FAKE : Washington Post Writes Fake Story About Meddling In US Election Using Fake, Discredited Sources

Last Thursday the Washington Post published an article on how the Russians were using ‘fake ‘ websites to peddle anti-Hillary . Shocker! Most of the websites were conservative or right-leaning. Stunning, I know. I mocked the article on social media when it came out because you’d have to be the worst tin foil hat wearing idiot to believe what they were saying.

Anyone who thinks Drudge is ‘‘ or a propaganda machine for is a Grade A dolt. There are several well-respected and credible websites on their list. Not to mention some of the best journalists alive today. Robert Parry and Robert Scheer are on the list for crying out loud. Google them kiddos if you don’t know who they are.

What’s worse is that the Washington Post, whose content is consistently comprised of 30-40% fake news itself, didn’t make this list. They didn’t do the research, they didn’t track down leads, they didn’t verify any of these websites were working for the Russians, or were at least being played by them. No, they got the list from another website called .com. Ever heard of them? No? Neither has anyone else. They’ve only been registered since August 2016, and their first blog post was on October 30, 2016.

Ok, the age of a website doesn’t mean it isn’t quality. So who is ? Apparently, according to their website, they are:

“An independent team of concerned American citizens with a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, including professional experience in computer science, statistics, public policy, and national security affairs.”

So … ghosts. Anonymous, we can be whatever we want to be on the internet, ghosts. That isn’t a real source. That isn’t credible in any way. They’re like the Craigslist hookup section of sources. No real news outlet would use these people for an article of any seriousness. No true journalist would. You might get Brian ‘tip of the spear’ Williams or Dan ‘you can be an honest man, and lie about any number of thing’ Rather to use them as a source, but not a real journalist. Man, those ‘real news’ personalities sure do have a habit of fabricating fake news.

On their Twitter profile, PropOrNot says they will reveal who they are when:

“Russia reveals the names of those running its propaganda operations in the West.”

Okey dokey cupcake.

Also on their Twitter, they defend several times. They even say anyone who is critical of Soros is essentially spewing Russian propaganda.



I wonder who might be behind the operation at PropOrNot? If Soros is involved, and I’m not saying he is, it wouldn’t be his first foray in media. In fact, he funds ProPublica. They tout themselves as an independent nonprofit journalism outfit. The rest of us know them as peddlers of fake news who occasionally do legally questionable things. ‘s history of publishing debunked mythology, pseudoscience, and ad hominem personal attacks of political opponents has long been known. They are more fake news than real, but with an occasional hit. Don’t even get me started on Soros and Media Matters. Probably the fakest ‘news’ website on the internet. Also didn’t make PropOrNot’s ‘fake news’ list.

This reminds me of the time the Washington Post published an article about how may have been poisoned by Vladimir Putin when she collapsed on the anniversary of 9/11. They did this while simultaneously mocking people who said there may be an issue with Hillary’s health.

Hillary Clinton Faints leaving 9/11 Memorial

Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Cindy Boren from the Washington Post were behind PropOrNot.

In summary: a website on a crusade to expose ‘fake news’ websites makes it a habit to defend someone who funds fake news websites while not listing the fake news websites that person funds on their big list of ‘fake news’ websites.

Sounds like PropOrNot is the propaganda site here.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]In summary: a website on a crusade to expose ‘fake news’ defends someone who funds fake news websites.[/Tweet]

The Washington Post is just another major media outlet obsessed with the latest fad of exposing ‘fake news.’ Well, welcome to the club Johnny-Come-Lately. It’s time to stop participating in lazy journalism. It’s best that you don’t peddle fake news if you are on a quest to expose it.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]@WaPo – It’s best that you don’t peddle fake news if you are on a quest to expose it.[/Tweet]

Unfortunately, major media in the United States is the number one peddler of fake news, not your shield against it. I’ve highlighted this countless times over the years on my show, on TV, and on my websites. A couple of recent examples are here and here.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Major media in the U.S. is the #1 peddler of fake news, not your shield against it.[/Tweet]

Operation Mockingbird anyone?


