Daily : Tuesday, August 8


Good Lord.

Origin of Modern Cows Traced to Single Herd | WIRED

A genetic study of cattle has claimed that all modern domesticated bovines are descended from a single herd of wild ox, which lived 10,500 years ago.

No human interaction: Pizza chain creates self-serve pizza machines, will be nationwide in 2018 – Red Alert Politics

On Monday, the pizza chain unveiled the , the first heated, self-service pizza station that allows customers to skip the line, grab their pizza, and leave within seconds.

ABC: Cancelling Tim Allen Apolitical | The Daily Caller

No room on the schedule? For a show that pulled in 8 million viewers on a Friday night? It was the second most-watched comedy on ABC, after Modern Family. Meanwhile, lower-rated and presumably more expensive ABC shows like Agents of SHIELD and Once Upon a Time keep limping along, season after season, and the network keeps finding a place in the schedule for them.

Exclusive: Here’s The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google [Updated]

A software engineer’s 10-page screed against Google’s diversity initiatives is going viral inside the company, being shared on an internal meme network and Google+.

Media’s Bias Against Google Memo [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

MSNBC and CNN can’t hide their bias against an internal Google memo that argued the gender gap in tech can be partially explained by women’s choices.

Shameless LIARS! CNN gets DECIMATED for blatantly lying about #GoogleManifesto content – twitchy.com

Damore didn’t say women aren’t suited for tech jobs.

Women Stayed Home From Work at Google Because They Were Upset Over Memo | Truth Revolt

Another software engineer who used to work for Google, Kelly Ellis, says some women who still work at the company stayed home on Monday because the memo made them “uncomfortable going back to work.”

Google CEO: ‘Be Free To Express Dissent’ | The Daily Caller

A day after Google fired an employee who wrote a lengthy memo blasting the company’s diversity policies, CEO wrote his own missive Tuesday saying that “people must feel free to express dissent.”

Hour 2

Investigator: Bake Sale Didn’t Break Law | The Daily Caller

An investigator determined that a student accused by his university of because of a mock “ ” did not violate university policy or federal law, according to a letter obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Sunday.

California Bakeries Refuse to Bake Trump Birthday Cake For 9-Year-Old Boy – Where’s the SJW Lynch Mob?

The Post reported that, when Dylan asked for a “ cake” for his birthday, his mother “made him one herself, because she couldn’t find a bakery willing and able to do it.”

Veteran WH Reporter Schools Trump Haters, Reminds Them Obama Started ‘Real News’ Videos – Breitbart

Steve Thomma, the veteran reporter and current executive director of the White House Correspondents’ Association, pointed out on Sunday evening that President ‘s White House actually started the trend of creating “real news” videos to go around the traditional media’s filters to get its message out more directly to voters

Fried Chicken Beer

Fried Chicken by Justin Page at 9:34 AM on August 7, 2017 Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)More The Veil Brewing Co. and have worked together to create a “Fried Fried Chicken Chicken” beer that may not taste just like a delicious piece of chicken, but was made with a “VERY small amount of Fried Chicken in one of two of the mashes.” The Veil Brewing Co. released their finger licking good beer on July 25th at their Richmond, Virginia brewery. It is available for a limited run.

Republican donor from Virginia Beach sues GOP, accusing the party of fraud over failed Obamacare repeal | Virginia Politics | pilotonline.com

A retired attorney in Virginia Beach is so incensed that Republicans couldn’t repeal the Affordable Care Act that he’s suing to get political donations back, accusing the GOP of fraud and racketeering.

McConnell to consider bipartisan plan to pay health insurers – ABC News

A week after an attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act failed, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he’d consider a bipartisan effort to continue payments to insurers to avert a costly rattling of health insurance markets.

Hour 3

The Market Has Never Done This Before | Zero Hedge

A fascinating statistic about the current no-vol state of the market, courtesy of Deutsche’s Jim Reid, who points out that the last time we had 13 consecutive days in which the S&P moved less than 0.3% in either direction was… never:

Trump Makes History! Only President in US History to Oversee 2 Stock Market Rallies of 9 or More Record Days in a Row

Only 6 time in US History has the Stock Market had rallies with 9 or more days in a row of all time highs – Hoover in 1929, Eisenhower in 1955, LBJ in 1964, Reagan in 1987, Trump in 2017 and Trump again in 2017.

