Lawsuit: Stole Blood Of Newborn Babies


claims stole blood of

If you were born in Michigan in July 1984 or later, you may be among more than five million people whose blood is being held by the state of Michigan, some of which may be used in medical research.

A federal lawsuit, filed by Saginaw County Attorney on behalf of a group of Michigan parents, argues that the practice is unconstitutional and there are no protections in place to stop police or others from accessing the information that can be derived from stored .

The lawsuit does not aim to stop newborn testing, Ellison said, but to give control back to parents and guardians.

“Essentially, the state has stolen consent from parents,” Ellison said.

He learned about Michigan’s process of drawing infant blood works when he became a father in September, and said he’s fighting for the rights of his newborn son and others to make their own choice about their blood.

Source: Federal lawsuit claims Michigan stole blood of newborn babies |