Joe Biden DID Suffer Medical Emergency – Shocking Details from Police Tapes!

Joe DID Suffer – Shocking Details from Tapes!

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police (Metro) recordings have been released by the Oversight Project. The tapes were obtained by FOIA request.

The recordings confirm my sources inside Metro that the medical emergency story involving Joe Biden wasn’t a .

At the time was no public confirmation Biden suffered a medical emergency but my sources were solid. It appears other had reliable sources too. I wasn’t the only one this, nor was I the first. We all independently confirmed the story was true, but the media continued to insist it was a wild conspiracy theory. As they’ve done hundreds of times before.

The media has a habit of playing the ‘without evidence’ and losing.

Red State has the tapes from the FOIA request.

The Las Vegas Metro tapes show police were requested to respond to a ‘Code 3’ emergency.

About 21 minutes into the clip one of the officers asks if another is available for a phone call, and the next thing said is, “For everybody on the , now they’re on a hold for something regarding the President.

Not long that, this comes across the radio:

“For everyone on the radio, right now POTUS is 421. He’s being seen, so we’re just kinda waiting to see how this is shaping out. So, for everybody’s knowledge, he’s 421 right now; we’re just trying to figure out what’s going on and we’re gonna go from there.”

421 is the code for ‘Sick or Injured Person.’

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

Police Abuse Happens To Everyone, Not Just Blacks

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, July 23

Daily : , July 23


Nolte: Kimberly Cheatle Says No Radio Communications Were Recorded on Trump Shooting Day

BREAKING: Secret Service director to resign (finally). Details here.

Hour 2

Chick-fil-A dethroned as America’s favorite fast-food chain

This animator for Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Disney was just arrested for, you guessed it, possessing child porn

: on Kimberly Cheatle

Michigan Police: 80-Year-Old Trump Supporter Run Over in ‘Politically Motivated’ Attack

‘Insurrection’: Activists Invade Capitol Office to Oppose Netanyahu Speech

Hour 3

City unveils plan for vibrant ‘Welcome to Fort Wayne’ signs

‘t fan

Elkhart enhancing Toll Road overpass with multimillion-dollar revitalization project

Casey isn’t a fan either

Heritage Foundation: Cell phone data connected to Trump shooter’s house can be tracked to DC “in the same vicinity of an FBI office” … and that’s not all

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, June 26

Daily : , 26

Hour 1


Color Me Shocked: Special Counsel Admits to FBI Tampering of Mar-a-Lago Documents

Rep. Lauren Boebert wins GOP primary after switching Colorado districts; Hurd, Crank also notch wins

Fire-alarm lover Jamaal Bowman lost his expensive primary last night and seemed a bit … unstable during his concession speech

Supreme Court tosses case that would prevent government from coercing social media to censor people. Check out Alito’s outraged dissent.

Hour 2

VIDEO: We now have living robot skin that can smile. Let the nightmares begin!

Rep. Banks tells Speaker Johnson House GOP should support Bannon legal defense

WaPo says “we’ve been accidentally cooling the planet … while warming it” … I’ve done my best to translate the clown speak for ya 🥴

Saying “good morning” is racist now, according to this woman

Hour 3

WikiLeaks’ Assange pleads guilty to publishing US military secrets in deal that secures his freedom


Julian Assange ‘phoned the White House to warn of risk to lives’ over Wikileaks release

He added: “You can accurately describe this chapter of case as lies, lies and lies.”

Mr Summers said WikiLeaks had begun redacting 250,000 documents in November 2010, working with partners around the world.

He added: “That process involved the US and feeding suggested redactions to the media.

“Knowing the US government was involved in the redaction process, can it be in any way said the request represents a fair or accurate representation of occurred?”

Mr Summers blamed the leaks on a 2011 book from The Guardian WikiLeaks, which contained a 58-key password.