TRUMP EFFECT: 1.1 Million Drop Off Trump Food Stamp Lists — Mostly Illegal Aliens (Video)

The USDA reported this week that 1.1 million people have dropped off the food stamp lists since the beginning of the year.

Swamp drainage update: Guess how many federal jobs we’ve cut in six months? – Hot Air Hot Air

The Trump administration has shed nearly 11,000 federal employees during its first six months, reversing a two year trend of gains throughout the executive branch.

US T-shirt company sells swastika design as ‘symbol of love and peace’ – Diaspora – Jerusalem Post

Rep Furious Over Confederate Street Names | The Daily Caller

Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke is vowing to fight the U.S. Army’s refusal to change streets named after Confederate generals at a New York base.

Wednesday, June 28 – Hour 1 Podcast


CNN faced $100M lawsuit over botched Russia story | New York Post

The specter of a $100 million libel suit scared into retracting a poorly reported story that slimed an ally of President Trump’s — and forcing out the staffers responsible for it, The Post has learned.

Buzzfeed: CNN Has a Sad After Fake News Scandal – Breitbart

CNN sources described a glum environment in the wake of the resignations, as staffers watched conservative commentators like Fox ‘ Sean Hannity revel in CNN’s pain.

CNN’s Van Jones Calls Russia A ‘Nothing Burge | The Daily Caller

CNN commentator  called the  story a “nothing burger” in the second CNN-related undercover video released by this week.

Indiana College Offers Certificate For SocJus | The Daily Caller

An college offers a “ Certificate” for students and faculty who take workshops on racism, privilege and safe spaces, Campus Reform reported Tuesday.

Plastic Bag Bans Are in Retreat Across the Country – Hit & Run : Reason.com

In May the Minnesota legislature passed a state-wide preemption on bag bans, overturning Minneapolis’s local prohibition. Iowa did the same in April, and over the past year, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana, have all passed restrictions on local governments banning and taxing bags.


It Pays To Be A , Bigoted, Warrior

Going back some years now, listeners would ask me why all of these ‘non-profits’ were coming out of nowhere. They were peddling lies and myths as reality. The media was feeding their false narrative to society. Society would cave in to their demands, as insane as some of them were, but the groups never went away. Even after they got what they wanted, they were still angry. Not only that, but new groups would pop up making the same exact demands.

Sound familiar?

That’s the same story today. Hundreds of groups pop up out of nowhere, advocating for the same things. They often get what they originally demanded, but the group doesn’t disband and go home after the mission is accomplished. They just get mad about something new the next week. Listeners have constantly asked me why.

You heard me say the term ‘professionally offended.’

For some, that might be a cute way of saying someone’s butt always hurts. I mean it literally.

There’s a reason I tell you there’s huge money in being a . Especially if you are an antagonistic non-profit.

Occupy Wall Street got millions of dollars in funding, and so does Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter is cashing in on donations from liberal foundations and donors, raking in tens of millions of dollars.

The recently announced Black-Led Movement Fund is a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition.

That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros.

It’s the same way unicorn fart salesmen sell mythical man-made global warming. They lie, distort the facts, hide from the raw data as much as possible, and attack their critics. All in order to secure more funding, and enrich themselves.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]#SJW use the same tactics as unicorn fart salesmen selling mythical man-made global warming. Lie, hide facts, ATTACK![/Tweet]

If these SJWs stop being offended at anything and everything, they don’t get anymore funding. Their livelihood, literally, depends on them having a stick up their ass.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]#SocialJusticeWarrior livelihoods, literally, depends on them having a stick up their ass. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

Non-profits are big business.

[contentcards url=”http://freedomdaily.com/black-lives-matter-100-million-donation-liberal-foundations/” target=”_blank”]