Daily Show Prep: Monday, Jan. 29

Daily : , Jan. 29


Kristi Noem steamrolls talking point-spewing CNN host Dana Bash over Biden border deal

Biden claims he and the Democrats want to fix the border. I guess he forgot that he terminated the border emergency on his first day in office!

December 2023 Sets Historic Record of Illegal Immigration

Senate Stalemate Continues Over Border Security, House Takes a Stand

65 things Biden has done that made the border worse

House Committee Releases Articles of Impeachment Against Secretary Mayorkas; Vote Scheduled Tuesday

Trump’s Appeal to Black Voters Causing Panic in Biden Camp

Hour 2

I wonder why you haven’t heard about the shooting in Canada this week

Ilhan Omar Roasted after Declaring She’s in Congress to Represent Somalia – WATCH

WE. HEARD. YOU! Ilhan Omar Tries Worming Her Way OUT of Somalia Comments but Ain’t NOBODY Buyin’ It

Intelligence Reveals Details of U.N. Agency Staff’s Links to Oct. 7 Attack: Around 10% of Palestinian aid agency’s 12,000 staff in Gaza have links to militants, according to intelligence dossier

Trump admin cut funding to UN agency now accused of participating in Hamas attack ‘for reason’: Rep. McCaul

Florida bill expands defamation to include false accusations of the “-isms” and “-phobias” the Left uses to destroy people

While Sit On Floor, Works At Airport

If want to see me dismantle people supporting utterly stupid stunt pulled with #OperationDirtyPants, follow me on @CaseyTheHost.

While Democrats were performing meaningless political theater to distract the less-informed American public, was busy discovering that a Somali is working as a guard at  International in Virginia.

Yeah, we don’t have an problem in the United States at all.