BREAKING: Reporter Blows The Whistle On Fox Censorship

Fox 26 reporter went viral after letting everyone know she was going to expose corruption and censorship at in during a live segment. She also stated that she was going to do so with the help of .

Today, the story broke and she has a hell of a story to tell.

Full story at PV:

BREAKING: NJ President Will “Bend the Truth,” Cover Up in Schools, Protects Drug-Using, Shoplifting Teachers – Project Veritas

I’ve highlighted how this plays out in the Clark County School District in Nevada several times on my show over the years.

A investigation, recorded on March 27th 2018, has shown Hamilton Township Education Association President, , detail the steps the teacher’s union would take to protect a teacher who physically abused and threatened middle school students from losing their job.

Dr. Perry says he would misrepresent the events of altercations between teachers and students by back-dating reports and instructed the teacher to not tell anybody about incidents with students.

By failing to report this incident, Dr. Perry may have broken the law. According to New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families, “In New Jersey, any person having reasonable cause to believe a child has been subjected to abuse or acts of abuse should immediately report this information…”

The union president also stressed that a teacher who abuses his students needs to come to the union after any incident so that they can create a report that would best protect them from students that come forward about abuse.

Source: BREAKING: NJ Teachers Union President Will “Bend the Truth,” Cover Up Child Abuse in Schools, Protects Drug-Using, Shoplifting Teachers – Project Veritas

Wednesday, June 28 – Hour 1 Podcast


CNN faced $100M lawsuit over botched Russia story | New York Post

The specter of a $100 million libel suit scared into retracting a poorly reported story that slimed an ally of President Trump’s — and forcing out the staffers responsible for it, The Post has learned.

Buzzfeed: CNN Has a Sad After Fake News Scandal – Breitbart

CNN sources described a glum environment in the wake of the resignations, as staffers watched conservative commentators like Fox ‘ Sean Hannity revel in CNN’s pain.

CNN’s Van Jones Calls Russia A ‘Nothing Burge | The Daily Caller

CNN commentator  called the  story a “nothing burger” in the second CNN-related video released by this week.

Indiana College Offers Certificate For SocJus | The Daily Caller

An college offers a “ Certificate” for students and faculty who take workshops on racism, privilege and safe spaces, Campus Reform reported Tuesday.

Plastic Bag Bans Are in Retreat Across the Country – Hit & Run :

In May the Minnesota legislature passed a state-wide preemption on bag bans, overturning Minneapolis’s local prohibition. Iowa did the same in April, and over the past year, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana, have all passed restrictions on local governments banning and taxing bags.


Daily : Tuesday, October 18

‘How to Commit Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale’: Part II of Project Veritas Investigation into Clinton Network – Breitbart

The second video in James O’Keefe’s investigation of the 2016 election reveals what O’Keefe describes as “Democratic Party operatives tell[ing] us how to successfully commit on a massive scale.”

Trump’s Not the Only One Who Thinks the System Is Rigged

On Sunday afternoon, Trump tweeted, “This election absolutely is being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary–but also at many polling places–SAD.”

BREAKING: Secretary of State John Kerry Demanded Julian Assange’s Internet Be Cut Off

said Tuesday that Secretary of State asked Ecuador to stop WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, from publishing leaked emails that could disrupt peace negotiations with a guerrilla group in Colombia.

FBI Notes: Clinton Routinely Breached Security And Diplomatic Protocol – Breitbart

As Secretary of State, routinely breached security and diplomatic protocol, according to an interview with a professional who served on Clinton’s protective detail.

Journalists shower Hillary Clinton with campaign cash | Center for Public Integrity

Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton: About 430 people who work in journalism have, through August, combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee, the Center for Public Integrity’s analysis indicates.

FBI Docs: Hillary Clinton Removed Furniture from State Department

An unnamed staffer disclosed to the FBI that Hillary Clinton and her staff took lamps and from the State Department to furnish Clinton’s D.C. residence, according to FBI documents.

Daily : Monday, October 17

Hour 1

South Bend Police cleared in arrest of Notre Dame’s Devin Butler – 95.3 MNC

‘s chief says the officers involved in the arrest of Notre Dame football player Devin Butler have been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Notre Dame’s Devin Butler pleads guilty to resisting arrest – 95.3 MNC

A suspended Notre Dame football player has entered a plea of guilty to a class A misdemeanor of resisting arrest.

Indiana State Police calls allegations of voter registration fraud “completely false” – 95.3 MNC

“Every allegation by Patriot Majority USA against the is completely false. In fact, it is clear from evidence documented to date that we have uncovered intentional acts of fraud by representatives of Patriot Majority USA,” said Captain David Bursten, Chief Public Information Office for the State Police.

JUDGE JEANINE Speaks With Witnesses Who TOTALLY DEBUNK Trump Groper Accusers (VIDEO)

Judge Jeanine spoke with two who totally debunked two Trump accusers.

Hour 2

Judge dismisses Newtown families’ lawsuit against gun maker

A judge on Friday dismissed a wrongful-death by families against the maker of the rifle used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting massacre, citing an embattled federal law that shields gun manufacturers from most lawsuits over criminal use of their products.

Hillary Clinton: ‘Incomprehensible’ that Gun Makers Aren’t Liable for Misuse of Stolen Guns – Breitbart

Hillary Clinton responded to the dismissal of the suit by calling it “incomprehensible” and reaffirmed her determination to change laws so that crime victims can sue gun manufacturers.

Google Introduces new Fact-checker thanks to all of the political lies being spread – HYPELINE

COMMENTS That’s right! You can finally call out bias wherever you may see it now thanks to Google. Well, you could have before, but now it’s much easier!

BLM protesters block traffic, attack cars at IU-Bloomington

One frustrated driver sought to drive slowly through the crowd of protesters, apparently hoping they would clear a path, but the students merely banged on and shattered a portion of his windshield.

Hour 3

O’Keefe Reveals ‘Bird-Dogging’ to Incite Violence at Trump Events

The goal of “”: to create a sense of “anarchy” around Donald Trump that would undermine his political support. Often, the tactic uses the most vulnerable people — including the elderly and disabled — to maximize shock value.

Attorney for ‘Bird-Dogging’ Victim: Assault Charges a ‘Hoax’

An attorney for Richard L. Campbell, the man accused of punching a protester outside a Donald Trump rally in Asheville, North Carolina, last month tells Breitbart that a new video produced by James O’Keefe’s showing a Democratic consultant claiming responsibility for the incident should exonerate her client.

‘Quid pro quo’: FBI files show top State official tried to ‘influence’ bureau on Clinton emails | Fox News

A senior State Department official proposed a “quid pro quo” to convince the FBI to strip the classification on an email from Hillary Clinton’s server – and repeatedly tried to “influence” the bureau’s decision when his offer was denied, even taking his plea up the chain of command, according to newly released FBI documents.