Monday, March 14 – Hour 2 Podcast

Putin Orders Withdrawal Of Russian Forces From Syria | The Daily Caller

“Perhaps, this is no secret, if I say that at some stage the Americans suggested performing a ‘division of labor’: the Russian Air Forces should concentrate on the liberation of Palmyra, and the American coalition with Russian support will focus on the liberation of Raqqa,” said Lavrov, according to Reuters.

Russia Warns North Korea It Could Be Invaded | The Daily Caller

‘s provocative nuclear rhetoric has gotten so bad even the Kremlin has come out against the hermit kingdom, warning continued nuclear threats could justify an .

Hellfire Missiles Bound For Portland Discovered On Plane | The Daily Caller

The package containing the missiles was found by bomb-sniffing dogs in the cargo hold of the plane. The Air Serbia flight originated in Beirut, Lebanon and landed in the Serbian capital of Belgrade before the package was discovered, according to a Sunday Associated Press report. The two missiles, armed with explosive warheads, were hidden inside two coffins. Serbian media has reported that the package’s final destination was believed to have been .

ISIS Unleashes Chemical Weapons In Iraq Killing 3-Year-Old Girl And Wounding As Many As 600 People

ISIL fighters unleashed two chemical attacks near the city of Kirkuk in Iraq, killing three-year-old Fatima Samir and wounding up to 600 people, Iraqi officials have said. Early Saturday morning, rockets filled with chemicals were from the -held town of Bashir upon the small town of Taza, which was also struck by only three days earlier.


Daily : Monday, March 14

Wounded Warrior Project’s top execs fired amid lavish spending scandal | Fox News

‘s CEO, Steven Nardizzi, and COO, Al Giordano, were by the charity’s board amid criticisms about how it spent more than $800 million in donations over the last four years. The development was confirmed by Abernathy MacGregor, a public relations firm hired to represent the veterans charity.

Wounded Warrior Project Chairman Anthony Odierno on rebuilding after lavish spending scandal – CBS News

From public records, CBS found that the charity spent only 60 percent of donations on vets. Odierno disputed the figure, claiming the organization spends about 80 percent. But that number includes expenses spent on promotional items, direct response advertising and postage costs, which charity watch groups do not consider programming.

Lose American flag or lose job; Iron workers stand ground after reported threat | BizPac Review

A group of ironworkers and riggers working in Louisiana have been told to remove American flags from their trucks or be terminated.

Lose the American Flag or Lose Your Job – Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

Jarome Hatch, a member of the crew, who thanked BPR and informed us that he just left a meeting in which the crew was told their vehicles, with American flags attached, are now allowed back on the property as long as they are properly fastened and the speed limit is obeyed.

Putin Orders Withdrawal Of Russian Forces From Syria | The Daily Caller

“Perhaps, this is no secret, if I say that at some stage the Americans suggested performing a ‘division of labor’: the Russian Air Forces should concentrate on the liberation of Palmyra, and the American coalition with Russian support will focus on the liberation of Raqqa,” said Lavrov, according to Reuters.

Russia Warns North Korea It Could Be Invaded | The Daily Caller

‘s provocative nuclear rhetoric has gotten so bad even the Kremlin has come out against the hermit kingdom, warning continued nuclear threats could justify an .

Hellfire Missiles Bound For Portland Discovered On Plane | The Daily Caller

The package containing the missiles was found by bomb-sniffing dogs in the cargo hold of the plane. The Air Serbia flight originated in Beirut, Lebanon and landed in the Serbian capital of Belgrade before the package was discovered, according to a Sunday Associated Press report. The two missiles, armed with explosive warheads, were hidden inside two coffins. Serbian media has reported that the package’s final destination was believed to have been .

ISIS Unleashes Chemical Weapons In Iraq Killing 3-Year-Old Girl And Wounding As Many As 600 People

ISIL fighters unleashed two chemical attacks near the city of Kirkuk in Iraq, killing three-year-old Fatima Samir and wounding up to 600 people, Iraqi officials have said. Early Saturday morning, rockets filled with chemicals were fired from the -held town of Bashir upon the small town of Taza, which was also struck by only three days earlier.

WATCH: Clinton tells woman hurt by Obamacare to ‘keep shopping’ twitchy.com

…and Hillary’s answer to this woman? “Keep shopping” and try to find a better deal:

Being lonely during recess isn’t an option at this school, thanks to one elementary class

At Sherwood Forest Elementary School on Federal Way, Ms. Callender’s second and third grade classes decided to create the Buddy Spot to tackle loneliness.

