Before The Left Accused Conservatives of Being “racist,” “homophobe,” “sexist,” “mean-spirited,” “insensitive” and much more

It’s been both amusing and frustrating watching the left pretend they’ve only started using this recently because Trump is just so horrible. The fact is, the political right already knew what liberals were going to say regardless of who got the GOP nomination. Every … single … major … it’s the same thing. The Republican is a racist, sexist, homophobe who cheats on their taxes and has some sexual impropriety. They will always be called a Nazi and fascist along with all of their supporters. Literally, every time.

When the right says the left’s constant vitriolic rhetoric is why Trump was elected, this is what we mean. We wanted someone who would finally fight back against these frivolous accusations. As a result of Trump fighting back, they’ve lost their collective minds because they’ve never had to deal with a fighter before.


Before The Left Accused Conservatives of Being “racist,” “homophobe,” “sexist,” “mean-spirited,” “insensitive” and much more


Related:Years Before Trump Ran, Democrats Labeled Republicans As Sub-Human Haters.

The above two links only go back to 2001 through 2017, but FDR was retroactively insinuating that was a Nazi in 1944, and was doing the same to 20 years later. A lie repeated for a three-quarters of a century by the side of the aisle that controls the culture just might gain a bit of traction eventually…

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Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, July 16

Hour 1

MELTDOWN: Far-Left Congresswomen Implode At Press Conference On Trump Tweets

The ‘Squad’ Gives a Gift to Donald Trump

VIDEO: Ocasio-Cortez is asked to condemn Antifa terror attack on ICE facility. Here’s her surprising response.

WATCH: Lindsey Graham UNLOADS: AOC And Her ‘Squad’ Are ‘Anti-American’ And ‘Communists’

Trump’s Attacks On Progressive ‘Squad’ Continue

Trump Fires At AOC And Friends: Apologize To America, Israel, For What You Have Said


Hour 2

American Health Care Treats Canadians Who Cannot Wait


Millennial Writer Cries at Work, Puts Mother on Speakerphone after Her Boss Corrects Her Spelling

Delay The Harriet Tubman Bill After All


Hour 3

CBP Chief Said Democratic Rhetoric Fueled Attempted Terrorist Attack On ICE Facility

‘I Can’t Breathe’: No Federal Charges For NYPD Officer After Eric Garner’s Death

New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s marriage history