Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, May 26

Hour 1


Media botched the virus crisis and made it ‘worse’: Poll

Study: Heat-Sensitive Coronavirus Will Drop Decisively in Summer


Hide the silverware: Plastic forks rule as restaurants reopen

Hour 2


Every one of those blue knew they were lying to their followers. Their followers forgive them and defend them. Thus, encouraging them to lie to them more.

‘Captain of its own fate’: Trump honors fallen on Memorial Day

Trump: ‘I Played Golf Over the Weekend. The Fake & Totally Corrupt News Made It Sound Like a Mortal Sin’

Why Doesn’t CNN Care When Anonymous Sources Give Them Fake News?



How to Watch When SpaceX Crew Dragon Launches

Hour 3

Gov. Whitmer: ‘I’m Never Going To Apologize’ For Shutting Down Michigan

Whitmer Says She Censors Herself So Trump Won’t Cancel Aid To Michigan

CONFIRMED: Governor Whitmer Begs Michiganders Not to Travel to their Summer Home — Then Her Cars Are Seen Parked Outside of HER SUMMER HOME!

Report: Gretchen Whitmer’s Husband Asked for Special Help to Launch Boat

So you rake leaves with the boat in the water for a holiday weekend, eh?


Yes, yes they did.





Study: COVID-19 Is Man-Made, Not Natural

A few weeks ago, I told you about Professor Petr Chumakov, a leading Russian microbiologist at ‘s Federal Research Centre for of Immunobiological Preparations. He said the Chinese lab was doing ‘absolutely crazy things’ in the .

He claimed they had been “actively involved in the development of various variants for over ten years.

‘Moreover, they did this, supposedly not with the aim of creating pathogenic variants, but to study their pathogenicity.”

The ‘crazy things’ they did were:

‘For example, inserts in the genome, which gave the the ability to infect cells.

‘Now all this has been analyzed.

‘The picture of the possible creation of the current coronavirus is slowly emerging.’

He told Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper: ‘There are several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties.

‘It is interesting that the Chinese and Americans who worked with them published all their works in the open (scientific) press.

Basically, he accused them of taking viruses that wouldn’t transfer to humans, altering them, and making the virus a threat to human beings.

This is critical because a new study from says the exact same thing about COVID-19. They say it’s been manipulated in a lab. The general consensus now is that COVID-19 did, in fact, come from the Wuhan lab. The question has now been whether it was a natural virus that escaped, or was it manipulated by humans.

Summit News:

A scientific study in Austria has found that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that has led to a , was likely created in a lab, barring some “remarkable coincidence” that led to the virus naturally evolving to be optimised to attack human cells.

The study was led by Nikolai Petrovsky, a vaccine researcher at Flinders University. The scientists in his team discovered that the coronavirus is optimized for penetration into human cells, rather than animal cells, which means that the theory that it emerged from an animal market and jumped to humans naturally is unlikely.

Lifesite reports that the scientists “used a version of the novel coronavirus collected in the earliest days of the outbreak and applied computer models to test its capacity to bind to certain cell receptor enzymes, called “ACE2,” that allow the virus to infect human and animal cells to varying degrees of efficacy.”

“They found that “the novel coronavirus most powerfully binds with human ACE2, and with variously lesser degrees of effectiveness with animal versions of the receptor.”

The authors believe this means that the virus “became specialized for human cell penetration by living previously in human cells, quite possibly in a laboratory.”

Pretty remarkable if the study holds up.


Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, May 12

Fauci Agrees US Death Rate Is ‘Unacceptable’ Compared To Other Countries

Coronavirus (COVID-19) death rate in countries with confirmed deaths and over 1,000 reported cases as of May 12, 2020, by country

The US is outperforming most major Western nations in the death rate. Sen. Kaine’s question is misleading. We are 22nd in the world for the death rate of the among nations with over 1000 confirmed virus deaths (I moved ahead of us because we all know they are lying).


Hour 2


House Democrats Release Their Phase 4 $3 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package

WHO: No evidence wearing a mask can protect healthy people from coronavirus

More Democrats Sign On To Monthly Stimulus Check Bill, But Republicans Say No Chance

Hours after Pittsburgh dumped sand on skate park, a pile of sand was left at city hall

Customers ‘barricaded’ Waffle Shop entrance as cop arrives to help cite owner for COVID-19 shutdown violation. Then the shoving begins.

Human Urine Could Help Make Concrete On Moon: Space Agency

Hour 3


Bobby Rush’s coronavirus TRACE Act is a shocking threat to personal freedom


China’s Incestuous Relationship with the WHO Might Be Worse Than We Originally Thought

That’s right, German intelligence say China told the WHO to lie about the virus.

WHO denies report that China asked org to cover-up coronavirus severity


WHO Knew Was Transferred Person-To-Person From The Beginning And Lied. April 15 – Hour 1

China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days

Hunter Biden Still Listed As Board Member Of Chinese Company He Pledged To Resign From In October, Business Records Show

Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky governors to coordinate lifting of coronavirus restrictions

WHO official says she suspected human-to-human transmission ‘right from the start’ — but the WHO repeated China’s lies for weeks saying the opposite

Report: World Health Organization ignored Taiwan’s coronavirus warnings to cover for China
