Daily Show Prep: Friday, Aug. 2

Daily : , . 2


Secret is infuriating

JD Vance rips Kamala Harris for more word salad — ‘significance of the power of diplomacy’

Second ‘failed gender test’ boxer Lin Yu-Ting WINS opening fight at the Olympics via unanimous decision – after being cleared to compete in women’s event despite eligibility row – before opponent leaves the ring in TEARS

Recreational cannabis sales coming to Ohio Tuesday

Hour 2

People are wondering if Joe Biden accidentally boarded this plane thinking it was Air Force One

Delphi murders: Expert reveals details about girls’ deaths, safekeeping order vacated

Disaster: U.S. Economy Added Just 114,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment Surges

Hundreds of noncitizens removed from voter rolls in Ohio

That Thing That’s Not Happening Happened AGAIN: AL Democrat Arrested on FELONY VOTER FRAUD Charges

Hour 3

Biden-Harris FDA recommended puberty blockers to minors despite noting that the drugs are associated with an “increased risk of depression and suicidality”

Britain’s Royal Air Force Crusaders drop nickname after single complaint: It may be “offensive” to Muslims

Biden DHS Alleged To Have Tried To Suppress Critical Jan. 6 Report

The United States will not recognize Maduro’s “victory” in Venezuelan election, acknowledges his rival as the winner

Daily Show Prep: July 30

Daily : July 30


Rep. Banks retweets about ‘illegals’ in South Bend. Mayor says they were lawful residents.

inquired of the from the buses.

This is response. They didn’t answer the .

Screenshot Mail.federatedmedia.com 2024.07.30 16 21 23


Judicial Watch Sues Pete Buttigieg’s City Administration for Records of ID Cards Created to Help Illegal Aliens

City, Regional Partnership, and Nonprofit Partners Launch South Bend Regional Welcoming Plan and New American Economic Impact Data


Hour 2

Go Home Kam-Kam, You’re DRUNK: Transcript of Kamala Immigration/GOP Speech ACCIDENTALLY Hilarious

So ‘BUS-TED’! Kamala Harris ‘Wheel-y’ Bad Electric Bus Bet Wasted Billions of Dollars

Kamala Harris Has Promised to Ban Fracking but Now That’s Just a ‘Trump Accusation’

Disney World gets rid of drunken bear “Liver Lips McGrowl” because it’s racist and might offend alcoholics

Hour 3

Over 200 plant species to be renamed because they are [checks notes] racist

Troubling Incident at Kamala Harris PA Rally Raises Concerns About That Whole ‘Saving Democracy’ Thing

Embarrassing: MSNBC Contributor Faceplants After Trying to Hit JD Vance With a Wildly False Accusation

Gets Even WORSE for Kamala Harris: Dems Were Calling on KAMALA to Step Down Earlier This Year (Watch)

X took away the government “gray check” badge from Venezuela’s dictator after his election shenanigans

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Feb. 27

Daily : , Feb. 27



: Tithe With

Massachusetts man arrested for sending white powder to Trump Jr

Hour 2

The comments from women on this dumpster-fire-of-a-take are priceless 💀

CBS Returns Herridge’s Private Files on Biden Scandals after House Opens Probe


Most Americans support southern border wall — as 61% call illegal immigration ‘very serious problem’: poll

Gen Z, Millennials to Get $1,400 Direct Payments Under New Bill

Hour 3


Mapped: The Median Down Payment for a House, by U.S. State

Tennessee House Passes Bill to Ban LGBT Pride Flags from Public Schools

A Brief History Of Jody, The Original ‘Mr Steal Your Girl’

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Dec. 4

Daily : , Dec. 4


Essequibo: Venezuelans back claim to Guyana-controlled oil region

He Went There: Greg Gutfeld Calls Out Fox for Firing Tucker Carlson (Watch)

Tucker Carlson reveals the secret behind Fox News and how hosts are kept in line…

NY Times’ Warning About a 2nd Trump Term Makes Irony & Projection Detectors Explode

Florida Democratic Party says Biden is the only candidate, angering rivals

Black Americans at Chicago City Hall: “We are DONE with the Democratic Party!”

Hour 2

RUH-ROH! Sounds Like Karma Is Getting Ready to Pay Deadspin a Visit for Bullying a 9-Year-Old Kid

Anti-Israel protesters “targeted and mobbed” Jewish-owned restaurant, charging the Philly chain with “genocide”

ABC, CBS, NBC Ignore Anti-Semitic Hate March in Philly Targeting Jewish Restaurant

‘Be Balanced’: Jayapal’s Disturbing Dismissal of Hamas’s Rapes of Israelis

Understanding Israel and the Jewish people

Biden’s DOJ arrests prominent conservative actor for attending Jan 6 protests THREE YEARS later

GiveSendGo campaign for conservative actor arrested on J6 charges raises more than $50,000 💪

Hour 3

President Of UN Climate Confab Says There’s ‘No Science’ Behind Push To Phase Out Fossil Fuels



Journalist Says There’s No ‘Physical Evidence’ of Rape by Hamas Militants, Despite Mounds of Evidence

TICK TOCK? Oversight Cmte. Drops BOMBSHELL About Hunter Biden’s Biz Literally PAYING Joe Biden (Watch)

My Letter To . Joseph On Mask Fines

I was asked to write a letter to the . Joseph County Commission (Indiana) ahead of their vote on mask mandate fines for local businesses. This is what I sent them.



Most of you know who I am. I wanted to send you just a small sample of actual scientific research on masks and their effectiveness on viral spread as well as -world data ahead of your vote on the mask fine ordinance.

