Fake Hate: Server faked “racist receipt” outrage in Texas

A Facebook post documenting racial abuse that a server was subjected to over the weekend drew thousands of responses condemning comments of unidentified patrons who called the Odessan a “terrorist” as they refused to tip him.

, a 20-year-old Odessan working at the restaurant as he prepares to attend college in Dallas later this year, posted an image of a dinner receipt on Sunday along with a response to the abuse the night before. The diners he had served circled his name, which means “friend” in Arabic, and wrote “We don’t Tip Terrorist.” They left no tip on the more than $108 bill.

“… At the moment I didn’t know what to think nor what to say, I was sick to my stomach,” wrote Cavil, who is black.” I share this because I want people to understand that this , and this hatred still exists. Although, this is nothing new, it is still something that will test your faith. All day I’ve had to remind myself that Jesus died for these people too. I have decided to let this encourage me, and fuel me to change the world the only way I know how…”

Saltgrass Steak House restaurant banned the customer and people donated over $1000 to Cavil for some reason. I’m really not sure why we keep doing this considering nearly all of these stories end up being hoaxes. Millennials should stop donating to these frauds so they can actually save up to buy a house.

The waiter, Khalil Cavil, 20, admitted he wrote the racist note himself in a Monday interview with the Odessa American, where he apologized to a reporter “because I did lie to you.”

“I did write it,” Cavil said, refusing to explain why. “I don’t have an explanation. I made a mistake. There is no excuse for what I did.”

Apparently, he’s returning ‘most’ of the money. Whatever that means.

As for the restaurant not investigating before acting like imbeciles …

“After further investigation, we have learned that our employee fabricated the entire story,” Terry Turney, COO of Saltgrass Steak House, told the Odessa American in a statement. “The customer has been contacted and invited back to our restaurant to dine on us. Racism of any form is intolerable, and we will always act swiftly should it occur in any of our establishments.

“Falsely accusing someone of racism is equaling disturbing,” Turney said.

So let’s examine this, shall we?

stories like this have been common for about 4 years now. I’m not aware of a ‘‘ story like this actually being true in recent history. Given that hundreds of these fake hate stories have been around for years, the restaurant and public should have been automatically skeptical. Yet they never are. The bigger disappointment is the original media outlet who knew these stories are usually fake, or should have known, falling for the nonsense and publishing it investigating. After all, the restaurant had the customer’s info to ban them and then reach out to invite them back. Reaching out to them should have been the first thing they did.

At least they fired Cavil for this. I hope his college finds out about it and revokes his admissions if applicable.

Source: Surprise! Server faked “racist receipt” outrage in Texas