Study: Raising E-Cigarette Age Increases Teen Smoking | The Daily Caller

“We should regulate tobacco products proportionate to their risks, and evidence suggests they’re less risky products,” said the Cornell ‘s lead author Dr. Michael F. Pesko. “While there’s some risk, it would be a mistake to regulate them the same way we regulate cigarettes.”

DC Vape Group Vows To Fight FDA Regs And ‘Junk Science’ On E-Cigarettes

“One of the biggest challenges we face as an industry – and one that our industry has been outflanked on up until this point – is the rampant misinformation disseminated about our technology,” says Tony Abboud, VTA national legislative director.

Oh My! Michelle Fields and Ben Shapiro Resign from Breitbart after Fudging Story about Trump Campaign Manager – The Gateway Pundit

Video now proves that Fields exaggerated the story for some strange reason.

New video shows the contact (yes, contact was made), but it appears she may be embellishing a bit. Don’t know if the bruises are legit or not, but she wasn’t nearly thrown down to the ground as had been alleged.

Russia, , And Now Outclassing U.S. In Fight Against – Podcast

Russia destroys 472 ISIS targets in Syria bombing missions over the weekend | Daily Mail Online

Russian air force flew 141 bombing raids over this weekend, destroying almost 500 ISIS targets in the country

Russia Sends France A Puppy To Replace Diesel, The Police Dog That Died In Raid After Paris Attacks

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said the offering was a “sign of solidarity with the people and police of .” He shared a picture of the on Twitter and wrote a letter to France saying, “I ask you to accept from ‘s police dog handlers this shepherd puppy, who will be able to take his place in the ranks of Diesel, your dog who died doing his duty.”

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg among 3 Indiana mayors signing letter supporting Syrian refugees – 953MNC.com

Three Indiana mayors are among 62 U.S. mayors who’ve signed an open letter supporting the resettlement of refugees in the United States.

Federal Law Enforcement: ‘No Effective Means’ to Block ‘Prospective Terrorists Hidden Among Throngs of Refugees’ | TheBlaze.com

“The truth of the matter is there is no effective means or magical litmus test to assess prospective terrorists hidden among the throngs of refugees applying for entry into the United States,” said Nathan Catura, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.

China declares war on ISIS after terrorists claim to have executed Chinese hostage – Mirror Online

will join the war on ISIS after four of its citizens were killed by Islamist terror groups in two separate attacks this week.

Report: Canada to Exclude Single Men from Syrian Refugee Welcome Plan | TheBlaze.com

In an effort to prevent the infiltration of terrorists, the Canadian government is set to limit its Syrian acceptance program to only women, children and families, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported Sunday night.

Obama Blocking 75 Percent of Air Strikes Against ISIS

The Washington Free Beacon is reporting that U.S. military pilots fighting against the Islamic State in Iraq were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their ordnance on terror targets because the Obama administration would not give clearance to launch a strike.

Barack Obama Dropped Leaflets- Gave ISIS 45 Minutes Before Bombing Them – The Gateway Pundit

The worst part is that this is Obama’s version of an “escalation”. He could have taken out ISIS tanker trucks a long time ago, but then the drivers would have died. (Via J.E. Dyer)

Jordan’s King Abdullah: This Is a War ‘Within Islam’

President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Democratic presidential frontrunner can’t bring themselves to publicly acknowledge that Islam and “Muslims” are inextricably linked to . Remarkably, however, one Muslim world leader has no problem in speaking openly about the war “within Islam.”


Three Syrians traveling with fake Greek passports are being held in the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Maarten, authorities said, while officials in the Central American nation of Honduras reported detaining a Syrian and two Pakistanis traveling by bus Saturday.

DHS Knew Illegal Aliens Falsely Claimed “Credible Fear” to Stay in U.S. – Judicial Watch

The Obama administration let hundreds of illegal immigrants stay in the U.S. even though federal authorities knew in advance that an open borders group coached them to falsely claim “credible fear” to get asylum, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Congress Learned Of Syrian Refugees Entering The U.S. Just Recently

The Obama administration did not tell Congress, until recently, that Syrian Refugees were arriving in Louisiana. According to a House Homeland Security Committee aide, Congress did not know about 13 Syrian refugees who arrived in New Orleans over the past two fiscal years until it was reported by a local outlet 10 days ago.


