Daily Prep: Wed. Oct. 7

Hour 1

Trump: I’m Authorizing Total Declassification Of All Docs Related To Hillary’s Alleged Plan To Smear Me

Intel Chief Declassifies CIA Documents Regarding Alleged Clinton Plan To Link Trump To Russia’s Hacking

Caught Red Handed: Brennan’s Handwritten Notes Prove Obama Was Briefed on Scheme to Set Up Trump

Hillary Clinton behind plan to tie Trump to Russia, CIA warned Comey, Strzok

Memo: Chuck Schumer PAC Spending Millions to Save Gary Peters in Michigan

GOP voter registrations outpace Dems in swing states: report

Poll: Trump Takes the Lead in Maine’s Second District

Hour 2

McCloskeys Indicted By Grand Jury On Felony Weapons, Evidence Tampering Charges

Charges Filed Against Trans Elections Judge ‘Erika’ Bickford in Allentown, Pennsylvania — Including Tampering with Ballots

Restaurant-Goers In California Told To Wear Mask ‘In Between Bites’ By Governor’s Office

NBA will stop pushing BLM message on the court after ratings plummet

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Apologizes To Ilhan Omar For Pushing Voter Fraud Report After Witness Said He Was Bribed

Biden Flees Podium Before Reporters Can Ask Questions After Dark and Divisive Speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (VIDEO)

Biden says there shouldn’t be second debate if Trump still has COVID-19

Massive Hollywood-Style Trump Sign Placed on the 405 in Los Angeles.

Trump poses stand alone bill for $1,200 stimulus checks, after ending talks with House Democrats

Hour 3

BUSTED! USPS Employee Arrested After Election Ballots Found In Dumpster in New Jersey

BREAKING: Republicans in the House Join Senate Republicans- Ask FBI to Investigate Joe Biden, His Son Hunter and His Brother for Criminal Financial Activities

‘Creepy’ Joe Biden, 77, tells group of ‘beautiful young ladies’ he wants to ‘see them dancing when they’re four years older’ during campaign stop in Miami

California Bureaucrats Knocked Down Giant Trump Sign On Private Property, Claimed It Was A Safety Hazard



Iowa Caucus App That Caused Turmoil Run By Same Group Planning To Publish FAKE Newspapers To Elect Democrats

Iowa Caucus That Caused Turmoil Run By Same Group To Publish To Elect Democrats

The fiasco in the Democratic Iowa caucuses have been directly tied to the app that allegedly crashed. That app is run by a group called Shadow Inc.

This is Shadow’s mission statement:

Our mission is to build political power for the progressive movement
 by developing affordable and easy-to-use tools for teams and budgets of any size.

Pete Buttigieg and have been accused of using Shadow to try and steal the Iowa caucuses from . I don’t know if that’s true but they have a legitimate beef. Get ready to go down the rabbit hole.

In 2019, a liberal group called ACRONYM acquired Shadow Inc. ACRONYM is a Democrat machine that was founded by Tara McGowan. She has a long resume as a Democrat operative. Her husband advises Pete Buttigieg’s campaign and she is a big fan of Pete.

Buttigieg has been given the moniker of Mayor Cheat by Bernie supporters for claiming victory in Iowa in spite of the results not being released yet. Also, his internal results have him losing to Bernie.




Pete’s campaign gave Shadow Inc. money. Not unusual but given how things are playing out in Iowa, this is giving Bernie supporters fits. It certainly doesn’t look good.

ABC 57:

The results of the caucuses are not expected to be released until Tuesday afternoon due to inconsistencies in reporting.

Shadow Inc. describes its mission on its website as: “Our mission is to build political power for the progressive movement
 by developing affordable and easy-to-use tools for teams and budgets of any size.”

A check of the Federal Election Commission website shows Buttigieg isn’t the only candidate to use their services.

  • Nevada State Democratic Party    $58,000
  • Pete for America     $42,500
  • Gillibrand 2020    $37,400
  • For Our Future    $10,643.25
  • Democratic Party of Wisconsin    $3,750
  • Biden for President    $1,225
  • Texas Democratic Party    $250

Buttigieg’s campaign told CNN they paid Shadow Inc for text messaging.

So an app by former alums got money from Biden and Buttigieg, and Bernie’s Iowa win is caught up in a disaster of results . I wonder why Bernie supporters might be a conspiratorial here?

It gets better. Tara McGowan and ACRONYM are the people behind the plan to create fake newspapers in swing states to trick voters into voting for Democrats. Literally, they are creating fake news to get Democrats elected. This tactic was also used in the UK.

  • A Democrat dark money operation acquires a company that makes tools for campaigns.
  • The founder of said operation loves Pete and her husband advises him.
  • Dems have been working to assist Biden.
  • Last Des Moines Register poll showed Biden losing Iowa big.
  • Poll magically doesn’t get published.
  • App to tally results crashes.
  • Biden and Buttigieg gave money to the app creators.
  • Pete declares victory without any results published. He also loses to Bernie with his own internal data.
  • Internal data shows last unpublished poll was most accurate on Biden’s results.
  • All of this is tied to well-known Democrat dark money machine strategizing to fabricate fake news, masquerade it as , and get Democrats elected.

Hard to blame Bernie supporters for thinking something is amiss.


Democrats Are Creating Newspapers To Fight Trump Swing States

Clip from Casey Hendrickson’s stream 11/26/2019
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#Democrats #FakeNews #Trump

Monday, July 17 – Hour 2 Podcast


Kid Rock Tweets More On Running For Senate | The Daily Caller

appears that Kid Rock‘s run for Senate 2018 is officially happening.

Trump Administration Jobs Remain Vacant | The Daily Caller

Trump has announced only 36 percent of the 188 leadership positions below the secretary level, according to the York Times analysis. Obama had announced 78 percent by the same time.

Democrats Spooked by Drop in Colorado Voter Registration Amid Trump Probe Into Voter Fraud

are apparently spooked by sudden drop in voter registrations in the key swing of Colorado, with Democratic National Committee Chairman arguing that it is connected to President Trump‘s investigation into electoral fraud in the 2016 election — and promising to fight back against it.

Home Depot Fires Veteran For Trying To Stop Shoplifters – The Burning Truth

A 70-year- veteran working at a Home Depot store tried to stop shoplifters taking thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, but his attempted intervention cost him his job.

These Are The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In Indiana For 2017 – RoadSnacks