18 revelations from Wikileaks’ hacked Clinton emails

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, June 26

Daily : , 15


UN revises Gaza death toll, almost 50% less women and children killed than previously reported

Alvin Bragg Deleted Phone Call Records Of Michael Cohen And Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer

‘Mr. Fix-It’ Michael Cohen bombs on the stand, offers no new evidence to convict Trump

‘Kangaroo Court’: Denying Mistrial Over Stormy Daniels’ Testimony Is One Of Many Mistakes By Judge, Legal Experts Say

: Tithe with

Hour 2

California teens awarded over $1 million after wrongly expulsion for alleged blackface

Shrimp’s Carbon Footprint Is 10 Times Greater Than Beef’s

St. Joseph County Democrat Candidate Is Power Of Attorney For The Tiger King

St. Joseph County Is Power Of For Tiger King

Ah, the primaries are behind us. Now onto the general .

Primaries are always ugly affairs. The inexperienced always take them too seriously. ‘s like a family battle royale at Thanksgiving. Most of the , fences are mended. Sometimes they ‘t. Rarely do general elections, outside of the presidency, reach the climax of insanity you see in primary elections. Especially in smaller races.

Well, that’s about to change.

District I is the hotbed of attention in Michiana. The primary was ugly for Republicans. For such a small race, it was all a bit out of proportion. However, what if I told you the general election race for District I was even MORE interesting?

Republican Andy Rutten is the GOP nominee. Tami Springer is the Democratic nominee.

New Main Pg

Follow me down the rabbit whole …

Tami Springer has worked for the University of Notre Dame for 42 years. She’s raised 7 and “coordinated our annual college food drive for 19 years in a row for the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry. I served on the Board of the South Bend League of Women Voters and I was President of the Staff Advisory Council at Notre Dame.”

Pretty vanilla political stuff. But …

She’s also the power of attorney for Joe Freakin Exotic, the Tiger King!

Yes, this guy:


The ‘that B!tc# Carole Baskin!’ guy.

Tiger King Netflix

Yeah, and you thought the District I primary was spicy.

In July, 2022, she went on the I Helped Make That podcast (#19) to about her journey getting to know the Tiger King and becoming his power of attorney.

In the podcast, she tells you how she became prison pen pals with Joe Exotic after watching the show. She thought he was innocent, was set up, and was mad he was in prison. After the fourth letter, Joe Exotic started emailing her. A few months later they started speaking on the phone. Eventually, Joe Exotic wanted an online store to cash in on his new fame. He also wanted to change his power of attorney to someone ‘he could trust.’ That person was Tami Springer. On the podcast, she says they talk on the phone every day. She became his power of attorney after season 2 of Tiger King.

Osceola woman manages Joe Exotic’s web store and has his power of attorney

An Indiana University journalism professor said that Indiana will work its way into every story. Happy, sad, good, bad. There is a Hoosier connection. Probably not all the time, but it does seem to come up that way.

Here’s the next one: “Tiger King.” Yes, that one. Tami Springer, of Osceola, manages the website store for Joe Exotic and is his executive assistant and power or attorney. “No one believes me. They think I’m crazy,” she said. It all started when she began to write to him.

Tami Springer leads a demonstration in Oklahoma in 2021.

Just last year she helped Joe Exotic in a public feud with Florida Seminoles quarterback Jordan Travis.

She doesn’t seem to mention this on her campaign site. I guess taking over as power of attorney for an ‘innocent’ man to help get him out of prison isn’t campaign-worthy in St. Joseph County.

Fierce Sunglasses Off

Tiger King was good fun and very entertaining. I still use the memes from that show regularly. Many might think it’s a far cry from engaging in the lore of the show to actually becoming pen pals and taking over as power of attorney for a guy sitting in prison. Especially considering what his convictions are for. Let alone his other accusations of grooming young boys.

Also, Joe Exotic is accused of being pretty racist.

Joe Exotic is ‘categorically racist’ and ‘unsettling’ examples of his bigotry were left out of the show, the directors of Netflix’s Tiger King claim

I’m not done with the rabbit hole yet.

Accusations have been made that Tami Springer my be defrauding Tiger King fans.

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Please keep in mind, I have no way of knowing if this is true or not. The whole realm of Joe Exotic stuff is shady as hell.

There are several more accusations online about Tami Springer and potential fraud. I’m looking into it further. There’s even reports that Joe Exotic himself isn’t happy with how Tami Springer always seems to be looking for media attention.

Stay tuned to this one folks. Make sure you sign up for my newsletter.

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