Penn-Harris Madison Schools Resume Without DEI Officer

Penn-Harris Madison Resume Without Officer

As PHM returns to school , you’ll notice some changes exclusively covered by over past few months.

On April 15, 2024, we covered that PHM Schools were dropping the DEI officer position.

Breaking: PHM Eliminates DEI Officer Position

Despite having multiple sources within the school district confirming this, we were called liars.

Protestations we were wrong aside … a few days later hammer at PHM.

PHM Student Handbook Changes Are Interesting

PHM stripped DEI from handbooks.

All that was left was for the school board to make it official, would be no DEI officer at PHM for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

On 20, 2024 … they did just that.

PHM Confirms My Exclusive Story Was Correct

As we’ve been telling you the whole , DEI will be hidden, renamed, and will rear its ugly head again. However, this was a victory against a horrible discriminatory .

Unfortunately, some people just couldn’t accept this and continue, to this day, to deny the DEI officer position is perpetually vacant. It wasn’t ‘eliminated’ they say. It was just left vacant indefinitely and funding for it ceased with no plans to ever revive the position or its funding.

Totally not the same thing folks.

Today is back-to-school for PHM, and they do not have a DEI officer for the district.

PHM’s staff directory before …

PHM’s staff directory now …

You can verify this on their website.

Joe Biden DID Suffer Medical Emergency – Shocking Details from Police Tapes!

Joe DID Suffer – Shocking Details from Tapes!

Las Vegas Metropolitan Department (Metro) recordings have been released by the Oversight Project. The tapes were obtained by a FOIA request.

The recordings confirm my sources inside Metro that the medical emergency story involving Joe Biden wasn’t a conspiracy theory.

At the time there was no public confirmation Biden suffered a medical emergency but my sources were solid. It appears other people had reliable sources . I wasn’t the only one this, nor was I the first. We all independently confirmed the story was true, but the media continued to insist it was a wild conspiracy theory. As they’ve done hundreds of times before.

The media has a habit of playing the ‘without evidence’ and losing.

State has the tapes from the FOIA request.

The Las Vegas Metro tapes show police were requested to respond to a ‘Code 3’ emergency.

About 21 minutes into the clip one of the officers asks if another is available for a phone call, and the next thing said is, “For everybody on the , now they’re on a hold for something regarding the .

Not long after that, this comes across the radio:

“For everyone on the radio, right now POTUS is 421. He’s being seen, we’re just kinda to see how this is shaping out. So, for everybody’s knowledge, he’s 421 right now; we’re just trying to figure out what’s going on and we’re gonna go from there.”

421 is the code for ‘Sick or Injured Person.’

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

Police Abuse Happens To Everyone, Not Just Blacks

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, August 8

Daily : , 8


Granger’s Sarah Hildebrandt clinches gold in the Paris Olympics

China, Caught Doping, Demands More Tests for U.S. Olympians

Screenshot 2024.08.08 15 59 40

Hour 2

Brandywine School Board website and contact information

Brandywine School Board debates Title IX police changes

Metro briefs: Employers at Rep. Jim Banks’ job fair at PFW to have more than 1,800 openings

Police warn Hoosiers crossing state lines for weed, following Ohio’s legalization

Hour 3

Here’s the full press release from Walz’s campaign proving he knew they were deploying before quitting the National Guard.

Naturally, have to JD ‘s to deflect from Walz’s .

UNRWA Spent Months Denying It Works With Hamas. Then It Fired Nine Staffers for Participating in the Oct. 7 Massacre.

Daily Show Prep: Friday, Aug. 2

Daily : , . 2


is infuriating

JD Vance rips Kamala Harris for more word salad — ‘significance of the power of diplomacy’

Second ‘failed gender test’ boxer Lin Yu-Ting WINS opening fight at the Olympics via unanimous decision – after being cleared to compete in women’s event despite eligibility row – before opponent leaves the ring in TEARS

Recreational cannabis sales coming to Ohio Tuesday

Hour 2

People are wondering if Joe Biden accidentally boarded this plane thinking it was Air Force One

Delphi murders: Expert reveals details about girls’ deaths, safekeeping order vacated

Disaster: U.S. Economy Added Just 114,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment Surges

Hundreds of noncitizens removed from voter rolls in Ohio

That Thing That’s Not Happening Happened AGAIN: AL Democrat Arrested on FELONY VOTER FRAUD Charges

Hour 3

Biden-Harris FDA recommended puberty blockers to minors despite noting that the drugs are associated with an “increased risk of depression and suicidality”

Britain’s Royal Air Force Crusaders drop nickname after single complaint: It may be “offensive” to Muslims

Biden DHS Alleged To Have Tried To Suppress Critical Jan. 6 Report

The United States will not recognize Maduro’s “victory” in Venezuelan election, acknowledges his rival as the winner

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, July 31

Daily : , July 31


Coronation Complete: Harris Sole Candidate to Qualify for DNC Roll Call

Report: Kamala Harris Will Hold First Rally With Running Mate Next Week After Announcement

Video: Megan Thee Stallion Performs Song About Her ‘Fat Pu**y’ at Kamala Harris Campaign Rally

Video of People Leaving Kamala Harris’ Rally DURING the Speech Indicates Many Weren’t There for HER

Olympians Fly In Emergency Eggs And Meat To Cope With ‘Vegan Olympics’

Aussie Swimming Star Slams ‘Ridiculous’ Woke Olympics Village Schemes, ‘Cost Her a Record’

Polish sports journalist dismissed from Olympics coverage for describing John Lennon’s “Imagine” as “a vision of communism”

Lennon’s “Imagine” has been described as “virtually ” by Lennon himself

This Texas school allows seniors to paint murals in their parking spots, but two students are being forced to paint over theirs 🤔

Hour 2

Terrorist Simps: Networks Whine About Israel Sending Terror Leaders to Hell

Officer fatally shoots armed man on Indiana college campus

Hour 3

Why does the FBI keep lying about the attempted assassination of Trump?

Doctors pull 26-inch EEL out of a man’s backside after he forced the live creature into his anus (along with a lemon)… and it started to bite his large intestine