Daily Show Prep: Wed, Aug. 23

Daily : Wed, . 23


Man removed from Fort Worth ISD board meeting while reading book pulled from shelves

Russian Wagner Group warlord Prigozhin was on plane that crashed, killing 10, officials say

Modelo topples Bud Light to become America’s best-selling beer for the year

Hour 2

Family Criminally Charged After Turning In 178 Tons of Recyclable Cans and Bottles – California Didn’t Like This


India nails lunar landing, becoming first nation to park a spacecraft on moon’s south pole

Disney fan site says ‘climate change’ is causing less attendance at parks, ignores price jumps

No Charges for Mich. Hero Who Shot at Would-Be Robber While Holding 6-Pack

Hour 3

Trump PAC Trolls GOP Debate w/ ‘Vice Presidential Debate 2024′

Names of Maui’s 1,000+ missing to be released by FBI later this week

CNN Pummeled for Praising Biden’s Performance at ‘Evil’ and ‘Vile’ Maui Visit

Daily Show Prep: Monday, June 6

Daily : , 6


78-years ago

Monday Marks The 78-Year Anniversary Of D-Day

Colwell: The only thing that stops a bad guy with a howitzer …

Jack Colwell is blithering idiot who isn’t even wise enough to know he doesn’t know he’s talking about.

Private Cannon Ownership in Early America

I destroyed stupid Jack Colwell article a while .


Hour 2 & 3


Tampa Bay Rays players decline to wear LGBT logos on uniform for pride event

Texas lawmaker to bring bill to BAN minors from drag shows

My interview with gubernatorial Tudor Dixon
Online magazine tells dads to “ABSOLUTELY” bring kids to Pride parades with “nudity and kink”

Yeah, no. can kiss my ass.

Elections Security Watchdog Blows the Whistle on Serious Vulnerabilities in Dominion Voting Systems Machines

You don’t say …


Sleep-deprived medical staff ‘pose same danger on roads as drunk drivers’

Kyle Rittenhouse Lawyers Up: Likely Target is Facebook and Ten or Twelve Others

Daily : Wednesday, August 10

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/gas-prices-expected-to-spike-20-cents-in-michiana-95-3-mnc-news/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://953mnc.com/2016/08/10/state-senator-plans-new-push-indiana-hate-crimes-law/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://madworldnews.com/scumbag-complains-veteran-hat/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/09/62-year-old-man-attacked-with-crowbar-for-wearing-trump-t-shirt/” target=”_blank”]


[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/10/giuliani-democrats-try-to-demonize-trump-because-of-criminal-clinton-video/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/09/flashback-hillary-clinton-hinted-obama-assassination-2008/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/why-obama-and-everyone-else-needs-to-shut-up-about-violent-rhetoric/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.foxla.com/news/187504282-story” target=”_blank”]

I actually know Victor from my days on KXNT Las Vegas. He says article has some inaccuracies. He rents the , and ‘t sure if this woman is responsible for the thefts.

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/08/budget-crunched-va-has-167-interior-designers-on-staff/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://hypeline.org/va-hospital-300000-worth-of-tvs/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/08/06/federal-court-says-irs-may-still-be-targeting-conservatives/?singlepage=true” target=”_blank”]