The son of a New York mob boss has given Islamic State a stark warning, saying if they are planning any attacks in New York, they will have to contend with the Sicilian mafia. The notorious crime syndicate say they want to do their bit to protect locals.

Asylum Seekers Buying Fake Taliban Threat Letters to Get Into Europe

Afghan asylum seekers are buying fake Taliban threat letters in order to get into Europe.

Show Prep: Tues, Nov. 24

Putin: Downing Of Jet A ‘Stab In The Back’

However, a rebel group has said it shot dead the two pilots as they tried to land safely in northern after ejecting from the jet.


reportedly shot down a Russian SU-24 jet on Tuesday by Turkey near the Syria-Turkey border.

Syrian rebels chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ over the body of dead Russian pilot in video | Daily Mail Online

rebels chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’ over the dead body of a Russian pilot shot down by a Turkish jet today in shocking footage released shortly before a separate group blew up a chopper sent to find survivors.

California Girls Demand to Be Boy Scouts | Truth Revolt

Maybe their approach should have been to go to the Girl Scouts and say: Instead of painting our nails and clipping our — whatever they do — to do archery and do climbing. Going through that process.

ACLU wants judge to block Gov. Mike Pence’s refugee order – 953MNC.com

The Indianapolis Star reports that the American Civil Liberties Union of filed the lawsuit Monday night on behalf of Indianapolis-based nonprofit Exodus Immigration. It accuses Pence of violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by accepting refugees from other countries but not from Syria.

Far Left’s “Islamophobia” Poster Child Is Caught at Syrian Border Trying to Join ISIS

US Muslim Saadiq Long made headlines after he was not allowed to fly to Oklahoma from Qatar to see his ailing mother.

Oops! 150 Passengers from Mexico Skip Customs at JFK | Truth Revolt

When the plane landed, passengers walked out of the airport without having their passports or bags checked by Customs and Border Protection, sources told The .

Breaking: SHOTS FIRED! Several Wounded – In Standoff in French Border Town of Roubaix – The Gateway Pundit

Several people were reportedly wounded in a stand-off between officers and hostage-takers in the French border town of Roubaix.

Amazon plastered New York transit with Nazi imagery and nobody is happy

Blue Origin Lands First Reusable Private Rocket | The Daily Caller

, a private space company, announced Tuesday its New Shepard reusable rocket successfully flew 100.5 kilometers into space and returned to its launch site.

One Nativity Scene in Indiana County Is Swapping Baby Jesus With the Bill of Rights | TheBlaze.com

This Christmas, the Freedom from Religion Foundation will give their own nativity a nontraditional makeover. The hallowed scene — on display at the county courthouse — will include the Statue of Liberty, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, all huddled around a manger, cradling the Bill of Rights instead of Jesus.

Ahmed ‘Clock Kid’ Mohamed’s Family Demands $15 Million From City of Irving, School District — and That’s Not All | TheBlaze.com

Attorneys representing the family of Ahmed “clock kid” Mohamed sent a letter to Irving, Texas, officials demanding $15 million in compensation for “damages” as well as written apologies from the city’s mayor and police chief.

EXCELLENT! Charismatic Navajo Indian and Democratic Senator Switches Parties to GOP (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

Carlyle Begay, an Arizona state senator and , switched parties from Democrat to Republican this morning.

Gunfire erupts at the site of Black Lives Matter protest; 5 are injured – StarTribune.com

Protesters said at least two gunmen opened fire just outside of the Plymouth Ave. encampment.

VIDEO PROOF=> 5 Black Lives Matter Protesters Shot AFTER REPEATEDLY Beating White Videographers – The Gateway Pundit

The witnesses say the protesters pursued and caught with the three men, punching them again. The men made gestures as if reaching for their guns but apparently did not brandish them at that point.

University yoga class canceled because of ‘oppression, cultural genocide’ – The Washington Post

a class designed to include disabled students has been canceled after concerns the practice was taken from a culture that “experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy,” according to the group that once sponsored it.