Common Veterans Podcast Episode 11: Addendum 1: Oh Say Can You See

Common Episode 11: Addendum 1: Oh Say Can See

Understanding Military Traditions: Exploring Why Behind the What


Welcome readers to the “Common Veterans Podcast: Season 1 Addendum,” where we delve into the rich tapestry of military traditions, unraveling their deeper meanings and historical significance. We’ll uncover why these practices endure, shedding light on the unique mindset and sense of humor prevalent among .

The Purpose of Traditions

Military traditions are than rituals; they serve as threads weaving together the fabric of camaraderie, honor, and history within the armed forces. Understanding their origins provides deeper appreciation for the cultural backbone of military life.

Traditions Are Traditional

The Salute

From its roots in the Middle Ages as a gesture of peace to its modern-day symbolism of respect and recognition, the salute is a cornerstone of military etiquette.

Taps and Reveille

The solemnity of waking to a cornet’s notes and the symbolism behind honoring the national colors being lowered underscore the reverence for duty and sacrifice.

Covers (Hats) Outside

Beyond fashion, these headpieces signify protection, camouflage, and a visible marker of rank, fostering a sense of unity and distinction among members.

Being Pinned

The act of pinning, whether for rank or , represents a badge of honor earned through dedication, sacrifice, and the pursuit of excellence. It’s a tangible of one’s journey and accomplishments.

Because We Can

Military balls, replete with unique rituals like the Army’s “Grogg” or the Air Force’s “Jeff,” offer glimpses into the unit’s identity and shared experiences, strengthening bonds among comrades.

Walking the Line

Physical (PT) and Uniforms

Beyond physical , PT instills discipline and preparedness, while uniforms promote unity and morale—a visual representation of a collective identity.


A controversial practice that, in elite units, serves to test resilience and integration. Stories from these experiences illuminate the dynamics within these specialized circles.

Battle Buddies and Group Dynamics

Emphasizing the importance of teamwork, battle buddies epitomize the ethos of collective success and safety, forming the backbone of military operations.

Deployments and Beyond

Embracing More Traditions

Exploring further traditions or quirks unique to different branches or deployments, highlighting the diversity and richness of military cultures.


Addendum II Teaser

As we conclude this deep dive into military traditions, stay tuned for our podcast, “Take This Job and Shove It,” where we explore the service concept and possibly feature a special guest shedding light on their experiences.

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Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Aug. 3

Daily : , . 3


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Hour 2

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Hour 3

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Breakthrough cases will happen but he likely didn’t have COVID January 2020. We didn’t have tests then.

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Fauci, of course, doesn’t know that. Many places have fully-vaccinated people making up half, or , of cases.

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Hmm … Fauci better tell those liberals to get vaccinated then.

“69 percent of the affected people fully vaccinated”

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