Daily Show Prep: Thursday, July 11

Daily : , July 11


What is Project 2025 and why are Democrats all lying about it?

And BOOM: Project 2025 Account OWNS Lyin’ Biden With Receipt-Filled Post Debunking Every LIE He’s Spewed

Hour 2

Indiana receives nearly $900 million in federal internet grant

ABC Execs LIVID George Stephanopoulos’ Honesty on Biden Ruined Station’s (Non-Existent) ‘Objectivity’

A NEW ‘New Low’? Latest Approval Numbers Show Biden’s VERY Close to His Goal of Unifying the Country

Biden doles out billions of taxpayer dollars to help unionized auto plants make EVs

Docs: U.S. Rep. Spartz officially charged after bringing gun to Washington D.C. airport

HUGE: Biden Campaign is “testing the strength of Kamala Harris against Donald Trump” as Democrats beg Biden to drop out

No, global warming and rising sea levels didn’t make a plant extinct

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Feb. 22

Daily : , Feb. 22


Interview: Todd Brown – Former UFC Fighter


, liberals were all about seceding before the .


Vivek Ramaswamy Could Get Traction, Thinks WHO Deal ‘Bad’

Hour 2


Average public teacher salary – 2021


How Much Does the Average Make 2022?


are the 10 states with the highest teacher pay:

  1. New York – $92,222
  2. Massachusetts – $88,903
  3. California – $87,275
  4. District of Columbia – $82,523
  5. Washington – $81,586
  6. Connecticut – $81,185
  7. New Jersey – $79,045
  8. Rhode Island – $76,852
  9. Maryland – $75,766
  10. Alaska – $73,722

Using the ATUS, we find that work an average of 40.6 hours during the work week, compared to 42.4 hours for private-sector professionals. Over a full calendar year including vacations, teachers work at most 83% as many hours as private-sector professionals.

Trump Was Right Again: NYC Forced to Scrap Equipment Former POTUS Told Them They Wouldn’t Need



Hour 3

Rising Sea Levels from Climate Change Hit Venice

‘Now hiring non-stupid people:’ Ohio pizza shop’s sign goes viral

EXCLUSIVE: Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein – who was found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck – despite no sign of weapon

Climate Fear-Mongers Finally Admit Oceans Aren’t Rising

I’ve been telling you this for years, and it came up again on Friday’s show during open lines. The oceans aren’t warming, and aren’t rising. Data for years has shown this. Eventually, the climate alarmists were going to have to stop pretending they were. Naturally, this would only force them to justify they’ve been wrong all of these years because the situation was somehow worse than they thought. Regardless, it illustrates they are making it up as they go.

Yep. You read that right. The ‘oceans are rising crowd’ has explained the lack of oceans … you know … actually rising by saying there’s so much water that the oceans can’t rise. The ocean floor is collapsing!

The Ocean Floor Is Sinking Under The Water Weight From Melting Glaciers, And It’s As Bad As It Sounds

So much extra water is being added into world’s oceans from melting glaciers that the ocean floor is sinking underneath its increasing weight. This ocean floor deformation also means we have miscalculated just how much are rising and the problem be far worse than previously believed.

Over the past 20 years, ocean basins have sunk an average of 0.004 inches per year. This means that the ocean is 0.08 inches deeper than it was two decades ago. While this small fragment of an inch may not seem much, oceans cover 70 percent of our planet, making the problem bigger than it seems at an initial glance.

A listener had called on Friday during open lines to ask me about something he’d just heard elsewhere. Apparently, someone had said realists (deniers) only had the satellite data that shows no warming is happening to defend their position. You know, the raw . I explained the numerous times we’ve literally caught climate alarmists, who’s careers and financial well-being depend on peddling man-made warming, colluding to manufacture warming data. How they’ve gone back centuries to erase old temperature data on the records to ‘adjust’ it to be colder so it appears we’ve warmed more than we actually have. I then went into the oceans. How they used to measure date, and how we do it now. The methods show no warming. Next was the ‘rise’ in oceans. Something that hasn’t materialized.

These people saying the hard empirical data is irrelevant are the same people who make predictions purely on computer models. Models they have to molest the empirical data with to get the result they want. They are literally telling people to believe their guess more than the facts.

I pointed to a recent article in which whistleblowers exposed the fabrication of rising ocean levels to further illustrate my point.

Whistleblower Scientists: PSMSL Data-Adjusters Are Manufacturing Sea Level Rise Where None Exists

In a new paper published in Earth Systems and Environment this month, Australian scientists . Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier uncover evidence that Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) overseers appear to have been engaging in the “highly questionable” and “suspicious” practice of adjusting historical tide gauge data to show recent accelerated sea level rise where no such acceleration (or rise) exists.

So … we have people still fabricating data to pretend the oceans are rising while simultaneously having the same fear-mongers saying the oceans are sinking. Can you trust people who’ve been telling you the oceans are rising for years without any data to back them up? The same people who now admit they’ve been wrong and the oceans are sinking. If the oceans were so heavy that the ocean floor was collapsing and leading to sinking oceans … why did they to you to say the oceans were rising?

They were either wrong, or . Those are the only two options, and both should prove to you their dire predictions aren’t worth much.

Al Gore is pretending the deep freeze we are having now is because of global warming, and he’s lying when he tells you he predicted it. He said the North Pole would have no ice by now, but I digress. Global warming causes global cooling, and now rising oceans cause sinking oceans. This isn’t science, it’s cultism.

Climate alarmism … brought to you by the same people who can’t accurately predict the weather within the next 48 hours. You can totally trust them to predict the weather decades from now though.

All of this makes me think of my all-time favorite clip I play for my audience. Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA) in 2010.

He’s still in office.

One more thing … in 2014 I did an MNC-TV video on how they’d discovered massive amounts of water under the Earth’s crust. At the time, geologists believed the water under the Earth’s crust was keeping the surface water levels of the oceans in balance. Seems relevant now.