Daily Show Prep: Tues, June 21

Daily : Tues, 21


Twitter Board Unanimously Approves Elon Musk’s $44 Billion Takeover Bid

‘We need to go in’: Uvalde footage reveals officers had guns, shields, tools – but no clear orders

Journalists and parents kicked out of Uvalde City Council meeting on school shooting

BREAKING: Uvalde shooting could have been stopped in ‘three minutes’: Texas police

Uvalde hires private law firm to block footage and audio from school shooting

“If there’s kids in there, we need to go in”: Officers in Uvalde were ready with guns, shields and tools — but not clear orders

Supreme Court rules Maine tuition program violates First Amendment for excluding religious schools


No, this does not violate Establishment Clause. compare oranges to dogs Toobin.

Gretchen Whitmer and Her Board of Education Look To Crush School Choice in Michigan

Hour 2

Yikes: DNC slashes price for photo with Harris at fundraiser due to weak demand

Indiana gas tax set to reach record high in July


Biden is considering supporting a gas tax holiday. Here’s how much drivers would save

YIKES: This Federal ‘Stimulus’ Program Cost Taxpayers $850k Per Job Saved, Study Finds

Joe Biden Officially Becomes the Most Unpopular Second-Year President in Recorded History

CNN Considers Major Staff Shake-Up Amid Tanking Ratings: Report

Hour 3

Catholic bishop kicks Catholic school out of the church after it flew LGBT and BLM flags

GOP Rep Reveals Frightening Possibility as Biden’s IRS Makes Unprecedented Purchases of Ammunition

If you need a reason to oppose “red flag” gun laws, this writer’s harrowing 12-year tale of terrifying stalking and harassment might just do the trick

Senate panel advances $858 billion bill that supports Ukraine, Taiwan, boosts munition production, kills the A-10, and requires women register for draft


Media Ignores Critics of ‘Hottest’ July Claims

These hyperbolic claims are now commonplace and easily dismissed with historical data.

“Hottest month in human ” has certain ring to it. But some scientists say that ring isn’t true.

Rolling Stone’s headline absurdly (and falsely) declared on Aug. 1, that July was “hottest month in human history.”

Although the story included the accurate caveat “recorded history,” Rolling Stone didn’t tell readers records only go back a limited period of time. For example, NOAA’s records began in 1880. That’s not even close to the totality of “human history.” It’s not even all of the history of the U.S.

Meteorologist and climate researcher Dr. Roy Spencer disputed that claim. He wrote that “July 2019 was not the warmest on ” because the claims were based on “a fairly limited and error-prone array of thermometers.” So did WeatherBell meteorologist Joe Bastardi. But their criticism didn’t prevent the media’s air hype.

“The last five Julys have been the five hottest of all time,”a CBS online by Sophie Lewis claimed. It’s amazing how CBS (or NOAA for that matter) could possibly know that since records have been kept for less than 150 years.

All those reports ignored critics like Spencer and Bastardi. A meteorologist and principal research scientist at the University of Alabama, Spencer criticized the media for reporting hottest month claims without nuance.

On Aug. 2, he argued that “current official pronouncements of global temperature records come from a fairly limited and error-prone array of thermometers which were never intended to measure global temperature trends.”

Spencer wrote that there are three flaws with those records including the impact of Urban Heat Island Effect at land thermometer sites, changing methods of recording ocean temperatures and “notoriously incomplete” geography (many places aren’t measured).

utilizing what he considered a more accurate measuring technique called “reanalysis,” Spencer found, “July 2019 was actually cooler than three Julys: 2016, 2002, and 2017, and so was [the] 4th warmest in 41 years. And being only 0.5 deg. F above average is not terribly alarming.”

Hmm. Fourth warmest in 41 years. Not exactly headline fodder.

Source: Hot or Not? Media Omit Critics of ‘Hottest’ July Claims, Hype Climate