do, but Indiana does not.

2024 will be an interesting year to evaluate for years to come. The unique circumstances surrounding /Biden 2.0 could for temporary anomalies in election patterns or could completely reset the electorate in a way previously unimaginable.

Daily Show Prep: Monday, March 11

Daily : , 11


Sensible gun laws, better voter turnout, equal pay efforts, upside-down world

breaks down good and bad letters to the editor of The Journal Gazette.

BREAKING: Biden Apologizes to ‘Illegal’ Alien Behind Laken Riley’s Murder

Laken Riley’s Mother Rebukes Biden’s ‘Pathetic’ Name Botch: ‘Disgrace of a President’

Gold-Star Dad’s SOTU Arrest Sparks Outrage as Hamas Protesters Go Free

Hour 2

Over 140,000 Farms Lost in 5 Years

Indiana school facing backlash after forcing student to remove American flag from truck

Hour 3

10 years after lead poisoning, Flint residents still haven’t been paid from $626.25M fund

Hunter Biden whodunnit: President Joe Biden’s son denies giving laptop to repair shop

: Biden claims that Hunter laptop was ‘Russian disinformation’ debunked by his own son

Democrats’ Jan. 6 panel withheld crucial evidence, including denial from Trump driver: new report

New Transcript Backs Trump’s Call for National Guard Deployment on J6

People Who Took Ivermectin Were Better Off, Study Says

Podcast – Interview: Nicole Read For Elkhart City Council District 1

Podcast – : Nicole Read For District 1

Nicole Read is running for Elkhart City Council incumbent COVID tyrant and pathological liar Aaron Mishler.

Nicole Read LIE her opponent is using to reduce voter turnout claiming that she’s a Democrat, as well as development, reforming Elkhart’s corrupt reputation under and .


See omnystudio.com/listener for .

Pennsylvania Above Average, Fuelling Speculation Of Fraud

There’s been a lot of speculation about voter fraud in Pennsylvania. President Trump’s team has filed lawsuits to investigate those allegations.

Rudy Giuliani says that 650,000 votes were illegally counted in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. may be 900,000 invalid ballots total. Less than 54,000 votes separate Joe Biden and President Trump.

“I think we have enough to change Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania was a disaster,” Giuliani said. “We have that observed people being pushed of the polling place. We have people who were suggested to the other way and shown how to do . I’m giving you the big picture.”

Source: Rudy Giuliani Says 650,000 Votes Were Illegally Counted in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh

For the record, we don’t know if that is accurate but there’s certainly enough evidence to warrant an investigation.

It’s not just the voting irregularities, removal of watchers, or the unlawful changes that have people speculating fraud. It’s the voter turnout itself. This is the in multiple states but we are only focused on Pennsylvania here.

As of the writing of this article, the Pennsylvania government website says 6,802,581 people have voted so far. The count isn’t done yet. In 2016, the total vote was 6,115,402. That’s an increase of 687,179 votes, and they aren’t done with 2020 counting yet. Before 2016, the highest number of votes was in 2008 for Obama with 6,010,519 votes.

These numbers are dramatic, to say the least. Skeptics might say that doesn’t really matter. This was a major election and people were motivated to vote.

There’s some logic to that, but I’d have to ask if they would really be more motivated to vote now than in the with Hillary or Obama. I’m not so sure.

Here’s where things get more interesting …

Since 2016, Pennsylvania has only added 279,023 registered voters. So we have an increase of 279,023 registered voters but an increase of 687,179 votes?

Furthermore, voter turnout is 75.57% for 2020. It was 70.11%. There’s been a nearly 5.5% increase in voter turnout? This would be the highest voter turnout since 1992. Prior to 1992, voter turnout above 75% was the norm but it’s not happened one time since then. It’s usually in the high 60s.

Do these numbers specifically indicate fraud? No. They are, however, very irregular in, not only their patterns but their scope of change.

If Rudy Giuliani is right about those 650,000 ballots, and I’m not saying he is, it would make Pennsylvania’s voter turnout 68.35%. That is in the historically accurate range since 1992 for the state while still increasing total votes by 37,179 over 2016 … a new record in total votes for the state.

Given the large numbers we see here and the other issues surrounding Pennsylvania, you can see why people are skeptical of the results.

In summary:

Registered Voters

2016 – 8,722,977

2020 – 9,002,000

Total Votes

2008 – 6,010,519

2016 – 6,115,402

2020 – 6,802,581 (So Far)

Voter Turnout

2008 – 68.65%

2016 – 70.11%

2020 – 75.57% (So Far)