Daily Show Prep: Wed, June 22

Daily : Wed, 22

Hour 1

Chevron Levels Biden With a Little Honesty, Biden Reveals How Petty He Is in Response

Biden wants to suspend the gas tax instead of opening pipelines. Here are ideas for what you could buy with the 18 cents a gallon you’ll save!

Democrats balk at Biden’s push for gas tax holiday: ‘shortsighted and inefficient’

Republicans blast Biden’s gas tax holiday as ‘fake fix’

Horowitz: America’s oil refinery crisis as the bottleneck to energy freedom

FLASHBACK: Democrats Attack Bill to Boost Refineries

FLASHBACK: Democrat Seeking ‘Price-Fixing’ Probe of Oil Refineries Not Sure How Many Are Run by ‘Big Oil’

Will Any New Refineries Be Built in the United States?

No New Refineries in 29 Years? There Might Well Be a Reason

These twenty-five Biden administration policies are raising energy costs

At 3 minute mark will to . Todd Young defend for the ‘s control . Including admitting he didn’t read before he voted for it.


Hour 2

Four Troublesome Provisions in the Senate Gun Bill – and a ‘Be on the Lookout’ Warning


IT GETS EVEN WORSE: Slain Uvalde teacher called her cop husband after she was shot and he tried to get in to save her, but the other police stopped him and took his gun away

Hour 3

Democrat Andrew Gillum Just Charged With 21 Felonies Related To Gubernatorial Campaign He Lost To Ron DeSantis


Over 1,000 Southwest pilots gathered outside Love Field in Dallas to protest staffing shortages and insane working hours

Why Is the Army Rushing to Repaint Its Desert-Camo Vehicles Green?

Daily Show Prep: Wed, June 22

Daily : Thurs, 9


School resource officer shoots, kills ‘suspicious person’ outside Alabama school

‘Highest ever recorded’: Average gas prices surpass $5 per gallon in US

GOP Senators Release Documents Showing Biden Admin Lied About Disinfo Board

Ex-Dem Congressman Who Took Abscam Bribes Admits To Rigging Philly Elections

Protesters Return To Kavanaugh’s Home Night After Murder Attempt

‘Playing With Fire’: Rubio Shreds Democrats For ‘Encouraging’ Would-Be Kavanaugh Assassin

Democrat Says She Thinks She Is Only Rep Who Has Been A Victim Of Gun Violence, Appears To Forget Steve Scalise Was A Victim Of Gun Violence

Liberal Media Predictably Downplays or Ignores Threat to Justice Kavanaugh

Joy Behar Claims Gun Laws Will Change ‘Once Black People Get Guns’ — But Nearly 1 In 4 Already Do

Hour 2

After Sending $40 Billion To Ukraine, US Officials Are Only Now Raising Red Flags

The US Military Is Almost Completely Dependent On China For Key Mineral Used In Ammunition: REPORT

Buttigieg: Republicans’ Answer to Inflation Is ‘Going to War with Mickey Mouse’


Hour 3

WSJ, ABC News: FDA knew about baby formula whistleblower complaint in February … 2021

As gas prices surge, Michigan sheriff asks deputies to manage some dispatch calls by phone

Here’s the economic data Biden doesn’t want you to see


Support For Banning Semi-Automatic Long Guns Hits All-Time Low: Left-Of-Center Poll


‘Feels Like A Threat’: Sydney Sweeney’s Tiny Outfit At Award Show Riles Up ‘Body Positivity’ Activists

FBI Raids Home Of Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate And Whitmer Challenger, Takes Him Into Custody: Report

Daily Show Prep: Monday, June 6

Daily : , 6

Hour 1

78-years ago

Monday Marks The 78-Year Anniversary Of D-Day

Colwell: The only thing that stops a bad guy with a howitzer …

Jack Colwell is blithering idiot who ‘t even wise to know he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Private Cannon Ownership in Early America

I destroyed stupid Jack Colwell article a while back.


Hour 2 & 3


Tampa Bay Rays players decline to wear LGBT logos on uniform for pride event

Texas lawmaker to bring bill to BAN minors from drag shows

My interview with gubernatorial Tudor Dixon
Online magazine tells dads to “ABSOLUTELY” bring kids to Pride parades with “nudity and kink”

Yeah, no. can kiss my .

Elections Security Watchdog Blows the Whistle on Serious Vulnerabilities in Dominion Voting Systems Machines

You don’t say …


Sleep-deprived medical staff ‘pose same danger on roads as drunk drivers’

Kyle Rittenhouse Lawyers Up: Likely Target is Facebook and Ten or Twelve Others

Daily : Friday, Dec. 18


Pennsylvania Coronavirus Cases Rise Despite Months-Long Statewide Mask Mandates

Indiana Cops Give Hundreds of Boxes of Food, Toys to Needy Families

Mike Pence Injected with Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Live on TV

Pelosi Postpones Weekly Press Conference For the Second Time Today After Taking Covid-19 Vaccine

WATCH: Nurse Passes Out on Live Television After Taking Coronavirus Vaccine

STUDY: Flu Vaccine Raises Risk of COVID Death – Correlation Confirmed by Scientific Analysis

Michigan House Votes to Repeal Law Gretchen Whitmer Used to Issue Coronavirus Orders

Gretchen Whitmer Lockdown Closed 32% of Michigan Businesses

Kenyan Charged with 9/11-Style Terror Plot Sought Visa to U.S.

Hour 2


Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying

Muncie man wins suit against parents who destroyed his porn

Rally against face mask mandate set for Friday

Transgender activist makes argument for all children to be put on puberty blockers until they can determine identity

Endocrinologist: Study on Puberty Blockers in Teens ‘Confirms Massive Decrease in Bone Density’

Hour 3

ATF: Pistols with Stabilizer Braces May Be ‘Short-Barreled Rifles’

Peter Navarro Releases Damning Report on 2020 Election Fraud

SCOTUS Throws Out Challenge to President Trump’s Bid to Exclude Illegal Aliens from Being Counted in Determining Congressional Seats

NYT Retracts Hit Podcast ‘Caliphate’ After Determining Alleged ISIS Executioner ‘Concocted’ His Entire Story