Ignore The Media And Politicians, The Has NO CREDIBLE THREATS Involving The Inauguration

Every news channel is ablaze this week with the FBI about the inauguration of . Headline after headling about extremist group plots, etc. However, the actual threat assessment report says the exact opposite. There are no identified credible threats. No threats from extremists, no cyber threats, no threats using drones … none. Had any ‘journalist’ taken a few minutes to actually read the report they’d know that and stop spreading panic porn all over the country.

Here’s the actual threat assessment report.

Mixed in with the stories of some previous incidents, many that left out many contexts, are the actual threat assessments. They are found on pages 2 and 6.

Basically, it’s a standard threat assessment. There are no identified credible threats but authorities must be on the lookout for threats missed leading up to the event. This is a vanilla and routine threat assessment. They warn about , including Islamic terrorists. This isn’t stopping the media from distorting what the report actually says.

It’s nothing more than media fear-mongering.