My goal is to present a small sample of the abundant research showing masks aren’t nearly as effective as many suggest. I ask that you set aside any confirmation bias you may already hold and just look at what I’ve included here.

I suppose the first thing is to look at the real-world data.

Experts originally opposed mask requirements because people would inevitably not use them correctly. They would abandon the other, more effective, measures to prevent infection. They would no longer wash their hands or socially distance themselves or stay home. Those warnings have all come true.

In early March, Dr. Anthony Fauci told “60 Minutes” face masks were not necessary for the general population, noting that while masks might make people “feel a little bit better,” they don’t provide the protection folks believe they do and might create “unintended consequences.”

Fauci wasn’t alone. I covered dozens of infectious disease experts at the time who said the same thing. Virologist Dmitry Lvov is another expert to look at. He said in March you can wear them but they don’t provide much protection. I don’t want to provide a list of experts who don’t buy into the mask hype. My point is that there is no scientific consensus on masks being effective.

A great starting point is to look at this study by Dr. Brosseau, a national expert on respiratory protection and infectious diseases and (retired), University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Sietsema is also an expert on respiratory protection and an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.​


Masks went from the least important, least effective measure you can take to becoming the primary means of preventing yourself from getting infected. ​The CDC’s own data shows that the overwhelming number of people who get COVID wear the mask in accordance with mask mandates in the US. If masks worked the way some local health officials have said, the infection rate for mask wearers shouldn’t be so high (over 3/4 of those infected wear masks regularly).

In August, the AP said declining COVID cases in the U.S. were due to mask mandates. Gov. Holcomb said the same Indiana. Look what’s happened since then. Massive spikes. That shouldn’t be possible according to the mask hype from local health officials. A study showing masks reduced COVID infections was just retracted because the areas used in the study all had spikes after the study was completed.

It’s not just the United States. Mask mandates have been in effect going back to January of 2020 in some countries. All have spikes in COVID infections. Below are the countries having spikes and when their mask mandate went into effect:

  • Germany – mask mandate went into effect April 22
  • – mask mandate May 10
  • Italy – mask mandate went into effect August 16
  • Korea – mandate May 26
  • Rwanda spike – mandate April 9
  • Switzerland spike – mandate first week of June
  • Japan has had near 100% mask-wearing from the beginning of the outbreak but have a huge spike now. NYT headline on June 6: Japan’s coronavirus numbers are low, are masks the reason why?
  • Austria spike – mandate April 6
  • Venezuela has a massive spike but was one of the first countries to have a mask mandate
  • Israel spike – mandate April 12 and had some of the strictest quarantine policies in the world.
  • Spain spike – mandate May 20
Here’s some visual graphs to illustrate the data above. All of which you can confirm with a simple internet search in a few seconds.
In other words, everywhere in the world that mask mandates have been in effect, the virus has continued to spread. Why? Because COVID is airborne. We originally didn’t think it was and focused on droplets. Masks can work on droplets by reducing the distance a droplet travels. No mask, not even N95, work on airborne viruses. The CDC’s website even states that masks don’t filter the COVID virus. They also sent a statement to Carlson in October saying: “At no time has CDC guidance suggested that masks were intended to protect the wearers.”
During the recent wildfires in California, people were using their COVID masks as protection from the smoke particles. The CDC had to point out cloth masks don’t work on those particles. The size of those particles are .4 to .7 microns in size. COVID is .12 microns in size.
Some recent studies on masks and viral transmission:
  • Jacobs, J. L. et al. (2009) – Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.
  • Cowling, B. et al. (2010) – None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask to prevent spread of influenze, in either HCW or community members in households.
  • bin-Reza et al. (2012) – “There were 17 eligible studies. … None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/ use and protection against influenza infection.”​
  • Radonovich, L.J. et al. (2019) – “Among 2862 randomized participants, 2371 completed the study and accounted for 5180 HCW-seasons. … Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”
There are others, but you get the idea. Up until this pandemic, the scientific community understood that masks of all kinds do not prevent viral spread or infection. Suddenly, without real evidence, they do now.
There exists no peer-reviewed clinical trial showing masks are effective. Only preliminary lab results, some of which have problematic methodology. Never in history has a preliminary lab result been considered scientifically viable evidence. Until now.
I don’t write to you to debate the efficacy of masks. I write you to point out that, without a doubt, masks have not worked as some had portrayed them to. In Michiana, people are abiding by mask mandates en masse with very few exceptions. Not only is it not based on sound science or the real-world data to enforce mask mandates under penalty of law, but it is counterproductive considering the widespread adherence to the mandates in place now.
Furthermore, violating a business’s property rights to require them to be an enforcer of these mandates under penalty of fines would be a gross abuse of power. Encroaching on their rights in this fashion would always be problematic, but to do so knowing the ordinance is enforcing, with penalties, mandates that have proven beyond the shadow of the doubt to be ineffective would be a dereliction of duty.
I understand the immense pressure and public health officials are under to make it seem like they are trying to fight this virus and protect citizens. I understand it is easier to just go along to get along so you can say at least you tried at election time. However, to allow such government abuse over a mandate that isn’t working under the false guise that it would somehow magically start working now because there are penalties would be a violation of your oath of office. Surely, there is another way without setting the government up to abuse citizens just to appease the mob that has produced no evidence this would work to begin with.
Radio Talk Show Host – 95.3 MNC
UPDATE: Corrected some grammatical errors since I was rushing to get this letter sent before my show.
UPDATE 2: Added context of why I wrote this letter to the top of the post.