Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, June 26

Daily : , 26

Hour 1


Color Me Shocked: Special Counsel Admits to FBI Tampering of Mar-a-Lago Documents

Rep. Lauren Boebert wins GOP primary after switching Colorado districts; Hurd, Crank also notch wins

Fire-alarm lover Jamaal Bowman lost his expensive primary last night and seemed a bit … unstable during his concession speech

Supreme Court tosses case that would prevent government from coercing social media to censor people. Check out Alito’s outraged dissent.

Hour 2

VIDEO: We now have living robot skin that can smile. Let the nightmares begin!

Rep. Banks tells Speaker Johnson House GOP should support Bannon legal defense

WaPo says “we’ve been accidentally cooling the planet … while warming it” … I’ve done my best to translate the clown speak for ya 🥴

Saying “good morning” is racist now, according to this woman

Hour 3

WikiLeaks’ Assange pleads guilty to publishing US military secrets in deal that secures his freedom


Julian Assange ‘phoned the White House to warn of risk to lives’ over Wikileaks release

He added: “You can accurately describe this chapter of the case as , lies and more lies.”

Mr Summers said had begun redacting 250,000 leaked documents November 2010, working with media partners around the .

He added: “That process involved the US and state feeding suggested redactions to the media.

“Knowing the US government was involved in the redaction process, can be in any way said the request represents a or accurate representation of what occurred?”

Mr Summers blamed the leaks on a 2011 book from The Guardian newspaper about WikiLeaks, which contained a 58-key .

18 revelations from Wikileaks’ hacked Clinton emails

Daily Show Prep: Wed, Sept. 20

Daily : Wed, Sept. 20


Louisiana trucker wins right to display flag saying, ‘F* Biden and f* you for voting for him,’ after town tries to stop him

UAW Union Rejects 21% Pay Hike, Demands 4 Day Work Week

UAW Strike Expands to 4th Plant, in Alabama

Forget Subway’s Tunagate … It’s time for Starbuck’s Fruitgate! New lawsuit says chain’s fruit drinks lack fruit.

Joe Biden uses executive powers to bypass the House and Constitution, launches the AMERICAN CLIMATE CORPS

Zelensky Lectures The World About Climate Change, Tries New Tactic For Increased Aid

New Mexico State Republicans Are Moving Forward With Their Plan to Impeach Governor

Hour 2

Actor James Woods Scuffles With JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon on X in His Usual Amusing Way

The CDC is trying to convince healthcare workers that surgical masks are just as good as N95s and they are having none of it

‘Body Positivity’ Is Literally Killing People, Science Finds

Asteroid hit by NASA’s DART spacecraft is behaving unexpectedly, high school class discovers

NASA predicts large asteroid could smash into Earth in 159 years

Battery Scientists Claim Breakthrough, 10-Minute Fast Charging For 1,500 Cycles

Hour 3


Mollie Hemingway translates AG Garland’s claim that he’s ‘not the president’s lawyer’

Feds thwarted probe into possible ‘criminal violations’ involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say

Cracking Coalition? Polish President Duda Snubs Zelensky at U.N., Calls Ukraine a ‘Drowning Man’

Black Lives Matter Protests Led To 11.5% Increase In Murders, Thousands Of Additional Deaths, Study Shows

Not Woke Enough: Vote To Go On Strike

The leftist of the leftist online magazine, , have voted to Slate for not being leftist enough.

The writers voted 52-1 to authorize and are considering walking of their jobs over several demands, including -to-work policies, according to the Washington Examiner.

“Today we’re announcing the results of our strike authorization vote,” the said on its official account, @SlateUnion. “ week, 100 percent of our bargaining unit voted and 98 percent chose to authorize a strike if necessary. We’re proud of this overwhelming representation of solidarity.”

: Not Woke Enough: Slate Writers Vote To Go On Strike