Daily Show Prep: Friday, Aug. 26

Daily : , . 26


Affidavit Focuses on Documents; ‘Classification Markings,’ ‘National Defense Information’

United States v. Sealed Search Warrant

Biden Makes Eyebrow-Raising Comment About ‘Stealing’ Elections

Biden Has His ‘Deplorables’ Moment During DNC Event

President Biden just called on the wrong reporter and had to shut it down: “I took control. I shouldn’t do that. I’m not allowed to do that.” 😐

Washington Post Columnist Fails To Correct The Record Regarding Previously Alleged Investigation Into Former Trump Official

Hour 2

Hour 3


Voters Moving to the Right Across Almost Every Demographic, Says Massive Survey

Mark Zuckerberg Says Facebook Censored The Hunter Biden Laptop Story After The FBI Asked Them To Restrict Misinformation


FBI whistleblowers say senior officials ordered Bureau not to investigate Hunter Biden laptop

Twitter and Meta take down pro-U.S. propaganda campaign targeting Middle East

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Aug. 22

Daily : , . 22

Hour 1


CNN Boss Chris Licht Warns Anxious Staffers Over “More Changes” After Axing Of ‘Reliable Sources’ And Exit Of Brian Stelter

: Once coming shakeup at [CNN] is done, don’t expect Berman, Alisyn Camerota, , , Jake , John , and Don Lemon to still be at the network OR have current assignments.”

These 6 corporations control 90% of the media outlets in America. The illusion of choice and objectivity

These 15 Billionaires Own America’s News Media Companies

FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Team Holds Off-The-Record Journalist Dinner Ahead Of 2016 Announcement

: HHS paid media to advertise COVID vax as outlets gave positive coverage

FLASHBACK: BREAKING: Outlets Slam NewsGuard for Propaganda Report Boosting Left-Wing News

FLASHBACK: CNN Actively Campaigns to Remove Newsmax, OAN From Cable Television

Hour 2

Kash Patel Drops a BOMBSHELL: “I Know for a FACT Obama Has Classified Access…”

Oops! I Did It Again: Media repeats Russia collusion mistakes

Poll: FBI’s Mar-A-Lago raid has eroded trust in the agency

FBI Sought Documents Trump Hoarded for Years, Including about Russiagate


Trump: Major Motion to Be Filed Following FBI Ransacking of Mar-a-Lago

Old Case Involving Bill Clinton Could Have Major Impact on Mar-a-Lago Raid

Russiagate binder has unreleased messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page: Report

Mayor Pete wants airlines to end delays with no instructions as to how

Read Letter From NY Attorney General Letitia James Threatening Church Hosting Trump-Friendly Event

Hour 3

German insurance claims hint at millions of unreported vaccine injuries



Australian bank announces it will BAN loans for petrol or diesel cars in order to fight climate change and encourage electric vehicles

Trump Files Lawsuit Seeking ‘Special Master’ to Review Seized Materials

Elon Musk Subpoenas Ex-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey

How The Big Lie That “Electric Vehicles Will Save The Planet” Is Quickly Unraveling

Judge blocks Interior Department’s pause on oil and gas leases in 13 states

Western Is Openly Embracing Nazis Now?

I know, you are sick and tired of everyone flippantly throwing around the word ‘.’ So am I. The frivolous use of the word as a catch-all slur for anyone liberals disagree with is annoying. However, real neo-Nazis do exist. A lot of them are in Ukraine.

Point of clarification since people are inevitably going to take this out of context.

Ukraine is not a Nazi country. Most of the country is very tolerant. In the east, however, there are Nazis. Not as many as Putin would have you believe, but they are there and they have committed crimes against the people Putin is claiming to protect.

Recently, the UK Daily Mail ran this headline:

Russian separatist warlord who led Neo-Nazi ‘Sparta’ mob is shot dead during battle in eastern Ukraine town in fresh blow to Putin’s floundering invasion

Interesting that the Russians are alleging the Ukrainians are Nazis and now the Western media is declaring Russian allies as Nazis. Zhoga is called a neo-Nazi in dozens of Western media outlets after he was killed. No one provides any actual evidence of this.

For the , Zhoga has been accused of and appears to have admitted to war crimes. He’s no peach. But is he a neo-Nazi?

I can’t find anything about Zhoga or the Sparta Battalion (who DM refers to as a ‘mob’) being Nazis. I have found a LOT about them accusing Ukrainians of being Nazis and fighting against those Nazis murdering their people.

In fact, even in the Daily Mail’s article accusing Zhoga of being a neo-Nazi, they printed that the announcement of his death accused the Ukrainians of being Nazis.

Sparta fights for the DPR. Denis Pushilin is the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). He announced the death of Zhoga on his Telegram.

He was mortally wounded while ensuring the exit of civilians from this settlement. Scouts “Sparta” covered the evacuation of civilians, mostly women and children. The Nazis opened fire on them…

The Nazis in this announcement are the Ukrainian forces. The head of the DPR said Zhoga was killed protecting civilians from the Nazis who opened fire on the civilians.

The Daily Mail published that nearly halfway down their article after they accused Sparta of being neo-Nazis. Daily Mail either missed it, as did everyone else repeating the , or they are intentionally lying to you.

It gets worse …

Look at this screengrab from just a few minutes before I wrote this article.

That’s the Wikipedia page on the Sparta Battalion. There is no reference to them being neo-Nazis in the entire article. Zero results for ‘neo’ for ‘Nazi’ and for ‘white.’ No one has considered Sparta Battalion to be neo-Nazi before now when it suits the Western powers that be to push that narrative.

Now, look at this from the search results for that exact same Wikipedia article:

The search results for that Wikipedia page claim Sparta are neo-Nazis but the actual article doesn’t … yet.

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger recently:

Larry Sanger has warned that the website can no longer be trusted — insisting it is now just “propaganda” for the left-leaning “establishment.”

“If only one version of the facts is allowed then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power,” he said.

“There’s a global enforcement of a certain point of view on issues like COVID,” he insisted.

The Ukrainian AZOV Battalion is widely recognized as neo-Nazis. The US government attempted to ban any funding of them with Ukrainian aid packages. A ban that was removed for … reasons.

AZOV Battalion – NBC News

NBC – News: German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers

The Ukrainian AZOV Battalion and the DPR Sparta Battalion are enemies. Are the neo-Nazi groups fighting each other? Why does Sparta constantly refer to their enemies as Nazis in a derogatory way?

It seems that Sparta Battalion and their former leader Vladimir Zhoga are not actually neo-Nazis but are, in fact, in a war against actual neo-Nazi units.

Sidebar: The AZOV Battalion used to be a privately funded gang that was funded by rich oligarchs but was officially absorbed into the Ukrainian Guard by former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. Poroshenko praised AZOV as:

“These are our best warriors,” he said at an awards ceremony in 2014. “Our best volunteers.”

In fact, so did NATO’s Atlantic Council.

40 members of the US Congress tried to have AZOV declared a terrorist organization. This is a great writeup about that situation:

Is the Azov Battalion a terrorist organization as 40 US House Democrats claim?

This brings me to the next story.

Russian soldier THREATENS Ukrainians with two grenades in his hands, demands surrender

Remember that story? The mayor of Konotop appealed to the city and asked if they wanted to fight or surrender. They chose to fight. I even covered it on my show. A harrowing story of bravery, ? What I didn’t know is that the mayor being lionized by the West is a for-real neo-Nazi.

His name is Artem Semenikhin. He’s the mayor of Konotop in the North East of Ukraine.

From 2015:

Local Jews in shock after Ukrainian city of Konotop elects neo-Nazi mayor

According to reports, Semenikhin drives around in a car bearing the number 14/88, a numerological reference to the phrases “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” and “Heil Hitler”; replaced the picture of President Petro Poroshenko in his office with a portrait of Ukrainian national leader and Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera; and refused to fly the city’s official flag at the opening meeting of the city council because he objected to the star of David emblazoned on it. The flag also features a Muslim crescent and a cross.

Oh my.

From 2019:

Anti-Semitic politician beaten in Ukraine

Ex-mayor of Konotop severely maimed, attack linked to his political activity

Semenikhin attempted to run for Parliament and a mayor was elected in Konotop but died of COVID shortly after that in late 2020.

Oleksandr Luhovyi, who was elected mayor of Konotop in the October 25 election, has died from an illness

New were held and Artem Semenikhin regained his old post as mayor of Konotop.

Given that Artem Semenikhin is a neo-Nazi with a criminal history, why did PBS put him on their programming to promote his bravery?

PBS Hosts Neo-Nazi Ukraine Mayor, Blurs Image of ‘Hitler Accomplice’ Behind Him.

Now, when I covered the story of Konotop’s ‘surrender or die’ predicament, I didn’t know who Semenikhin was. I could forgive PBS for the same except they tipped their hand.

You see, behind Semenikhin in the PBS story is a painting of Stepan Bandera. Bandera was a Ukrainian politician and Nazi sympathizer during WWII. PBS knew that and that’s why they blurred the painting out.

Here’s the picture blurred on the wall of Stepan Bandera:

Screenshot for posterity:

I suppose you could say PBS didn’t do this intentionally and it was just a standard blur filter that streamers use all the time, but I’d find that claim dubious, at best.

Just so we are clear … Western media seems to have falsely accused a -Russian commander and his whole unit of being neo-Nazis when they are actively engaged in hostilities with a confirmed neo-Nazi unit while PBS knowingly put neo-Nazi on their programming and hid a painting of a well-known Nazi ally hanging on his wall while they did it.

Good thing the West has banned all Russian media outlets so their narrative doesn’t get challenged like with so many fake Ukrainian stories exposed so far in the conflict.